Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5726 Young Master of the Chen Family

The middle-aged man's expression changed drastically when he saw that sword.

He only had one thought at this time.


too fast!

Chu Yan's sword was like thunder.

However, what really shocked the middle-aged man was not this sword, but Chu Yan's terrifying self-healing ability.

One punch and recovery takes three seconds.

What the hell is this?

The middle-aged man did not dare to be careless and suddenly shouted angrily, and the avenues within a hundred meters of space converged towards him again.


The middle-aged man gave a low drink.


Chu Yan suddenly retreated, and his suppressive force suddenly became stronger.

After he had just opened his bloodline, he had already carried out some resistance, but now he found that it was not enough.

But he did not give up, but suddenly gritted his teeth and flew out of the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda.

He did not want to use the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, but as soon as the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda left, Xuetanzi suddenly rioted.

As Chu Yan's bloodline opened, Xuetanzi suddenly became excited.


Chu Yan's Qi increased sharply. He glanced at the middle-aged man, and with a swish, he disappeared on the spot. When he reappeared, he approached the middle-aged man directly and stabbed out with a sword.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw this: "How is that possible?"

My only space!

Here, I should be the king, why is this?

He couldn't understand, but then a flash of sword energy flashed past him.


The middle-aged man's eyes suddenly widened, and then he opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He reached out and touched his throat, and blood splattered out.

Sluggish in middle age.

I am dead?

Yes, the middle-aged man was instantly killed by Chu Yan with a sword.

The middle-aged man was unwilling and desperately wanted to get his soul out of his body, but the moment he found that his soul came out, there was still a result.

The body has already been found in a different place.

Chu Yan's sword cut the body and destroyed the soul.


The middle-aged man roared angrily and stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, you will die, you will definitely die. If you provoke my Chen family, you will never leave alive."


The next second, middle age exploded like fireworks.

Completely fallen.

After Chu Yan killed the man, he began to breathe heavily.

Obviously, it was not easy for him to kill the middle-aged man.

Xiaojiu said in a low voice: "Boy, retreat. The Chen family is stronger than you think. Although your Tianyuan side has lured away most of the people, the Chen family's background as an ancient sage is still too strong."

Chu Yan looked down, silent for a while, and finally shook his head.


Where to withdraw?

Return to Tianyuan?

Yes, he has conquered the black dragon now and has the breath of the black dragon. He can stay in the abyss without being affected by the forbidden sun of Tianyuan.

But do I have to hide in Tianyuan all the time?

This is not his character.

Besides, he is no longer alone.

The universe is still waiting for me.

This time, he had already wasted too much time on his way to Ancient Saint Liu's house.

He still doesn't know what's going on in the universe. People from the era of gods and demons may have appeared.

He couldn't delay any longer.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and suddenly said: "I can't swallow this breath."

After saying that, he continued to move forward with his sword in hand.

When the disciples of the Chen family saw that Chu Yan had killed the middle-aged man, they were extremely shocked. For a while, no one dared to fight Chu Yan and they all chose to retreat.

But the Chen Clan is only so big. The Chen Clan may have had a lot of power in the void over the years, but the real core place is only the size of a world.

After a while, Chu Yan came to the main hall of the Chen family carrying a long sword.

Very luxurious and resplendent.

However, after Chu Yan arrived, just as he was about to draw his sword, the space in front of him suddenly distorted, and a terrifying force descended and turned into a sky-reaching sword energy, which happened to collide with Chu Yan's sword energy.


Chu Yan retreated a thousand meters. When he stopped, he looked up and saw a young man dressed in luxurious clothes.

Seeing the young man, the disciples of the Chen family were immediately overjoyed: "Young Patriarch!"

"It's the young patriarch!"

The Chen family all breathed a sigh of relief.

Chu Yan looked at the young man and suddenly laughed: "It seems that my guess is correct. Chen Meng has always been used by you."

When Chu Yan came out of Tianyuan, he specifically talked to Chen Meng about the Chen family.

According to Chen Meng's words, Chen Meng locked in the position of the young patriarch of the Chen family very early because of his extraordinary talent.

But now?

As soon as Chu Yan arrived here, the Chen family's young patriarch already had a candidate.

This means that Chen Meng has always been a victim brought to the table by the Chen family.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Chu Yan's words, and suddenly said: "You know Chen Meng... I probably guessed who you are."

Chu Yan chuckled: "Who am I?"

"The new emperor of the universe, Chu Yan."

The young man said coldly: "It's really surprising. The three ancient saint families are surrounding Tianyuan, but you ran to my Chen family... It seems that you gained a lot in Tianyuan?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "Since you know who I am, you should understand that my coming to the Chen family this time will be the end of you."


The young man laughed loudly: "Boy, do you know what you are talking about? Destroy the Chen family? Just you?"

Chu Yan glanced at the young man and grinned.


The next second, Chu Yan disappeared from the place without saying a word.

When he reappeared, he approached the young man directly and slashed the young man's throat with the Heavenly Refining Sword.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to feel the sharpness of the Refining Heaven Sword. He did not choose to confront the sword head-on, but quickly dodged it.

Chu Yan was not surprised. Since this young man was praised as the young patriarch, he must have extraordinary qualities. He did not expect that he could kill him with one sword.

After the sword missed, he quickly stabbed the second sword.

However, after the young man and Chu Yan pulled away for a distance, he stepped lightly with his feet, and with a bang, a special space opened.

Chu Yan was enveloped by the space, his body shook violently, and his breath was a little weak.

Only my space!

The suppression force came again.

However, Chu Yan immediately activated his blood and removed the suppression force.

But even so, the young man still took the opportunity to get close, and a black scimitar appeared in his hand, and he slashed Chu Yan's throat hard.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, but then he made an extremely bold move.

Facing the young man's knife, he did not even dodge, but raised his hand and stabbed forward with a sword.

The young man couldn't help but frown: "Change moves?"

But then he snorted coldly: "Looking for death!"

In my space, I am the strongest.


Then, the black scimitar hit Chu Yan first and passed over Chu Yan's throat.

The next second, the young man was shocked, because he found that Chu Yan was not hurt at all when his black knife slashed down, and the black knife only left a series of sparks in the air.

On the other hand, Chu Yan's sword was already against the young man's chest.

The young man shouted: "Suppress!"


A golden shield appeared on the young man's chest.


The next second, the long sword fell, and the shield collapsed directly, and the young man also exploded back a thousand meters, but fortunately he blocked it.

After the young man stabilized, he looked at Chu Yan in shock: "Boy, what kind of body is this?"

Chu Yan sneered: "It's enough to kill your body!"

After speaking, he rushed out again with a whoosh.

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