Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5651 Another breakthrough?

The world suddenly became quiet.

Everyone was sweating for Chu Yan.

On the other side, Chen Tian and the Chen family members all smiled.

Definitely win!

At this time, Chen Jia raised her head and glanced at Chen Tian. Even she didn't know that Chen Tian had joined forces with the village chief.

Of course, she didn't care what Chen Tian did, as long as the result was good.

The only one Chen Jia was a little worried about was that now that the Dao Village Chief appeared, Chu Yan and Chen Meng might be able to solve it. However, the Dao Village Chief was not weak. This time he really killed Chu Yan and completed the clearing of the Tianyuan Forbidden Sect. , I am afraid that the village chief's strength will go further, reaching the true eighth level of solipsism...

With this strength, even outside Tianyuan, he is not a weakling.

After all, the ancient saint who is the only one above me has disappeared for too long.

At that time, the village chief has become stronger. If Chen Tian becomes ambitious, will Chen Tian be able to defeat the village chief?

Chen Jia was not stupid enough to really regard the village chief as one of his own. The two sides were just using each other.

Another point is the universe...

Before the village chief showed up, if they could kill Chu Yan, the universe would be theirs.

But now that the village chief is taking action, the other party will definitely not give up on the universe.

Without Universe, even if Chen Meng died, it would be difficult for Chen Tian to gain the respect of the Chen clan.

Chen Tian... would he really be willing to let the universe go?

Chen Jia didn't know what Chen Tian was planning.

Of course, now is not the time to talk about this.

Everything has to wait until Chu Yan and Chen Meng are dead.


Below, Chu Yan was shaken by the terrifying pressure, and his whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

The village chief said calmly: "Boy, hand over the universe. You are no match for me. Think about the people of the universe. Even if you give up this universe, you still have the universe of the Lord of Heaven Refining. Why lose your life for a moment of anger?"

Chu Yan looked up at the village chief.

Suddenly, he laughed: "Haha, hahaha!"

The village chief frowned: "Why are you laughing?"

Chu Yan stopped laughing for a while and said sarcastically: "Look, you people are so hypocritical. You are obviously here to steal things, but you seem to be giving me a favor..."

The village chief said nothing.

Because in his opinion this is the truth.

But the next second, Chu Yan's conversation changed and suddenly became cold and stern. He looked at the village chief... no, not only the village chief, but also Chen Tian and others in the distance, and said word by word: " But...why do you think you have won? Why do you think I, Chu Yan, are easy to bully? I will tell you today that not only will I not hand over the universe, I will kill all of you!"


Everyone was shocked.

He seemed to be frightened by Chu Yan's momentum.

But then, everyone was confused.

Dao Village Chief, peak level seven, what can Chu Yan do to compete?

However, regardless of Chu Yan, there is no such thing as surrender in his dictionary.


He raised his palm, and a small tower flew out, but this time, he did not throw the small tower out, but let the tower spin above his head.

In an instant, the huge pressure exploded.


Then, with his eyes as ice as ice, he grabbed the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword and killed the Taoist village chief with a single stride.


Chi--a trace of frightened sword energy swept out directly.

Village Chief Dao was also a little surprised. He obviously didn't expect Chu Yan to be able to break away from his pressure. Then he stared at the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda: "Boy, it seems that in addition to the universe, you have many valuable treasures."

"Forget it, I will collect all of these for you today."


The next second, the village chief punched out.


The fist and sword collided, and the surrounding space immediately split open, and then a figure burst out.

This person...is none other than Chu Yan.

But Chu Yan didn't pay attention. As soon as he stood firm, he disappeared again. This time, he held two swords and killed the village chief together.

The village chief narrowed his eyes and immediately clapped his hands.


After a moment, two thunderous figures began to fight in the void.

At this time, everyone became solemn.

"So fast!"

"So strong!"

The first thing they marveled at was the Tao Village Chief, who was at the seventh level at his peak. Every blow he made caused the world to break apart.

But then I was amazed by Chu Yan...

At this time, the two had exchanged hundreds of moves, but Chu Yan was still able to persist.

Although Chu Yan has always been at a disadvantage, this is shocking enough. You know, one is at the peak level seven, and the other is just a giant...

The difference between cloud and mud.

As a result, Chu Yan had a lively fight with the village chief.

Chen Meng kept watching and suddenly sighed: "I'm not as good as him..."

Chen Jiayu clasped her hands tightly. She was also a genius, but she also felt a little inferior at this moment.

This kind of mentality was something she had never experienced before.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, Chu Yan wildly drew his sword. The stronger the village chief was, the more it aroused his fighting spirit and made him more and more excited.

Suddenly, he felt that his trip to Tianyuan was really the right thing to do.

Here, he made rapid progress.

However, while he was happy, the village chief's expression became more and more serious, and Chu Yan put a lot of pressure on him.

Thinking of this, Village Chief Dao narrowed his eyes and suddenly a fan appeared in his hand. He quickly took it out and turned into a huge storm and tore towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he immediately blocked the attack with his sword.


There was a shocking loud noise, and then Chu Yan violently exploded back a thousand meters.

But the moment he stopped, a terrifying fighting spirit suddenly surged out of him.

And the moment that fighting spirit appeared, there was an expansion of aura.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this.

"Is this... a sign of breakthrough?"

"No...this is impossible!"

In an instant, Chen Tian, ​​the Chen family members, including Chen Meng and the old woman were all shocked.

Chu Yan...is about to break through?

But how is it possible?

Didn’t Chu Yan just break through?

Village Chief Dao stared at Chu Yan and became solemn.

Are you going to become a self-reliant person?

In his opinion, if Chu Yan breaks through, he can only be self-centered.

Although the path of self-centeredness in this era has been cut off, now that Chu Yan has become the new emperor of the universe, there are other ways to break through self-centeredness. The village chief is not too surprised.

After all, the road is closed, but for some ordinary people, real monsters and geniuses will always find their own way.

But then, the village chief shook his head slightly: "Innocent... In terms of realm, although I am stronger than the giants, they are two big realms after all. The moment you break through, it will directly cause your power to be unbalanced, and there will be a moment Instantaneous period.”

The breakthrough of two major realms, especially the qualitative change of power, will cause a blank period for people, and during this period, people will be no different from ordinary mortals.

No power at all.

Therefore, Village Chief Dao even stopped and did not stop Chu Yan from breaking through.

On the contrary, he has been waiting for the moment when Chu Yan completes the breakthrough and enters the gap period to complete the sure kill.

Chen Meng and the old woman both became worried.

"Brother Chu..." Chen Meng murmured.

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