Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5644 Imperial Family

At this moment, Chen Meng did not let Chu Yan stay.

Chen Tian set up such a shocking situation, which means he was determined to kill himself.

If Chu Yan stayed, it would only cost one more life, so there was no need for it.

Chu Yan glanced at Chen Meng and suddenly sneered: "You want me to leave now? You haven't paid me the Daoyuan Stone and wine you owe me yet, I won't leave."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Chen Meng was stunned: "Brother Chu, you..."

Chu Yan stretched lazily and chuckled: "Let's fight. If I really can't beat you, I won't lose my life for you. There are trillions of creatures in my universe. I am their emperor. My life... has long been not mine alone, so I can't be too willful. But now... isn't it not yet a point where you are sure to lose?"

Chen Meng was stunned.

At this time, Chen Tian sneered: "Not yet a point where you are sure to lose? Haha, kid, you are quite good at comforting yourself."

Chu Yan glanced at Chen Tian.

Swish--suddenly, a shocking sword energy swept out.

Chen Tian's face changed, and he punched subconsciously.


The fist and the sword collided, but then the sword energy broke through the fist shadow and stabbed directly at Chen Tian's face. Chen Tian had to put his hands together and block it in front of his chest.


With a loud bang, Chen Tian retreated a thousand meters.

Then he barely stopped.

As soon as he stopped, his eyes turned cold: "Boy, are you looking for death?"

Chu Yan shook his wrist. He didn't expect that he could kill Chen Tian with one sword. If that were the case, the other party would not be able to set up such a big game, but he still drew his sword and sneered: "Your mouth stinks, so don't talk."

Chen Tian narrowed his eyes and suddenly sneered: "Very good, I didn't want to cause trouble, but since you insist on looking for death, you don't leave today."

After that, Chen Tian waved his arm: "Everyone listen to my order, follow me to kill!"


In an instant, the black-clothed men and the members of the Chen family who arrived later all gathered together to form a huge encirclement, surrounding Chu Yan and Chen Meng.

Above, the old woman's eyes were bloodshot: "Assholes, you are looking for death! You will definitely be punished."

At this time, the black-clothed old man opposite said lightly: "Who can be blamed for all this? Chen Meng is too crazy... If God wants him to die, he must first make him crazy! If he entered Tianyuan, he would immediately return to the Chen family headquarters. With Chen Meng's prestige, he could quickly take back Tianyuan Chen family... But he didn't, he destroyed six forbidden sects in succession, which gave us the opportunity to act."

The old woman clenched her fists tightly.

She actually wanted to speak up for Chen Meng...

Half of the six forbidden sects were destroyed by Chu Yan.

Below, Chu Yan also laughed slightly. He turned to look at Chen Meng and said, "Brother Chen, you really took the blame for me this time."

Chen Meng said calmly, "In my life, the sword in my hand does not point at the weak, and the sword in my heart is not afraid of strong enemies. There is nothing I don't take the blame for. Even without you, I will still be destroyed by the six sects."

Chu Yan laughed loudly, "What a good sentence, the sword in my heart is not afraid of strong enemies! Then, kill them."

Chen Meng smiled slightly.


In an instant, both of them burst out with extremely terrifying auras.

No more reservations.

At this moment, they can't hold back.

If they hold back again, they will really be courting death.

At this time, the Chen family members who surrounded the two narrowed their eyes and showed a solemn look.

Although they were hostile, they had to admit that these two people were really good monsters.

"Is this the new emperor of the universe, Chu Yan?"

At this time, Chu Yan's identity was no longer a secret.

The Chen family sighed, "It's really amazing. It's difficult to be famous at such a young age."

This is absolutely true.

Chu Yan's name... can really be regarded as a name that has been known for eternity.

The three eras of today span 600 million years, but even some people in the ancient era already know Chu Yan, isn't this considered a name that has been known for eternity?

Chen Meng is so strong that only the ancient saint family knows him, at least in the current era.

But Chu Yan is not like that. Almost everyone in the three eras knows him.

The point is... Chu Yan is only a giant now.

"He can reach this level in the giant realm. I thought Chen Meng was a monster, but I didn't expect Chu Yan to be even more exaggerated."

At this time, a woman next to Chen Tian exclaimed.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Chen Tian smiled slightly.

The woman was startled and looked at Chen Tian in confusion.

Chen Tian chuckled: "No matter how strong he is, he must die today, and the stronger he is, the greater the potential of the universe. When he is killed, the universe... won't it be ours?"

As soon as these words came out, the Chen family was startled at first, and then all ecstatic.


After killing Chu Yan, the universe will be theirs.

At that time, the stronger Chu Yan showed, the greater their benefits would be.

"Today is also a two-birds-with-one-stone." Chen Tian chuckled, then he looked at the woman beside him and said: "And don't you think that Chu Yan's appearance is more like an extra layer of protection given to us by God?"

The woman was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Chen Tian said: "If he didn't show up, we can only put the blame on the Forbidden Sect, but the Chen family is not stupid, especially the old patriarch, he favors Chen Meng to the extreme, and he will definitely come to investigate in depth. Once the truth is found, we will also be in trouble."

The woman nodded slightly.

That's right.

There is no wall that is impenetrable.

If the Chen family searches inch by inch and uses some time power, it is still possible to find out the truth.

At this time, Chen Tiandao: "But now that Chu Yan is here, it's different."

The woman asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Chen Tiandao: "Not long ago, the clan issued a killing order for Chu Yan. Now that Chu Yan is here, even if our plan is exposed, we can blame Chen Meng for colluding with the universe."

The woman was startled and nodded slightly.


In this case, they have another layer of protection.

Chen Tian smiled and said: "More than that, when I kill Chu Yan, I can get the universe. When that time comes...even if the family knows that I killed Chen Meng, do you think they will still touch me?"

The woman looked at Chen Tian.

At this time, Chen Tian suddenly showed a ferocious look: "This world is so cruel... I must say it harshly, I am the one who will kill Chen Meng today. It requires countless arrangements, but I ask you, if Chen Meng wants to kill me today, Does he need any excuse? He just killed me with one sword for no reason. Will the Chen family punish him for this? "

The woman was startled and looked at Chen Tian fiercely.

Chen Tian shook his head mockingly: "No, it's not. Maybe because of the pressure from the family, because of the face of my parents, verbally blaming him, or punishing Chen Meng to face the wall for a year and a half, he can get rid of it." In addition, do you think there will be other punishments? Will the family get rid of Chen Meng because of me? "

The woman was silent and shook her head slightly after a moment.


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