Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5667: The Heavenly Dao collapsed, I became the Dao

The world was silent for a moment.


Below, the disciples of the Lu family and the Huo family all had their throats rolled, and their bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

They guessed that Chu Yan was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Elder Lu is a level 7 self-centered person.

The result...killed instantly with one sword?

What is this concept?

In the distance, the eyes of the Huo family elders shrank.


At this time, Chu Yan slowly retracted his sword, without much sympathy in his eyes.

On the other side, the elder of the Lu family was struck by a sword between his eyebrows. First he showed endless shock, and then there was a touch of relief and relief.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes without even struggling.


The next second, because of the death of Mr. Lu, the world trembled violently.

Immediately, a beam of light suddenly flashed from the sky, and then fell on Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was enveloped in that light and frowned slightly.

But he felt it and didn't find any discomfort.

"Rules!" At this time, Chen Meng suddenly spoke from the side.

Chu Yan turned around and looked at Chen Meng.

Chen Meng sighed: "You killed the elders of the Lu family and broke the law of the era. From now on, the Lu family can officially take action against you. Even if the head of the Lu family comes to kill you in person, it will only be regarded as self-protection and will not be harmed." Rules of punishment.”

Chu Yan suddenly realized that he was not too surprised.

As he just said, if the people from the Lu family and the Huo family appear here, they will most likely be used as cannon fodder.

Chen Meng said helplessly: "Okay, originally there was only one Chen family, but now there is another Lu family."

Chu Yan chuckled: "Then let them do it."

The Chen family themselves are not afraid, so why would they care about another Lu family?

At this time, Chu Yan withdrew his gaze, turned to look at the remaining elders of the Huo family, and said lightly: "You are the only one left now, what are you going to choose?"

The Huo family elders clenched their fists fiercely.

But suddenly, he chuckled: "I also want to experience the strength of the new emperor of the universe."

Chu Yan frowned slightly: "You know you will die, but you still want to fight?"

Chu Yan could still understand the elders of the Lu family and felt that he had a chance to defeat him.

However, Chu Yan showed no mercy to the elder of the Lu family just now, just to act as a deterrent.

But even so, the Huo family elders still want to fight with themselves?

Isn’t this pure death?

Hearing this, the elders of the Huo family lowered their heads and did not speak.

Chu Yan frowned and said, "I don't understand what could possibly cause you to risk your life."

The elders of the Huo family looked at Chu Yan and suddenly smiled and said: "Emperor Chu, let's not talk about this. Only one of you and I can survive today."

Chu Yan shook his head slightly.

But the next second, he took action.

Although I can't understand it, this is the other person's choice.

If you don't take action, are you waiting for the Huo family to kill you?

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.


When the sword comes out, it is full force.

The world suddenly went dark.


Sneak - a sword energy was directed towards the elder of the Huo family. Facing that Ming Ming sword, the elder of the Huo family also roared angrily. Instead of waiting for death, he took out a long halberd surrounded by golden dragons and stabbed hard.

Roar - after this shot was fired, the golden dragon seemed to already know the result, and immediately let out a mournful roar, but the golden dragon did not retreat, but soared into the sky, as fast as thunder.

The next second, there was a miserable wailing, which was coming from the golden dragon.

Immediately, the golden dragon fell down and fell next to the Huo family elders, showing a look of powerlessness. The Huo family elders also smiled bitterly when they saw this, and then he did not resist because he knew very well that he had no chance. A sword pierced his heart.

Chu Yan kept watching, showing a hint of confusion.

What is it for?

Chen Meng also had some doubts.

Is there anything in this world more important than your own life?

Can someone die for the sake of family interests?

And suddenly, a voice came into Chu Yan's ears.


Chu Yan was slightly startled and looked down at the elders of the Huo family.

The elder of the Huo family fell to the ground, and with the penetration of the sword, his life force quickly drained away. This was a sign that he was about to die.

But he kept looking at Chu Yan. There was no blame in his eyes, but a hint of apology and helplessness.

Chu Yan showed doubts: "Why?"

The voice of the Huo family elders sounded again: "I have no choice... They are threatening my daughter's life. I can only enter Tianyuan and either kill you and get the universe, or be killed by you and unlock the rules for the Lu family... …This is my destiny.”

Chu Yan's pupils shrank.

He thought there was a reason.

But he didn't expect it to be like this.

Chen Meng's heart also trembled, and he cursed in a low voice: "A bunch of beasts!"

The life breath of the Huo family elder was getting weaker and weaker. He couldn't help but said: "Her name is Huo Yan... If one day, the Huo family is defeated, please let her go."

The next second, the Huo family elder slowly closed his eyes.

Completely fallen.

Chen Meng watched from the side, his fists clenching loudly.

Perhaps because of the resonance of family betrayal, Chen Meng felt extremely troubled at this moment.

Suddenly, Chen Meng looked at Chu Yan angrily: "Why? Why me? Why him? We just want to be ourselves, but why is it us?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while and sighed: "I'll tell you why it's you."

