Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5632 King's Style

Chen Meng was startled.

Then he smiled bitterly.

This is really not necessarily the case!

Here, Chu Yan showed amazing talent and strength, so the strong man in front of him had to believe it.

But when this group of people returned to their sects, those forbidden land sect masters had never seen Chu Yan take action. Would they believe that the new emperor of the universe was a giant?

It’s hard to say!

After all, this is how the world has always been.

Everyone only believes what they see with their own eyes.

At this time, Chu Yan looked at Chen Meng: "Is it so hard to believe that I am the new emperor of the universe?"

Chen Meng laughed: "To be honest with Brother Chu, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it would be hard for me to imagine how a giant destroyed the Iron Blooded Fortress."

Chu Yan looked at Chen Meng: "You are also a genius. When you were a giant, couldn't you fight against me?"

Chen Meng smiled bitterly: "Of course it is possible. There are few giants who rebel against me, but it does not mean that there are none. Geniuses from all the major ancient saint families can almost do it. But Brother Chu... what you killed was not an ordinary wei." Oh, you’ve already killed Level 5 Soiwo, is this still a matter of rebellion?”

Chu Yan rubbed his brows: "Made, you blame me for my talent?"

Chen Meng: "..."

Chen Meng stared at Chu Yan for a while, then suddenly said: "I suspect you are pretending to be competitive."

Chu Yan smiled, it was true.

In fact, he didn't tell Chen Meng anything.

The giants are rebelling against me...

Even if he is a level five solipsist, Chu Yan is at least a top giant in the eyes of many people.

But only Chu Yan himself knows...

He is not.

Up to now, he is only a level 6 giant. Let alone the solipsistic state, even if he is a giant, he has not reached the extreme yet and there is still a long way to go to improve.


At this moment, the surrounding space suddenly rippled.

Chu Yan and Chen Meng frowned together. Before they could speak, the old woman suddenly flew out with a whoosh and landed in front of the two of them. She said in a low voice: "Young Master, we are in trouble."

Chen Meng frowned slightly: "What's going on?"

The old woman said seriously: "The family just sent a message saying that the highest meeting of the major forbidden sects has ended. This meeting was held because of you, and now there is a result."

Chen Meng was stunned. He had already heard about the meeting held in various forbidden places. He chuckled and said, "What's the result?"

The old woman clenched her fist slightly: "The final choice in the forbidden areas is...kill."

Chen Meng narrowed his eyes slightly: "Kill me? Do they dare?"

The old woman nodded: "Although it is not true that the young master destroyed six sects in a row, you have admitted it before. This is a serious provocation in the eyes of the major forbidden sects. In addition, in recent years, several ancient holy families have been invading Tianyuan. , many forbidden sects have long been dissatisfied with this, but they originally had no excuses, so they did not want to provoke the Ancient Saint Family, but this time it was the young master who took action first... I am afraid they wanted to use the young master to scare the monkeys. "

Chen Meng thought for a moment and said, "Do you know how many sects agree?"

The old woman shook her head slightly: "I don't know, but it must be more than half. What Chen Tian means is that as long as you are willing to go back and gather with Tianyuan's people, they will still be willing to protect you, but if you continue to insist on your own way..."

She didn't say the next words, but the meaning was already obvious.

Chen Meng sneered: "I, Chen Meng, why do I need their protection?"

The old woman said in a low voice: "Young master, this is Tianyuan! If you are in the family, Chen Tian is not afraid, but he has been in Tianyuan for many years, and his background here is deeper than ours."

Chen Meng shook his head: "It doesn't matter. Although I destroyed three sects in a row, for me, any one of them is a person who deserves to be killed. I didn't kill an innocent person. If the forbidden sect wants revenge, just come That’s it, I have no regrets.”

The old woman had a headache.

She naturally knew that Chen Meng had done nothing wrong, but this was the world of cultivation.

What everyone is comparing is fists, not principles.

At this time, the old woman said again: "Young Master, time is running out, the major forbidden sects are already coming this way."

Chen Meng still didn't take it to heart. He turned to look at Chu Yan and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, do you still want to be famous?"

Chu Yan blinked and said, "Can I first ask how many people are there this time?"

At this time, Yu Xing suddenly said: "Tianxuan Sect sent me a message. At least ten forbidden sects are gathering here. Among them, there are more than five Level 5 Weapons, and the number of Level 4 Weapons will not be less than 30."

Chu Yan: "..."

His eyelids dropped slightly.

Mad, this lineup... is a bit scary.

So far, the strongest person he has ever killed is the Soul-Swallowing Sect Master.

He was just a level 5 solipsist, but now there are five of them?

Not only that, there are more than thirty level four solipsists.

Just this lineup, apart from Tianyuan, is probably enough to level the universe, right?

Thinking of this, Chu Yan also let out a long sigh in his heart.

The universe...or the current era is really too weak.

This is just Tianyuan, a small world with so many powerful people.

What about the major ancient saints?

Also, where are the rest of the people in the Ancient Era?

In the final analysis, Tianyuan is only a relatively weak part of the two major eras of ancient times and gods and demons. It is only through Tianyuan that they have escaped the catastrophe of the era.

Don't forget that in the two major eras, there are still some top powerhouses who have survived the catastrophes of the eras directly on their own.

The Kingdom of Gods in the Age of Gods and Demons!

The three supreme gods...

What strength will they have?

There is also the Ancient Era.

Compared with these forces, the universe is really far behind.

Chu Yan silently swore in his heart: "When I leave here this time, I must improve the overall strength of the universe."

The next second, Chu Yan looked at Chen Meng and suddenly said: "I can help you, but there is a prerequisite."

Chen Meng's mouth twitched: "What do you mean by helping me... You destroyed three sects."

Chu Yan sneered: "No one believes it."

Chen Meng: "..."

Haha, this is how you play, right?

Chen Meng thought for a moment and said, "What?"

Chu Yan said seriously: "This battle is over, you need to help me find Liu Bai."

Chen Meng pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, this matter is actually very simple. I will contact the Liu family in my own name, and Liu Bai will meet with me."

Chu Yan stretched out his thumb and said, "Okay, there is someone who can help."


The next second, the surrounding wind became stronger and stronger.

Keep whistling.

Chen Meng smiled and said, "Brother Chu, are you ready?"

Tsk—Chu Yan drew out the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword and chuckled, "Do you want to have a test?"

Chen Meng looked at Chu Yan with interest: "Compared to what?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Six major sects, you and I can destroy three parties by ourselves, and there is no winner. Then in the next battle, who can kill more people?"

Chen Meng laughed loudly: "Interesting, okay."

The old woman, Chen Yu, and Yu Xing were all shocked.

These two people...do they know what they are about to face?

Suddenly, the old woman sighed with emotion: "This may be the true style of a king..."

Mount Tai collapsed in front of me, but his face didn't change.

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