Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5687 Tianyuan Forbidden Day

When the figure spoke, he was also very tired...

Normal people, after entering Tianyuan, are all focused on treasure hunting and experience.

This place is really not simple. It can form a complete world. How can there be no opportunities?

Chu Yan is so good...After entering, he didn't find any treasures, and he defeated the six forbidden sects along the way.

The figure was speechless.

This time, the teacher specifically reminded him to be careful, saying that Chu Yan was not good at anything and was the first to cause trouble. At that time, he didn't quite believe it.

Now...ha, he believes it.

If Chu Yan says that he is second in the ability to cause trouble, then no one in the world dares to claim that he is the first.

The figure said earnestly: "Listen to me, just stay in Tianyuan obediently, and when the time comes, it will be time for you to leave."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, turned around and left.

Since the truth of the matter is clear, there is nothing to worry about.

In Tianyuan, I must have overlooked something.

Let's look for it.

The figure was relieved when he saw Chu Yan leave.

But he hadn't finished exhaling, and he took another breath, almost choking himself.

Because he clearly saw that after Chu Yan walked for a distance, he suddenly turned around and flew out of Tianyuan again.

This made the figure's pupils shrink, and he shouted fiercely: "Boy, what do you want to do again?"

However, this place is already 90,000 meters high, and it is too late for the figure to stop Chu Yan.


With a flash, Chu Yan rushed directly to the thin film at the exit of Tianyuan.

At this time, there was only a thin film between Tianyuan and the outside world, and this film was transparent, so the inside and outside could see each other.

Chu Yan looked up and could clearly see the group of ancient saints in the outside world, standing outside like heavenly soldiers and generals.

At this time, those ancient saints in the outside world could also see Chu Yan.

The two sides looked at each other across two worlds.

The head of the Ancient Saint Family was a Chen Family warrior. His eyes narrowed slightly, but then he showed a sarcastic smile.

He spoke slowly.

Chu Yan was in Tianyuan, so he couldn't hear the other party's voice, but he could read the other party's words through lip reading.

"We'll wait for you to come out!"

These were the words of the Ancient Saint.

Chu Yan looked at the many Ancient Saint families and suddenly raised a middle finger.


Then, he turned and left.

The figure breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't leave.

Chu Yan really left this time.

He was not a fool. Even if the figure didn't stop him now, he would not leave Tianyuan easily.

There were many Ancient Saint warriors in the outside world. With his current strength, he was not the opponent of the other party.

So, he was also ready to study hard in Tianyuan.


At this time, outside Tianyuan.

The three ancient saint families gathered together.

Led by the Chen family, they had blocked Tianyuan layer by layer, and the siege was tight.

At this time, a strong man from the Lu family suddenly said, "He saw us."

The Huo family nodded slightly: "What should we do now? He knows that we are blocking him from the outside world. He may not come out in a short time."

Everyone was silent.

At this time, the strong man headed by the Chen family said, "It doesn't matter. Tianyuan has limited resources. Unless he doesn't want to practice in this life, he must come out."

The Lu family and the Huo family nodded slightly.

This is the truth.

Tianyuan... the opportunity is not small, but it depends on who.

For some people who have just entered Weiwo, it can be said that there are treasures everywhere, but Chu Yan... It is said that he has killed the seventh-level Weiwo and is about to reach the upper limit of Tianyuan.

Suddenly, the Lu family asked: "Chen He, what is the strength of Chu Yan?"

The strong man named Chen He thought for a while and said: "Seventh-level Weiwo."

"Hiss." The Huo family and the Lu family couldn't help but take a breath.

It's not that the seventh-level Weiwo is very high. After all, it is really nothing in the ancient saint family.

What shocked them was Chu Yan's age.

500 years old, level 7 ego, this combat power is no longer a demon, but a pervert.

At the same time, some people from the Liu family also came, but they have not expressed their opinions, so they did not participate in the blockade.

Liu Qing was among them. When he heard Chen He say that Chu Yan was level 7 ego, he was stunned.

Someone whispered: "Liu Qing, is Chu Yan so powerful?"

"Level 7 ego?"

Liu Qing said "ah" and scratched his head: "I, I don't know... When I went to the universe with the elders... He was just a giant."

As soon as these words came out, an elder of the Liu family glared at Liu Qing. Liu Qing subconsciously knew that he had said something wrong, but he didn't wait for an explanation...

"Tsk." The Liu family suddenly rolled their eyes at Liu Qing: "Giant? Are you a fool? He must have hidden his realm at the beginning, deliberately so that you can't see through it. Some people in small worlds like this, it seems to be called... pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger? Right."

Liu Qing looked embarrassed...


Chu Yan has been hiding his realm in front of him?


He could only think so now.

Otherwise... a giant broke through to the seventh level of the self in a month? If this were to be spread out, the world would probably be shaken, right?

