Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 569: Bewitched by the Wind

Chu Yan died in battle.

At the last moment, in silence, alone, he ran towards the blood-light barrier outside the sarcophagus. He was not captured and gave himself a heroic sacrifice.

This battle is destined to be remembered forever. After Mo Wangchen, another person will appear in the sea of ​​stars.

But will this battle really end?

The people of the Tiandi Sect stood there. The person who died was their sect leader. The leaders of the Demon Sect were angry. The person who died was the most outstanding disciple of their Demon Sect in ten thousand years. He was forced to death. How can this battle end?

Hatred will only become stronger. This battle is also destined to lay the groundwork for the future chaos and social events.

And Qingyi, she was hoarse, the moment she shed blood and tears, she became a king with one thought, and the king's majesty was still flying in the Demon Palace.

"This woman..." Too many people looked at Qingyi. The power in her body was leaking out crazily, uncontrollably, and impacting in the Demon Palace. She seemed to be suffering from great pain, but it was not even one ten-thousandth of her heartache.

Bei Ming Emperor's heart trembled, and the next moment, murderous intent appeared in his eyes. Under the ancient bell, a Heavenly Lord had fought for Qing Yi. Today, Qing Yi wanted to be a Lord again. He couldn't keep such a person.

"This woman can't be kept..." Bei Ming Emperor thought. In the final analysis, Chu Yan was exposed because of him. Once Qing Yi was alive, his Bei Ming Dynasty would never have peace.

"Die!" Bei Ming Emperor suddenly moved, and the Ancient Emperor stepped out. The golden Human Emperor Sword slashed in the void, connecting the sky and the earth, and ruthlessly slashed towards Qing Yi.

Seeing this scene, countless people were furious. Huo Feng and others were crazy. If Kun hadn't stopped them, they might really go to die.

"Bastard!" Li Pin cursed angrily. He had always followed Qing Yi and Chu Yan in the Emperor Road. Although Qing Yi was cold, she was very kind to people.

The sword light fell, but Qing Yi remained indifferent. She was still shaking, and green light continued to turn into a dragon in her body, like a leaking balloon, and the power could not be controlled.

"Boom!" At this time, the light in Qing Yi's body condensed, and the ancient blue sky map illuminated the entire Demon Palace. She looked like the Nine Heavens Mysterious Woman, raised her head, and seemed to penetrate the sword light and fall on the North Ming Emperor. With just one glance, the North Ming Emperor felt a chill.

"Bloodline protection..." Looking at the green light in Qing Yi's body, countless people trembled. The green light was so strong that the Human Emperor Sword fell, but it instantly disintegrated under the green light, as if it had never appeared.

It was such a scene again. Like Chu Yan's ancient monster, Qing Yi's ancient blue sky map also contained terrible protection.

"You really deserve to die!" Qing Yi's voice was still crisp and cold.

"You really deserve to die!" Qing Yi repeated again. She seemed unable to control the green power and spit out a mouthful of blood, but her eyes were determined and she walked slowly towards the North Ming Emperor.

No one stopped him, and then the blue cloud map covered the starry sky and spread out infinitely. In an instant, the map of the country and mountains of Emperor Beiming collapsed.

"How terrible!" Many people trembled in their hearts. Qingyi became a king with a thought, and the power behind him suppressed Emperor Beiming.

Emperor Beiming looked at Qingyi. He was originally a king, but at this moment, he couldn't help but have an impulse to surrender in front of Qingyi.

"Go! Go!" It seemed that someone realized something and shouted hurriedly. There were countless top beings present, but they found that something was wrong and immediately gave orders.

Emperor Beiming looked at Qingyi again. With the protection of the blue light, he had no chance to kill Qingyi, so he had to leave.

He left with reluctance, but he was satisfied. Chu Yan was forced to death, which was enough. He had no regrets today, even if he offended several extraordinary forces.

Because Chu Yan brought him too many shocks, resonated with the ancient bell, unified the imperial road, and even let many people see his future.

Such a person, who is hostile to his Beiming Dynasty, must die. Beiming Emperor was not wrong, but he still underestimated the residual power after Chu Yan's death.

When Beiming Emperor left, Qingyi did not chase him, but stopped again, staring blankly at the stone coffin blood world, smiling foolishly, then she squatted down, hugged her knees with both hands, and cried loudly like a little girl, which was heartbreaking.


A Tianjun relic, nearly two years, finally ended.

In two years, too many people got opportunities from it, improved their realm, strengthened their physique, and some people seized the destiny, unified the eight wastelands, and became kings.

However, the most popular thing about this relic was the battle with Chu Yan, which soon spread among the crowd with relish.

Fortunately, Chu Yan died, which made many forces feel relieved. After leaving the Tianjun relic, many people announced that they would retreat, and then many people broke through.

Tianbei lineage, Wangxian Tower

Since returning from the Tianjun Ruins, Wangyue has been staying indoors. She sits on an ancient mountain every day, her beautiful eyes empty, looking at the sky, sometimes smiling, sometimes crying.

"Wangyue!" Lin Qingyao flew over and left the ruins. She did not return to Tianbei Mountain, but stayed in Wangxian Tower temporarily. She couldn't help frowning when she saw Wangyue here every day and said, "You only met him once in the Emperor Road. Could it be that his death makes you unforgettable?"

