Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5728 War

After the appearance of the Chen family master, the entire Chen family space began to shake.

The heaven and earth were joyful, as if welcoming their common master.

The Chen family master lowered his head to look at Chu Yan, then looked at the body of the young master of the Chen family in the distance, slowly closed his eyes for a moment, but soon returned to normal.

There was not much sadness.

Having lived for so long, he had already become cold-hearted.

Family affection was no longer important to him.

The Chen family master looked at Chu Yan and suddenly said: "Several ancient saint families thought you were in Tianyuan, but they didn't expect you to come out early. It seems that you have gained a lot of opportunities in Tianyuan."

The ancient saint family has been dealing with Tianyuan since 300 million years ago, but they never knew that Tianyuan had a backdoor.

If they knew, they would not give Chu Yan this opportunity.

The head of the Chen family continued: "If I were you, I would choose to run as far as possible instead of coming to the Chen family after finally escaping from the abyss. You chose the most stupid thing to do."

Chu Yan sneered: "Really? I didn't think the Chen family was that scary, but I killed them all the way, didn't I?"

The head of the Chen family was stunned and laughed: "So arrogant! Now, pay for your arrogance."

Chu Yan looked at the Chen family for a while.


Suddenly, Chu Yan disappeared from the spot.

He rushed directly to the head of the Chen family and slashed with a sword.

This scene stunned all the Chen family members...

What a courage!

They didn't expect that the head of the family had already appeared, and Chu Yan dared to take action?

The head of the Chen family was also stunned when he saw this. Obviously, he didn't expect Chu Yan to be so direct, but soon he snorted coldly and didn't take Chu Yan to heart.

Because he has enough confidence and confidence.

As the descendant of the ancient saint and the head of a clan, he has been invincible in the void for many years. He has not had an opponent for too long.

From a long time ago, the head of the Chen family actually passed the era of fighting and killing, because there are almost no people in the void who are worthy of his attack, which is why he has been in seclusion.

He now has only one goal, that is to attack the legendary ancient saint.


Of course, it does not mean that he is invincible in the void. There are still people who can kill him, but those people are almost like him, and they are no longer interested in fighting and killing.

So it has been too many years since he fought with anyone. Today, when he saw Chu Yan coming towards him, he also smiled.

"It's been too long since I took action. Well, let's move."

After saying that, the head of the Chen family raised his palm and gently patted in the direction of Chu Yan.


With just one pat, the space in front of him was directly compressed, forming a terrible egoistic field.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and slashed with his long sword.


Then there was a loud bang.

People saw a figure retreating wildly.

This retreat was more than a thousand meters away.

The Chen family members first breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt that this was justified, showing a contemptuous smile.

Provoking the Chen family?

Really looking for death.


After the head of the Chen family pushed Chu Yan back a thousand meters, he just wanted to speak, and the corner of his mouth twitched suddenly.

Chu Yan retreated a thousand meters, but he was not afraid of it. Instead, he showed a hint of excitement, and then he suddenly looked up at the head of the Chen family and cursed: "Cao, you made such a powerful appearance, I thought you were level ten, and you are only level nine?"

The head of the Chen family: "..."


The next second, Chu Yan rushed out again.

What was he most worried about at the beginning?

The head of the Chen family was level ten, but it turned out to be only level nine, so what was he pretending to be.

Level nine... No matter how strong it is, it is still level nine, it is not to say that he can't fight.

The head of the Chen family sneered: "Interesting."


At this time, Chu Yan thrust out a sword again.

The head of the Chen family did not dodge the sword, but stretched out two fingers and gently clamped it, and with such a light clamp, he directly clamped Chu Yan's long sword.

Immediately, the head of the Chen family flicked his fingers.


A powerful force shook out.

Chu Yan retreated again.

When he stopped, Chu Yan showed a trace of solemnity, because he found one thing, even if they were both level nine, the head of the Chen family and the two people he had fought before were different.

They were not at the same level at all.

At least ten times different.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Level nine can still be so strong, if it is level ten..."

He didn't dare to think about it.

Of course, he himself didn't expect to defeat level ten by his own strength.

He always had his own plans.

Chu Yan looked up at the head of the Chen family, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled: "Come again!"

After that, Chu Yan rushed to the front of the head of the Chen family again, and then stabbed at the head of the Chen family with a sword.

The head of the Chen family frowned, and didn't take it seriously at first, but when he was about to attack, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Because he found that the sword in Chu Yan's hand had changed, turning into a blood-red long sword.

The head of the Chen family frowned slightly: "Change the sword? This sword is not as good as the one just now. If I'm not mistaken, the one just now should be the sword left by the Lord of Liantian, right? If you can exert your full power, I will also need to be cautious, but this one..."

The head of the Chen family shook his head.

It's too different.

But before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed.

Because he discovered one thing. After Chu Yan switched to the blood sword, the power of the sword energy did not increase, but strong blood energy surged all over Chu Yan's body.


Almost instantly, Chu Yan's eyes turned red, and the pool of blood in his body began to boil.

After the head of the Chen family smelled the smell of blood, he actually felt a hint of crisis, but at this distance, it was too late for him to retreat and he could only choose to resist the attack.


The next second, the head of the Chen family retreated more than ten feet, and even so, it still shocked countless people.

"The head of the family was repulsed?"

"What power is that?"

The entire Chen family was stunned.

Patriarch Chen stopped and looked down, only to see a bloody mouth appear in his palm.

Although it was very light, there was still some redness, which immediately filled his eyes with murderous intent.

"Boy, I have to say, I underestimated you. You are the only person who has hurt me in hundreds of millions of years, so you deserve to die!"

After saying this, the head of the Chen family shouted angrily and stamped his foot.


A special space emerges.

A hundred meters in radius was directly changed.

Chu Yan's face darkened in this space, and his body bent down.

My only space!

The point is that Patriarch Chen’s solipsistic space is even more powerful.

For a moment, Chu Yan was unable to resist even with his blood, and his body was out of control.

The head of the Chen family was in this space, as if he were an invincible being. Then he walked forward step by step and said coldly: "Boy, it's time to end."

After saying this, he raised his fingers, and a flying sword shot out of the air from behind, stabbing Chu Yan directly between the eyebrows.

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