Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5715 The forbidden day is coming


Chu Yan already had a rough idea in his mind.

This is what you want to find.

The problem is... this is a place that can run, so it's a bit worrying.

Suddenly, Chu Yan asked the old woman: "Old senior, do you still remember how often this Qianlongyuan will appear?"

The old woman recalled it and shook her head slightly: "The time when Qianlong Yuan appears is not fixed."

Chu Yan: "..."


Where should I look for it?

At this time, the old woman recalled: "But you can ask the major forbidden sects. Our Tianyuan clan has been hiding here and there for hundreds of millions of years... To be honest, I haven't seen Qianlongyuan for a long time. We have been hiding." There is no such opportunity underground, but the Forbidden Sect has seen it, and it seems that they suffered a lot from Qian Longyuan in the early years, and may have gained some experience. "

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.


To be honest, after this incident, he didn't want to have too much contact with the Forbidden Sect.

When he walks out of Tianyuan, if he wants to follow him, he can take him with him. If he doesn't want to, it doesn't matter.

He didn't want to bring back a group of greedy people to the universe.

But the old woman said now that he was eager to find Qianlong Yuan, so he could only ask.

Chu Yan hesitated and found Phoenix Girl and Tianxuan Sect Leader together.

As for the forbidden sect, he had a good impression of these two people.

Soon, Phoenix Girl and Tianxuan Sect Master entered the mansion, both of them had complicated expressions in their eyes.

Just a few days ago, although they were in the same group as Chu Yan, they at least felt that both parties were equal, and even felt that Chu Yan was inferior to them.

But a few days later, Chu Yan killed half a level nine like a dog, and he was already on top.

Phoenix Girl sighed and said respectfully, "I have met Emperor Chu."

Tianxuan Sect Master was not humble and said: "Emperor Chu."

Chu Yan nodded and said straight to the point: "Have you two seen Qianlong Yuan?"

"Qianlongyuan?" The two of them were slightly confused: "What is that?"

The old woman said from the side: "It is the eternal night in the sky. Within three days, there will be dragon roars, and a dark hurricane will sweep through the world."

Phoenix Girl and Tianxuan Sect Master suddenly said: "Is that called Qianlongyuan? We call it the Tianyuan Disaster."

Chu Yan said directly: "Is there any pattern to this Tianyuan disaster?"

Phoenix Girl and Master Tianxuan looked at each other and nodded slightly: "Yes."

"What's the pattern?"

"Tianyuan Forbidden Sun!"

Phoenix Girl said directly: "This Tianyuan disaster usually appears three days before the Tianyuan Forbidden Day... If you count it, the latest one appears very soon."

"Tian Yuan Forbidden Sun?" Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Of course he knows this.

Several ancient saint families dared to block themselves outside Tianyuan, wasn't it because they knew that Tianyuan banned the sun.

Once the Tianyuan Forbidden Day arrives, all outsiders must leave.

Otherwise, it will be swallowed up by the abyss.

"So the Tianyuan Forbidden Day is coming soon?" Chu Yan asked.

Phoenix Girl nodded bitterly: "Yes, when that time comes, Emperor Chu will have to leave."

Chu Yan nodded, not too surprised.

In fact, when he saw the ancestors of the major forbidden sects awakening this time, he guessed that they might have reached a certain point.

Otherwise, this group of people are all sleeping and it is impossible to wake up together.

What a coincidence.

Unless they set a certain day, they will definitely wake up when this day comes.

That is Tianyuan Forbidden Sun.

"How long until Tianyuan Forbidden Day?"

"The last 10 days!" Phoenix Girl said seriously.

Chu Yan said: "So Qianlongyuan will appear in seven days?"

"That's right." Phoenix Girl said.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "It seems that after seven days, it will be the day when everything is decided."

seven days...

He was prepared to wait.

Then, he didn't waste time. Although there were only seven days left, there was a powerful enemy outside Tianyuan. It was best to use this time to strengthen himself.

Soon, Chu Yan began to retreat again.

While in seclusion, he wondered in his body: "Seniors, I discovered one thing when I fought with the purifier before. Their power is very special, and they don't seem to belong to any era. Why is this?"

Normal people will have the power of a certain era in their bodies.

Even he, Chu Yan, is the same.

Like Phoenix Girl and others, the greatness in their bodies comes from ancient times.

But the Purifier's power doesn't have any epochal flavor.

Wushu said speechlessly: "You can't guess such a simple truth?"

Chu Yan was startled: "What do you mean?"

Wushu said calmly: "Old Sage!"

"Ancient Sage?" Chu Yan was confused.

Wushuang nodded: "Yes, the purifier is the queen of the ancient saints, and only the descendants of the ancient saints can escape the shackles of the power of the era."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "In other words, there may be ancient saints among the purgers?"

Wushuang shook his head: "I don't know about this. There is a high probability that there is no such thing, because all the ancient saints have disappeared, and the purgers will not be an exception. But one thing is certain, there have been ancient saints among the purgers."

Chu Yan gradually realized.

"Where have the ancient saints gone?"

"Are your parents ancient saints?"

Soon, Chu Yan was almost convinced.

It must be the Ancient Sage!

There is no doubt about this.

Or, at least, the Ancient Ones.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly thought of another person in his mind.

A person who has been absent for a long time.


In other words, the Lord of Heaven Realm was truly a god-like existence in Liantian Universe back then.

After Chu Yan entered the void, he had some conflicts with the Heaven Realm, and he stopped paying attention to the Heaven Realm.

There was no way... He had too many enemies.

In the end, he couldn't care about God, but he never forgot.

That person is definitely not simple.

Chu Yan even suspected that God is still the most powerful person in the void today.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "If all the ancient saints have left, is God the ancient saint?"

Chu Yan was thinking about this question.

"Not only God, but also several masters of power in the universe. Where are these people now? What is their strength?"

When Chu Yan entered the void, he always felt that the giant was very powerful.

At that time, the world's evaluation of God was the strongest giant.

But now, Chu Yan has reached the state of egoism, but he still doesn't think he is stronger than God.

That is the existence that opened up the universe like him.

How could it be just a giant?

But now, there are no ancient saints in the void...

What about God?

God is not either?

To be honest, Chu Yan has always regarded God as his final imaginary enemy, and he still hopes that God will be stronger.

If he is not strong enough, how can he live up to his hard practice for so many years?

This is why he has never met God for many years in the void.

Even if he is curious, he has never met God.

Because he always thinks that kings do not meet kings.

He and God should meet at the top of the nine heavens.

Soon, he didn't think about it anymore, anyway, sooner or later, the truth will come out.

Continue to practice.

Now, although he has cultivated the Five Elements Overlord Body, there are still many shortcomings, just take this opportunity to polish it.

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