Too exaggerated.

Liu Qing didn't say much, but secretly glanced at the Chen family and others, feeling a little worried.

The three ancient saint families are determined to kill Chu Yan this time. With such a huge lineup, even the Liu family can't save Chu Yan, right?

And... will the Liu family really offend the three ancient saints for Chu Yan?

Liu Qing thinks not. To put it bluntly, he feels lucky that the Liu family does not stand with the three ancient saint families to target Chu Yan.

The day Chu Yan really loses, the Liu family may turn against him.

Liu Qing shook his head.

The three ancient saints were shocked to hear that Chu Yan was a level 7 ego, but they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, we met early, and he broke through to the level 7 ego in just 500 years. If he is given some more time, wouldn't he reach the level 9 ego directly? At that time, even if we want to seize the mystery of the universe, we probably won't be his opponent."

Everyone nodded slightly.

Quite fortunate.

At this time, Chen He smiled and said, "Not only that, he is the seventh-level ego, which is almost the limit of Tianyuan. This realm is almost impossible to break through in Tianyuan."

As soon as this was said, the three major families all smiled: "Indeed, the seventh-level ego, if he wants to continue to become stronger, he must leave Tianyuan. I want to see if he can stand the loneliness."

Chen He smiled and said, "Not only that, have you all forgotten one thing?"

Everyone looked at Chen He together.

Chen He said calmly: "It's not far from the forbidden day of Tianyuan!"

As soon as this was said, the eyes of all parties shrank: "It seems to be true... The forbidden day of Tianyuan is coming soon."

Chen He continued: "At that time, even if Chu Yan doesn't want to come out, he must come out."


Inside Tianyuan.

Chu Yan slowly fell from the sky of 90,000 miles.

Chen Meng has been watching silently.

When he saw the six wings behind Chu Yan, he couldn't help but sigh again.

He always thought that Chu Yan had already handed over all his cards, but now he realized that he didn't.

Just like the angel wings, Chu Yan never used them when fighting with the ancestors of Dao Village, which means that Chu Yan still had room for maneuver in that battle.

Chen Meng was wondering, how many trump cards did Chu Yan have?

After Chu Yan landed, he glanced at Chen Meng and said lightly: "Don't guess, I really don't have any trump cards this time."

"Hehe." Chen Meng rolled his eyes. If it was in the past, he might believe this, but after being in contact with Chu Yan for so long, he had already discovered one thing, Chu Yan is like a bottomless pit, no matter what kind of situation he encounters, he can always come up with new means.

At this time, Chen Meng said: "How is it? Can we get out?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "We may not be able to get out for the time being."

Chen Meng frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "The three ancient saint families have already set up a net outside."

Chen Meng narrowed his eyes, but it was not too surprising. The three major families did not hesitate to die so many people to break the rules and restrictions, how could they let Chu Yan go now?

Chen Meng said, "They just want to keep you trapped in Tianyuan."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, but soon smiled and said, "But it's okay. As long as I don't go out, they can't do anything to me."

At this time, Chen Yu suddenly said, "I'm afraid it won't work."

Chu Yan looked at Chen Yu and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Chen Yu said seriously, "Tianyuan's forbidden day is coming soon."

After saying this, Chen Meng's face changed slightly, "Is the forbidden day coming soon?"

Chen Yu nodded slightly.

Chu Yan looked at the two people in confusion, "Tianyuan forbidden day? What is that?"

Chen Meng took a deep breath, "Tianyuan will be banned every once in a while. During that period, all non-Tianyuan people must leave. If they don't go out, they will be killed by the world."

Chu Yan was stunned, "Is there such a thing?"

Chen Meng nodded, "I know, they must have calculated the time of the forbidden day. In this case, even if Brother Chu wants to hide in Tianyuan, he will have no chance."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that I don't have much time left. The three ancient saint families must kill me."

Chen Meng also lowered his head slightly.

After all, he was also responsible for this matter.

The Chen family used me to break the rules.

Chu Yan glanced at Chen Meng and said nothing.

Because in his opinion, even if there was no Chen Meng, there would be others, just like the Lu family and the Huo family.

If the Chen family wanted to kill me, they would try every possible means.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Brother Chen, do you think that the Chen family now thinks that I am the seventh-level Weiwo?"

Chen Meng was stunned, thought for a while and said: "It should be, the fact that you are a giant has been concealed, then you killed the seventh-level Weiwo, in their opinion, even if it is not the seventh level, at least the fifth level."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, so in their opinion, I should not have any improvement in Tianyuan, right?"

Chen Meng nodded subconsciously: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Chu Yan's eyes were bright: "But... Weiwo can't improve, but I am the giant, I can continue to break through."

Chen Meng was stunned at first, and then his mouth suddenly opened wide!

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