Lin Qingyao was also shocked by the battle at the Tianjun Ruins. The person she despised showed his elegance, his youthful age, and his heroic back. She even understood why Wangyue was moved. Who wouldn't be moved by such a person? Compared with Zifeng, what is he?

"He is dead after all. What mattered his extraordinary talent? He won't come back. Now half a year has passed since the ruins. You haven't practiced in half a year, and the same goes for Xian'er. How can anyone feel at ease with the two of you like this?" Lin Qingyao said helplessly. After Chu Yan's death, Wangyue and Li Xian'er seemed to have their souls taken away.

"Although we have a life span of ten thousand years, the road of cultivation is long, and we will meet many people and see the vicissitudes of the world, but there are some people that you can only see once in your life, and you will never forget them after one glance, and he is such a person." Wangyue said calmly: "From the moment I knew he was Chu Yan, I knew I had no chance... But I just want to watch him from behind, admire him, and witness him climb to the top and sit on the throne one day, but God is jealous of talents."

Lin Qingyao sighed, silently, sitting next to Wangyue and looking up at the sky: "There is still a year before the feast. If he didn't die, he should have been at the feast."

Wangyue smiled vaguely.


The news of the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch spread far and wide.

Among the Saints, there is a beautiful girl who covers her face with a veil and plays the piano every day. The sound of the piano is melodious, and it seems to be full of magic in the palace.

The girl wears a white dress and a holy crown on her head, just like a fairy who has fallen from the mortal world.

"Ding..." One day, the sound of the zither was uneven, and the strings broke, causing her to frown, and blood flowed from her slender fingers.

"Saintess!" Tianyang flew over, and he frowned at the woman: "In the past seven years, your zither sound was stable, and there was no mistake. Why is your zither sound disordered in the past six months?"

The woman was the Saintess of the Saint Sect. She stopped, looked at Tianyang, and shook her head: "I don't know, but I feel very uneasy. Every time I think of that person named Chu Yan, my heart hurts. We seem to have met before!"

Tianyang frowned. Every generation of the Saint Sect will cultivate three people, the Saint, the Saintess, and the Son of God.

Now that the Son of God has entered the realm of the Lord, he has a very good relationship with the Saintess, but since the end of the Tianjun Ruins, the Saintess's state has been very strange and impetuous.

"Saint, can you tell me what kind of person he is?" The Saintess asked.

"Okay!" The saint sighed, sat next to the saint, and told the story of the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch. The saint listened quietly.

"Saint!" After the saint finished speaking, he turned around and was shocked. He saw the saint sitting there crying, with tears all over her face. She was heartbroken, and there were endless memories, which surged in his mind.

On the island of heaven, the girl played the piano, and the boy lay lazily under the tree, holding a straw in his mouth, smiling cleanly, so sunny.

The next moment, the wind and clouds surged, the peace dissipated, and turned into endless darkness.

Ten thousand people came, the boy fought proudly, showing endless elegance, and the girl rushed to the underworld, just because heaven was jealous of him.

"I remember..." The saint closed her eyes and cried even harder: "I'm really damned, how could I forget you..."

The saint was stunned. Since the saint entered the door, he has lost his memory. He has never seen the saint like this, but all this is related to Chu Yan?

"Why, still this result..." The saint was unwilling, she was the fairy of heaven, she finally closed her beautiful eyes.

Since then, all the saints of the holy sects announced to retreat, no one knew why, only the saint, a moment of helplessness, sighed, and looked up, thinking that the boy, will he never come back again?


Demon Sect.

After the ruins of the Heavenly Lord, Meng Ya was depressed and fell seriously ill. Although Meng Jun did not leave the Lord's Road, he also knew all this, and he was also very angry, but what can he do?

In Qingfeng City, Qingfeng Sword Lord brought back the news, and more than 300 Sword Sect members were silent and shocked. Did the boy, the descendant of the Sword Lord who was invincible on the sword stage, die?

"Brother, go well!" Jujianmen, Tuoba Kuo drank alone and sighed.

In the Artisan City, dark clouds covered, Min Yue was sad alone, and Dean Han and Guo Feng of the Artisan Chamber of Commerce sighed. Such a prodigy, like Mo Wangchen, will Xinghai finally be unable to tolerate it?


In the Demon Sect, there was a roar, Wang Feng let out a hoarse roar, his eyes were red, and the spear in his hand danced like a dragon. His senior brother, who was always outstanding in the world and the galaxy, was forced to death in the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch.

What's funny is that all the branches of the Heavenly Monument are not as good as him. He is an eighth-level emperor and invincible. He should be taken seriously.

"Wang Feng!" Meng Ya and others came and saw Wang Feng's appearance. They were all stunned. Wang Feng's eyes turned blood red at this moment, and a demon shadow appeared behind him.

"Possessed by the devil?" Everyone frowned. Although Wang Feng was in the Demon Sect, he was not a demon cultivator, nor a disciple of the Demon Sect. However, at this moment, a terrible demon shadow appeared behind him.

Ninety-nine great demon mountains and eleven towering demon palaces bloomed at this moment, making a mournful sound.

"Before entering the mountain, the eleven demon palaces have already resonated? This means that a great demon is about to descend upon the world." Countless elders of the Demon Sect were stunned.

"Little Wolf!" At this moment, Zi Yin's autumn eyes focused, and she saw a little wolf dormant in the distance, making a whining sound. The hair on his body stood up like a sword, and the next moment, wings grew on his back, like a pair of steel demon wings. He was in great pain and howled to the sky.

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