Chen Meng looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said helplessly: "Because... it can only be you... because of your kindness, you will become a handle for others to take advantage of."

Chen Meng roared angrily: "Is our kindness wrong? Didn't I say that good will be rewarded in this world? But why didn't I see it? What I see now is that hemp ropes are only cut at the thinnest places, and bad luck is only Looking for trouble!"

Chu Yan slowly closed his eyes.


Chen Meng may not know, but Chu Yan does.

Because the karma of good and evil in this world has collapsed.

This world is no longer what it used to be.

But he was silent for a while and did not tell the truth.

Chen Meng is one of the few innocent people he has met in recent years. He has always cherished an innocent heart. He does not want this cruel world to destroy this sincere heart.

Suddenly, Chu Yan grinned: "Who told you that there will be no reward? It's just that the time has not come yet. Your kindness... I will repay you."

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly made a bold decision in his heart.

In this world, isn’t the path of good and evil karma collapsed?

Aren’t good and evil confused?

Since the way of heaven has collapsed, then I, Chu Yan, will transform into the way!

From today on, I will do the right thing for good and evil!

Of course, Chu Yan knew very well that this would be a long, long road, and he could not complete it overnight.

But he was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time.

At this time, Chu Yan raised his head and glanced at the sky.


But at this time, in Chu Yan's eyes, there was endless darkness.

Suddenly, Chu Yan raised a finger towards the sky, and then showed a disdainful smile.

No matter how dark the sky is, one day I will clear the sky.

Withdrawing his fingers, Chu Yan lowered his head and glanced at the dead elders of the Huo family. Suddenly he flicked his fingers and a beating flame flew out.

Burn the body for the elders of the Huo family.

"Huo Yan...I took note of it."

Immediately, Chu Yan said nothing more.

Chen Meng was always by his side, his fists clenched.

Like Chu Yan, his heart changed today.

"let's go."

Suddenly, Chu Yan spoke.

Chen Meng glanced at the other disciples of the Ancient Saint who were still trapped in the universe: "Where are they?"

Chu Yan glanced at them and said calmly: "They are just victims of a group of families. Let them fend for themselves."

Chen Meng nodded slightly, and then snorted coldly: "It's really an advantage for them."

Chu Yan smiled softly, then thought for a moment, and suddenly looked down at the place where Chen Yu set himself on fire.

"Wushi, can you help me?" Chu Yan said softly inside his body.

Wushu said speechlessly: "Brother, I am the law of life. My power is very precious. You want me to use it for such a thing?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "Thank you."

Wushui sighed, but finally said nothing.

Soon, a vast vitality emerged from the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, wrapping up the last remnant of Chen Yu's soul.


The next second, everyone saw with their own eyes that Chen Yu, who had been reduced to ashes, was rebuilt bit by bit.

His soul and body were all restored to their original state.

Not only that, with the injection of non-destructive life force, Chen Yu's physical body became even more powerful than before.


When Chen Yu's physical body recovered, everyone around him was slightly surprised: "The physical body proves the truth?"

Yes, Chen Yu made a breakthrough.

Although he is still a giant in the realm, his physical body has reached the solipsistic level.

It's a bit like Chu Yan's giant sacred body.

After Chen Yu recovered, he slowly opened his eyes. When he saw countless disciples of the ancient saint around him, he was shocked: "Wo Cao, are you stalking me? I'm already dead, how can I still meet you in the Palace of Hell?" "

The next second, Chen Yu seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly laughed excitedly: "I know, is my brother Chu back? I saw you killing me and then avenging me? Haha, I knew it, Brother Chu will never abandon me."

Disciple of the Ancient Sage: "..."

Above, Chu Yan and the other two people had very strange looks in their eyes.

Chen Yu laughed for a while and suddenly realized something was wrong. He raised his head and looked up. Then he saw Chu Yan and the other two people saying in shock, "Brother Chu? Yu Xing? Why are you here too? You are dead too? Aren't you?"

After saying that, Chen Yu suddenly drooped his face: "I'm sorry, it was me who caused you trouble."

Chu Yan laughed for a while, then he stretched out his hand to grab Chen Yu, directly carried Chen Yu to his side and said with a smile: "Okay, don't get crazy here, I am not dead, you are not dead, everyone is still alive and well."

"Ah?" Chen Yu was startled: "I'm not dead?"

Then, he glanced at his body and said in surprise: "Here, I'm really not dead? Brother Chu, what on earth is going on?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "It's a long story. Let's go. I'll tell you as we go."

Chen Yu nodded vigorously.

The next second, Chu Yan and the four others ignored the disciples of the Ancient Saint and quickly flew towards the distance.

While flying, Chu Yan smiled and said: "Chen Yu, where is Daocun?"

The corner of Chen Yu's mouth twitched slightly: "Wo Cao, Brother Chu, are you deliberately messing with me? You don't think that my death is too cheap, so you deliberately keep me alive and let me die again, right?"

Chu Yan: "..."

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