Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5736: The fall of the Chen family


The white-haired middle-aged man screamed: "Stop! Boy, stop! We can talk!"

Yes, talk about it!

At this moment, he was really scared, from the bottom of his heart.

Because he found that this storm had a strong suppression on him.

Tsk tsk tsk!

At this time, he was being dragged in bit by bit by the storm, and the cold wind scratched his skin. With his tenth-level body, he was as vulnerable to the storm as a candle in the wind.

The skin immediately started to bleed.

Chu Yan was not surprised when he saw this, but felt it was normal.

How strong was the storm?

After Chu Yan cultivated the Five Elements Hegemony, he thought that his physical body was almost invincible, but in the end, it was not only destroyed in this storm but also in a very embarrassing state.

You know, that is the law of Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

Chu Yan currently knows the most powerful technique in the world, but the result is just that.

It has no effect at all.

Chu Yan looked on indifferently.


Nothing to talk about.

He wasn't prepared to talk either.

From the moment he entered the Chen family, the place was destined to be destroyed, especially after he exposed his identity as a giant, there was nothing to talk about.

"No, no!!! Stop, please, please!!!"

The white-haired middle-aged man kept screaming and being scared.

The older a person reaches his age, the more frightened he becomes. He has lived for too long, how can he die?

This is also normal. If you recall carefully, most of the truly passionate people are young people. Once people get older, they become more afraid of death.

Chu Yan said calmly: "Don't struggle. This storm may not be able to kill you, but you should be trapped inside now."


Chu Yan also discovered that although the storm was very lethal, it was ultimately a large formation that mainly focused on seals.

So when it comes to killing the white-haired man, Chu Yan doesn't have much hope.

But it's okay to seal it inside.

This is the formation created by Qin Ruomeng.

The white-haired middle-aged man saw Chu Yan unable to talk and gradually being swallowed up by the storm. His eyes began to become ferocious: "Boy, you will regret it! You will definitely regret it! This world, this nothingness, is far from what you imagined. Simple, you don’t know what you are doing! You will definitely get retribution.”

Chu Yan sneered: "Don't worry, I will take you on the road with me when I die."

The white-haired man made a vicious voice: "I curse you..."

Chu Yan shook his head.

This threat... is really weak.

Of course, he didn't say much.

Curse if you curse.


For a moment, the white-haired man was forcibly dragged in by the storm. Just like the black dragon before, he was sealed inside by the storm. No matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

Chu Yan reached out and made a move, and the storm quickly turned into a white jade plate, and then flew back to his hand.

After he got the jade plate, he ignored the roar in the jade plate.

He looked around at the remaining people, and the Chen family's biggest crisis was solved.

Now only these shrimp soldiers and crab generals are left.

Chu Yan waited for a while and found that there was no movement in the absence of the Chen family. This was considered a correct bet for him.

The Chen family only has one Level 10 person.

"It seems that level 10 solipsism is still very precious, not to the level of a big cabbage."

"Not only level ten, level nine is also very scarce."

Chu Yan always thought that when it came to the Chen family, there weren't many dogs at level nine?

But when we came to the Chen family, only ten ninth-level people had appeared so far, and 7 of them were still sleeping elders.

This means that there are very few solipsistic beings at level nine in nothingness.

Of course, this step is really difficult.

Let alone level nine, even level eight is very difficult for me.

To reach level eight, you must have a true Taoist heart.

Chu Yan didn't think much about it.

This is also a good thing.

He was also worried that if these ancient holy families had too many Level 10s, he would be in big trouble.

Needless to say, even if there was one more person, I might not be able to walk out of the Chen family alive today.

Because he only has one storm.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Chu Yan lowered his head slowly.


The remaining members of the Chen family suddenly despaired.

They wanted to run, but almost at the same time, a terrifying rain of swords fell from the sky.

Pour in.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The sword energy was like rain, and in almost the blink of an eye, all the remaining members of the Chen family perished.

With endless despair and unwillingness.

However, not all Chen family members were dead. Among the ruins composed of rocks, there were still two figures standing alone.

The two of them had kept their eyes closed before, full of fear.

But after waiting for a long time, they found that there was no sword energy attacking them. This made the two of them slowly open their eyes and looked at Chu Yan with a bit of confusion.

They were a middle-aged couple. They looked around and found that they were the only two people left in the Chen family.


At this time, the man swallowed hard, and then tried hard to control the fear in his heart. He stepped in front of the woman, blocked her with his not-so-broad shoulders, and said to Chu Yan tremblingly: "You, you If you want to kill, just kill me, she is not from the Chen family..."

Chu Yan looked at the middle-aged man and suddenly burst into laughter: "No wonder Chen Meng is so stupid. It turns out he inherited your genes."

The middle-aged man was startled when he heard this and said subconsciously: "Meng'er?"

Then, the middle-aged man's eyes were red. He had never been so angry even when the head of the family was killed. He roared: "What did you say? What did you do to Meng'er? Damn it, I will fight with you!"

With that said, the middle-aged man took a step into the air. He also had the strength of Weiwo, but he was only at level 7 of Weiwo.

It is really too weak for Chu Yan now.

Chu Yan stood there, but the middle-aged man didn't even have the ability to get close.

In this way, Chu Yan allowed the middle-aged man to fuss for a while. When he was tired, Chu Yan chuckled and said, "Are you done with the fuss? Can you listen to me now?"

The middle-aged man stared at Chu Yan and said ferociously: "If you dare to touch Meng'er, I will never let you go even if I am a ghost."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "You are like this... I am happy for Chen Meng. I thought his parents have been taking advantage of him."

The middle-aged man frowned: "What are you talking about?"

Chu Yan sighed: "It seems that you don't know anything. Well, if I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago. The Chen family members are all dead, and only the two of you are left. Chen Meng begged for you. Affection."

The middle-aged man was slightly startled and whispered: "Have you... met Meng'er? Do you know him?"

Chu Yan said lightly: "Chen Meng is now mine."

When the middle-aged and women heard this, their eyes suddenly became strange.

The middle-aged man wanted to speak, but the woman tugged at the middle-aged man and whispered: "The child's own happiness... let it be a man."

The middle-aged man clenched his fists and seemed a little angry, but then he suddenly sighed and looked at Chu Yan like a frustrated ball: "You two...who is the crooked one?"

Chu Yan: "???"

What kind of nonsense is this?

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