Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5734: Deep inside the Chen Family

Heh--that wisp of pure Yang sword energy passed directly through the forehead of the elder. The elder's eyes were wide open until the moment he died, full of unwillingness and despair.

Chu Yan walked forward slowly, came to the elder, and sneered: "Who do you think you can blame for this? If you didn't say cruel words just now and ran away with all your heart, I might not be able to kill you. , you just left...but you insisted on turning around and beeping, I can only say that you deserved to die."


This veteran is very close to the seal.

Only close at hand.

If he hadn't turned around to scare Chu Yan just now, but instead ran out with all his strength, Chu Yan might not be able to kill him, even with Pure Yang Sword Qi.

After all, it takes some time to release sword energy.

The result... was so good that he felt that he had reached the seal and that he had a chance to win, so he had to turn around and beep.

it's good now……

Instantly captured.


The next second, the elder's body exploded and turned into a scarlet blood mist.

After everything was settled, Chu Yan slowly squatted down and picked up the elder's space ring.

Check it out, don't tell me, he is quite rich.

Immediately, Chu Yan slowly turned around.

With the death of the Chen family leader and seven elders, there is no longer a strong person on the Chen family side.

The remaining disciples were all trembling, fearful, and desperate...

This scene was something they had never imagined in their hundreds of millions of years.

In the early years, they had always felt that the Chen family was invincible, not to mention the number one in nothingness, but no one could hurt them.

But now, they were blocked in front of their home and massacred.

Chu Yan looked down and sighed: "You know my secret, so you will all die, and no one can be left alive."

If he exposes his identity as a giant here, then no one in the Chen family will survive.

When the disciples of the Chen family heard this, they were all desperate.

At this time, someone shouted: "Chu Yan, you will regret it. Our Chen family is far more than these people. Our main force is on Tianyuan's side! Even if you slaughter all the Chen family today, once the news comes out, the Chen family on Tianyuan's side will be destroyed." I won’t let you go!”

Chu Yan glanced at the person who spoke.

Tsk——Suddenly, a sword slashed out.

The disciple's eyes widened, and a bloody head fell to the ground.

At this point, Chu Yan will not show any mercy.

There is only one goal next... massacre!

Tsk - In an instant, Chu Yan opened his palms, and the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword and the Blood Sword flew out together, and then exploded into the sky.


The next second, the entire cloud layer began to roar like thunder.


Then, it rained!

Sword rain!

Two long swords stood in the air, and then the sword energy rained down like crazy.

The entire Chen family world was enveloped.

Tsk tsk tsk!

The Chen family disciples fell into a pool of blood one by one.

Chu Yan watched silently without sympathy.

He actually has no grudges against many of the people present, and he doesn't even know them!

But their stance was doomed for this group of people not to survive.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

The strong is the sword!

Weak people are like dogs!

Today, he won, but what if he lost?

He did not encounter the black dragon and smuggled out of the Tianyuan. When the Tianyuan Forbidden Day arrived in three days, it would most likely be the day of his death.

At that time, if he was killed, how would the Chen family treat the universe?

It would only be more cruel than him.

Chu Yan kept watching and didn't pay much attention.

These people are destined to die.

He kept staring at the Chen family hall.

Because he knew that the matter might not be over yet.

Up until this point, everything had been going so well.

It wasn't all smooth sailing either, as the Chen clan also unleashed a very powerful fighting force.

So far, ten people have appeared in the Nine Worlds, and this is only one-third of the Chen family's combat power. It can be said to be very terrifying.

But even so, Chu Yan still felt that something was missing.

In other words, a dignified ancient holy family would not be destroyed so easily.

Chu Yan kept watching.


Suddenly, the Chen family hall trembled violently, and the fortress-like hall suddenly floated into the air, turning into a city in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, from a deep pit under the main hall, monstrous power suddenly spurted out, instantly filling the entire Chen family world.

Chu Yan leaned over to look, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is it finally here?"

The last secret of the Chen family!

Chu Yan had guessed a long time ago that the Chen family might have a tenth level...

At this time, after Chen clan disciples felt the power, their eyes showed a trace of confusion.

Because even they don't know what is in the depths of the hall.


The next second, a beam of light shot out of the deep pit, and then transformed into a middle-aged scribe.

Yes, he is a middle-aged man.

Chu Yan looked a little surprised. He had always thought that the Chen clan's deepest secret would definitely be an old and immortal guy.

But now it seems that he is much younger than he thought.

"Boy, don't be careless, this person is at least 500 million years old." At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a low voice.

Chu Yan's face changed slightly.

500 million years old... This time is almost beyond ancient times, right?

And it’s the least!

The point is, it would be a bit scary for a 500 million-year-old person to only appear middle-aged at this moment.

Although it is said that practitioners can achieve immortality long ago, their age will not be reflected in their appearance.

But that is an approximation. For example, Chu Yan is now 500 years old, but he actually has a life span of hundreds of millions of years. For an ordinary person, he is just a baby and can naturally stay young.

But if Chu Yan is now 90 million years old, he is almost approaching the end of his life span, and his skin will still become loose.

Even if you want to stay young, you can't do it.

This is why Chu Yan met those ninth-level strong men in Tianyuan, including when he came to the Chen family. They were all very powerful, but they still looked old.

Because their life span is really coming to an end.

They can't stay young.

But in front of him... this middle-aged man has lived for a full 500 million years, but he still looks like a middle-aged man.

Then there is only one possibility...

This person still has a long life span, even 500 million years...

A life span of 1 billion years...

This is a bit scary.

After Chu Yan entered the void, everyone's age was indeed calculated in 100 million, but most of them were only 100 million or 200 million. The group of people from ancient times to the present were no more than 300 million or 400 million, and 500 million was almost the limit.

1 billion lifespan... How terrible strength does this require?

Don't forget... lifespan, it is related to realm.

The middle-aged man appeared. Although he looked young, he also had white hair, which gave people a feeling of immortality.

The middle-aged man looked around the dilapidated Chen family and the corpses on the ground. There was not much ripple in his eyes, as if the deaths of these people had nothing to do with him.

After a moment, he finally looked at Chu Yan: "Little guy, you are very brave."

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