Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 567 I, Chu Yan!

Everyone looked at this scene and were stunned. What Ji Longyu said was true.

The number one on the emperor list, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, turned out to be Chu Yan.

His white clothes were fluttering, and a sword appeared in his hand at some point. At this moment, he showed a brand-new bloodline and life soul that the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master had never used before. It was his original sword bloodline and the Heaven-Destroying Sword.

The sword intention was born, and the swords in the world were instantly on the forehead. The swords were clanging, and the blood of the sword sounds was displayed without reservation. The air was filled with the melodious sword sounds, which fascinated countless people. Then the sword sounds became complete and appeared in In front of Mengya, Ji Longyu's dragon sword exploded and was scattered.

Ji Longyu didn't care when the move was blocked, but his smile became even thicker. What he wanted to do was to force Chu Yan to admit it.

Chu Yan held the sword and protected Mengya with his sword intent. Then he looked at everyone in the audience with clear eyes.

"I am the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. I am Chu Yan!"

There was a sudden shock in the Demon Palace. I, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, I, Chu Yan!

Chu Yan admitted it at this moment and faced the world with his true appearance.

Especially the people in the Dilu were shocked. He was a disciple of the Demon Sect, inherited from Jianjun Yaxia Sword Master, and was the master of the Soul-Hungry Ancient Bell. But now, he is still the Master of the Celestial Emperor Sect and the Great Hammer Emperor.

When the ruins of Tianjun came out, there were three people who stirred up the situation. The first one was Chu Yan, the second one was the Tiandi Sect Master, and the third one was the Divine Hammer Emperor.

Chu Yan was once invincible under the ancient bell and killed the king in one battle. The leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect once ruled the emperor's path in all directions. The genius of Tianbei Mountain was in front of him and was vulnerable to a blow. The Great Hammer destroyed the world and the earth with a giant hammer and killed the top monster. However, , these three geniuses are actually the same person?

Some people even thought of his battle with Bei Ming Sha Tian. At that time, he was still not exposed and his true power was hidden. So how strong is he, the only one in Hua San now?

Li Xian'er is far away, smiling brightly, but he can't help but shed tears. Under the ancient clock, he has a disaster, isn't it enough?

Wangyue was even more stunned. The person she had always admired was actually Chu Yan. For a moment, she felt indescribable bitterness in her heart.

The monarchs of the Demon Sect were equally shocked when they saw this scene. What kind of existence did their Demon Sect accept, a monster like no other in the world?

But immediately, they showed regret. Chu Yan is a rare genius, but today, who can protect him?

At this time, there was a young figure in the crowd. He had a guqin behind him. He looked at Chu Yan with a smile. It was Gu Yun, the disciple of Qin Fan and the leader of Baihui Hall.

He took out the bamboo slips and crossed out the names on them one by one, leaving only Chu Yan in the end.

Mengya was sent to Chu Yan by the sword. She was stunned. Was the person who protected the Demon Sect and saved her her junior brother?

She still felt it was unreal. Chu Yan had only been in the Demon Sect for a few years. In that year, he was only the third level Emperor and had access to eleven Demon Mountains. He had caused great trouble by killing Beiming and Killing the Emperor, so she still needed her. protection, but now, can he protect himself?

"Junior brother...is it really you?" Mengya murmured softly, and Chu Yan smiled bitterly: "It's my senior sister. I'm sorry that I kept it secret from you for so long."

Mengya shook her head, but her heart ached sharply. She understood better than anyone else what Chu Yan meant when he was exposed at this time. The three major dynasties, Tianbei Duorui, and Tianbei Mountain would not let him go.

"Run!" Mengya yelled hysterically, but Chu Yan laughed at himself: "Run? Where can I run? It's useless."

"So you are Chu Yan!" Beiming Shatian said coldly at this moment, and Chu Yan looked at him speechlessly.

"No wonder you dare to be so unscrupulous in the Imperial Road. It turns out that you changed your identity. After leaving the Zhengu Ruins, the Heavenly Emperor Sect Master disappeared. Even if we wanted to take revenge, we couldn't find anyone, but you almost deceived us." Jiu Lord Youdi said.

"You are Chu Yan, which is just right. Let's settle all the grievances together."

Emperor Beiming said angrily that among those present, he was the one who wanted Chu Yan dead the most. Both Chu Yan and the leader of the Tiandi Sect had killed many people from his Beiming Dynasty.

"Everyone, this man is so vicious. He changed his identity and killed me, a member of Tianbei Mountain. He should be killed in public today!" Emperor Beiming did not take action directly, but turned around and said to the others.

"That's right." The Jiuyou Emperor was the first to respond, as did the Purple Thunder Emperor, the King of the Galaxy, the Great Demon Lord of the Beast King Palace, and others.

