Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5665 My name is Chu Yan


A huge roar echoed throughout the world.

It's like the end of the world.

The next second, the sky turned red.

Dye red with Huo Xun's blood.

The death of a level four solipsist directly dyed the sky with blood.

Yu Xing punched Huo Xun to death, but he was still a little sluggish and excited...

Did I...really kill Level 4 Solo?


The point is, I didn't suffer a backlash from the force, nor was I strangled to death.

When Chu Yan first said that he would lend him strength and let him do it himself, he was still a little scared.

Now it seems to be true.

At this time, the world became quiet.

In the sky, the remaining disciples of the Ancient Sage were all stunned.

Suddenly, the Huo woman screamed: "Huo Xun!!! No!!!"

what happened?

Huo Xun... was punched to pieces?

But how?

Even if it explodes, the soul will leave the body and escape.

There's still a chance.

Where is the soul?

The Huo family girl stared at it, only to find that Huo Xun's soul was gone, and was blown away by Yu Xing's punch.

The Liu family and the Lu family were all shocked. They looked at Yu Xing in fear, with a hint of fear and jealousy in their eyes: "You, who are you!"

Even if Huo Xun was careless, hitting Huo Xun with one punch was not something ordinary people could do.

Level 7 Solo!

At least he is a Level 7 Solipsist!

But at this time, Yu Xing didn't want to delay.

After he felt the power, he suddenly looked at the disciples of the Ancient Saint and said ferociously: "You were the one who wanted to kill me first, so don't blame me for being rude!"


Yu Xing laughed excitedly and rushed out.


The disciples of the Ancient Sage suddenly became frightened.

Liu Xun growled: "There is something wrong with him, there is something wrong with him, he is not a first-level solipsist, everyone joins forces!"

As soon as these words came out, the other disciples of the Ancient Sage reacted and quickly gathered together.

But even so, it's still not enough...

Yu Xing at this moment is actually Chu Yan. Except for the different fighting methods and skills, Chu Yan has given all his power to Yu Xing.

And this power... But even the village chief has to avoid the presence of three points, let alone a group of juniors of the ancient saints?


Yu Xing punched out, and each punch was accompanied by a terrifying air explosion.

Bang bang bang!

Almost instantly, someone died again.


The disciples of the Ancient Saint roared: "Damn it, you madman! Do you know who we are? We are all from the Ancient Saint family..."

Hearing this, Yu Xing not only showed no mercy, but his eyes became even more cruel.

Just because he is a disciple of an ancient saint, can he do whatever he wants?

Treat human life as nothing?

Today, I have Chu Yan to take advantage of me, but what if I don’t?

He and Chen Yu will definitely die.

The Ancient Sage...can take the lives of others at will?


Yu Xing was angry and punched harder.


Every time a punch is struck, a disciple of the Ancient Sage will die.

"Damn it, you lunatic!"

In an instant, the disciples of the Ancient Sage became crazy.

They were frightened, and some turned around and tried to escape.

However, just as they were about to turn around, their expressions suddenly changed dramatically.


Just then, a huge star fell.


Chu Yan takes action!

This group of people was directly trapped inside.

The disciples of the Ancient Sage raised their heads sharply when they saw this, and then saw Chu Yan and Chen Meng.

"There's someone else!"

"Chen Meng? Is that you?" Someone immediately recognized Chen Meng. He is still very famous as the most evil evildoer in the Chen clan for hundreds of millions of years.

The next second, all the disciples of the Ancient Sage were surprised: "Brother Chen, save us quickly!"

Chen Meng looked at the group of people indifferently and said nothing.

He had no grudges against this group of people, but the condescending attitude they had when searching for souls just now made him feel sick.

At first, when the disciples of the Ancient Sage saw Chen Meng, they felt that they had grasped the last straw.

It can be seen that Chen Meng did not take action, and someone immediately reacted and said in shock: "Chen Meng...are you in the same group with this person?"

Chen Meng said calmly: "The Ancient Saint Family... is not the reason for you to do whatever you want."

"Damn it!"

At this time, the disciple of the Ancient Sage immediately changed his face, and someone roared: "Chen Meng, it's all you, right? You also killed the Chen clan people? You madman, you will be punished."

Chen Meng said nothing.

Chen clan?

To be honest, he didn't even think about how he should face the Chen clan now.

"Don't talk nonsense to him, find someone quickly!"

Liu Xun growled: "Otherwise we will all die!"

At this time, several core disciples of the Ancient Saint Family looked at each other, and a jade slip appeared in their hands, and they crushed it one after another.


When the jade slip was crushed, a beam of light flew out.

Logically speaking, these beams cannot break out of the universe.

However, with a thought, Chu Yan suddenly opened a small hole in the universe and deliberately let these light beams fly out.

Chen Meng frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "Are you planning to annihilate them all? In this case, you will offend all the four ancient saint families to death."

He didn't care about the life or death of the ancient saint.

But by doing this, Chu Yan was undoubtedly bringing hatred to himself.

A Chen clan member is already a big trouble.

If the Liu family, Lu family, and Huo family are provoked in a row, it can be said that the four ancient saint families have been offended.

Of course, Chen Meng believed that as long as he was in Tianyuan, even the four major families would not be able to deal with Chu Yan.

But... what about going out?

Unless Chu Yan never left, he would definitely be besieged by the four ancient saint families.

Chu Yan looked calm and said lightly: "Do you think they will let me go if I don't do it?"

Chen Meng was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Brother Chen, the Chen family started planning a hundred years ago, so what about the other ancient saint families? Don't you have any ideas?"

Chen Meng's pupils shrank: "You mean..."


Chu Yan nodded: "The other three families have more or less some ideas. What I am doing now is also to distinguish between enemies and friends. I don't like to do it bit by bit. I like everything to be laid out in the open, and whether it is an enemy or a friend can be directly identified."

Chen Meng fell into silence.

The next second, Chu Yan suddenly looked at the disciples of the ancient saint families, thought for a while and said directly: "My name is Chu Yan!"

A voice, coupled with the spread of the universe, was deafening.

Let everyone hear it immediately.

Countless disciples of the Ancient Saint family looked up at Chu Yan, somewhat puzzled.

From the beginning, Yu Xing's changes and Chen Meng's identity shocked them.

Only Chu Yan had a low sense of presence.

Chu Yan did not speak, and some people did not even see him.

Chu Yan did not care about those eyes, but continued to say: "My name is Chu Yan, Chu Yan of the New Emperor of the Universe!"


The next second, the pupils of all the disciples of the Ancient Saint shrank.

The two words Chu Yan... are nothing, but when the four words New Emperor of the Universe come out, people can no longer ignore his existence.

"Chu Yan... Chu Yan... No wonder this name is so familiar."

Chu Yan said lightly: "Aren't you sending a message? Tell me my identity at the same time! If you want the mystery of the universe, I'm waiting here."

In an instant, all the disciples of the Ancient Saint became solemn.

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