Chu Yan felt the terrifying monarchy one after another, and took it calmly. He didn't even resist, letting the monarchy oppress him, and smiled sarcastically: "In Demon Sect Craftsman City, Beiming Killing Emperor wants to kill me and threatens the people around me. , I will kill him only if there is a monarch who takes action. Under the ancient bell, each lineage is trying to seize the ancient bell, and they will not hesitate to take action against me. I have killed countless monarchs, just like in the imperial road. So far, the people I have killed, They are all people who want me dead, and what’s even more ridiculous is that on the Imperial Road, I could have killed all of you, who could stop me?”

Countless Heavenly Emperors lowered their heads and were speechless, because they knew that Chu Yan was right. If Chu Yan killed all of them on the Imperial Road, they would all die.

"But I didn't, and I still had a little luck. Unfortunately, I was wrong. You didn't at all. You left the imperial road, and even ignored your identity, you tried to kill me again and again." Chu Yan said calmly.

"It's useless no matter how much you say, you must die today." Emperor Jiuyou said coldly.

"Yes, it is indeed useless." Chu Yan shook his head mockingly: "But if I fall and everything disappears today, if I don't die, I will never be merciful next time!"

"In today's situation, do you still want to live?" Emperor Beiming seemed to have heard a big joke.

Many people felt sorry for Chu Yan and understood that what Chu Yan just said was right. He was a genius, but so what?

To this day, there are too many people who want to kill him. It can be said that half of the people in the Sixteen Meridians of the Heavenly Monument want him dead. Among them, there are countless Heavenly Monarchs. Such a terrible lineup has not appeared in the star sea for many years, and they want to kill only one emperor.

Wangyue, Mengya, Li Xianer, they are all desperate and powerless.

There are more vines in Qingyi's body, and she wants to take a step forward.

"Stop!" Chu Yan roared as if he had expected it: "Everything today is enough, don't stand in front of me again."

Qingyi's heart trembled slightly, and her jade hands clenched, but she still obeyed, looking at the North Ming Emperor with cold eyes, and a cold murderous intent flashed in her moving eyes.

"Everyone, if you delay, something will happen, do it!" The North Ming Emperor ordered, transformed into an ancient human emperor, slashed with a sword in the air, and slashed towards Chu Yan in space.

"Boom!" At this moment, a man suddenly stepped out, exuding a terrifying majesty. The giant-faced monarch stood out, his body huge, blocking Chu Yan in front of him, like an unshakable mountain.

"Senior..." Chu Yan frowned. What could the giant-faced monarch do to change the situation today?

"Since I said you are my disciple of Shenzhu Mountain, how can you watch them bully you like this? If it gets out, won't it be a joke?" The giant-faced monarch was solemn at this moment, looking up at the various veins of Tianbei Mountain: "Today, I, Shenzhu Mountain, will learn from the Tianjun of Tianbei Mountain!"

Several Tianjuns frowned. Shenzhu Mountain, do you still want to protect Chu Yan at this time?

"Chu Yan is a disciple of my Demon Sect, and my Demon Sect will not watch you bully him like this!" Suddenly, a Demon Sect Tianjun stood up.

Some people were surprised to see this, but it was far from enough. With only the Demon Sect and Shenzhu Mountain, they could not stop the several major veins of Tianbei today.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities!" The Northern Emperor roared, his killing intent even stronger, and then the terrifying Human Emperor Sword slashed out, like a storm, tearing towards Chu Yan.

"Fight!" At this time, Kun Lao stopped being mean and cursed: "Stinky boy, I am considered to have lost. I was counting on you to grow up in the future, so that I, an old man, could eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, and pretend to be cool all over the world. In the end, you hurt me badly today!"

However, after the words fell, Kun Lao was the first to rush forward, without hesitation.

Chu Yan felt the people around him fighting for him, and his eyes also turned red. Then he smiled foolishly. Today's battle was worth it, even if he died in the battle, what's the harm?

But since he wanted to fight, he would be in a hurry. In an instant, there was a terrible sword chant in his body. He attacked in the air and killed the opponent's emperor.

"You should have died long ago!" Chu Yan's true self switched, and his figure was like a ghost. In the direction of the Western Region Star River, Xuan Tianzi had no time to react. A long sword stabbed down in the air. He stared with his eyes wide open, unable to believe it.

At this time, Chu Yan actually took action and killed a broken emperor.

"Little bastard, you are looking for death!" The people of the Western Region Star River became even angrier and more murderous.

At this time, Feng Lin looked at Chu Yan with disdain: "In the end, you can't escape death. What's the use of being a genius? You are still a dead man."

You Yu looked at him from the side and shook her head sadly: "Compared to him, you Feng Lin are too weak. Even if he dies, he is still brilliant."

In the Demon Palace, an unprecedented battle broke out, and several great heavenly monarchs fought ruthlessly.

This battle will surely cause a sensation in the star sea. Of course, no one knows it now. This battle will also open up a real chaotic world, laying a huge foreshadowing for the pattern and chaos of the star sea in the near future.

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