Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5597: Evil Valley

Tianyuan suddenly became lively.

In addition to the Chen family, the Liu family and the Huo family became active.

"Did Chen Meng enter Tianyuan?"


"He is really cruel. He destroyed Tiexue Fort as soon as he came in. Haha, there will be excitement this time."

The Liu family and the Huo family both had an attitude of watching the excitement.

The forbidden sect... is not easy to mess with.

Although it is not as good as their ancient saint families now, that is for the outside world.

In Tianyuan, if they really fight, they may not be able to gain any advantage.


At the same time.

Chu Yan hurried on his way and suddenly asked: "Chenyu, how did the forbidden sect in Tianyuan come into being? Are they also natives in Tianyuan?"

Chenyu was stunned and shook his head slightly: "They are not."

Chu Yan asked in confusion: "What about these forbidden sects? I think they are all rooted in Tianyuan?"

The Tiexue Fort is undoubtedly the same as some ordinary sects in the outside world.

Chen Yu nodded: "Although they are not natives of Tianyuan, they have indeed stayed in Tianyuan."

Chu Yan asked with some confusion: "What's going on?"

Chen Yu thought for a while and said: "Let me tell Emperor Chu that there are three groups of people in Tianyuan."

"Three groups?"

"Yes!" Chen Yu nodded and said: "The first group is us natives. We were born in the spiritual energy in Tianyuan. We are the orthodox of Tianyuan."

Chu Yan asked: "What about the second group?"

Chen Yu hesitated and said: "The second group is actually these forbidden sects. They should be born in the ancient era. That era also experienced a great catastrophe, and then some people To avoid the disaster, they hid in the Abyss. Are they considered immigrants? "

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "Ancient Era?"

Chen Yu nodded slightly: "Not all of them are from the Ancient Era, there are also some strong people from the God Era, in short, they are the remnants of the old era."

Chu Yan frowned and said: "I have seen people from the God and Demon Era, I have been to the Temple of War, they don't have to hide."

Chen Yu shook his head: "It's different. The ones that Emperor Chu said are all relatively powerful. At that time, they could face the Haotian disaster alone, and some people could not escape the Haotian disaster by their own strength, so they could only hide in the Abyss. "

Chu Yan was stunned and understood it all at once.

Like the Temple of War, it came from the Kingdom of Gods. When the Haotian disaster came, the Kingdom of Gods could resist it.

But there are still some weaker people who can't resist the disaster, so they fled to the Abyss and used the Abyss to avoid the disaster.

"There are also in the Ancient Era?"

Chen Yu nodded: "Yes, the Iron Blood Castle is actually the power of the Ancient Era."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then said: "What about the third group? Who are they?"

Chen Yu hesitated and said: "The third group... is the Ancient Saint Family. Are they... invaders? They will come here to train, but they will not live here for a long time. So outside, the forbidden sect may not be able to compare with the Ancient Saint Family, but in Tianyuan, it is not certain. After all, Tianyuan has restrictions on some foreign strongmen."

Chu Yan understood.

Three groups of people!

The first group, the natives like Chen Yu and others, are the ones who were born and raised here.

The second group is the forbidden sects, which are immigrants who came here and did not leave after coming here, and developed here.

The third group, the Ancient Saint Family, are tourists? They come to Tianyuan to develop for a while, and will leave again in the end.


At this time, Chu Yan and the others kept shuttling through space, and finally returned to the ruins of Iron Blood Castle again.

However, after they came here, they were a little speechless.

Because this place has been empty for a long time.

Chen Meng didn't leave at first just to take the blame for Chu Yan, but after all the people from the forbidden sect came, everyone knew that he destroyed the Iron Blood Castle, so there was no need for him to stay here.

So he left early.

After all, no one is idle.

There are still many secret realms in Tianyuan.

But at this time, Chu Yan came and felt a little desperate: "Damn, the people are gone! The people are gone... What should I do! How can I prove that I destroyed the Iron Blood Castle..."

Chu Yan suddenly wanted to cry.

It was really me who destroyed it.

Do you believe me?

In the end, Chu Yan couldn't find anyone, so he could only sigh: "Forget it... Isn't it just an Iron Blood Castle? I'll give it to you."

Chu Yan gave in. He couldn't find anyone, and now no one admitted it, so he could only think of other ways.

Suddenly, Chu Yan turned around and looked at Chen Yu and said, "Besides Tiexue Fort, are there any other forbidden sects of evil cultivators in Tianyuan?"

Chen Yu was stunned at first, then his mouth twitched slightly and said, "Emperor Chu, what do you want to do now?"

Chu Yan's face was dark: "What can I do? They don't believe in Tiexue Fort, so of course I am destroying one for them to see."

Chen Yu's eyelids jumped: "Emperor Chu, the destruction of Tiexue Fort will make all the forbidden sects extremely vigilant."

Chu Yan said seriously: "Then you don't have to worry about it, just tell me what other sects are evil cultivators besides Tiexue Fort."

After speaking, Chu Yan thought for a while and added: "Don't bring personal color to me, although we are friends, don't mess with those who have grudges against you natives and let me be your knife. I, Chu Yan, hate others using me the most."

Chen Yu laughed: "Emperor Chu thinks too much. I do have people I want to kill, but I will rely on my own ability. And even if I want to do this, whether it is an evil cultivator or not, Emperor Chu can know it by taking a look. This thing can't deceive people."

Chu Yan thought about it and nodded slightly: "That's true."

"Evil cultivator..." Chen Yu thought about it and suddenly said: "I really can't think of it for a while. After all, the cultivation methods are all secrets of major sects. Except for the Iron Blood Castle, which can eat human flesh and blood, you can tell at a glance. Otherwise, you can't judge whether it is an evil cultivator."

After speaking, Chen Yu said: "But I know a forbidden sect that should be destroyed."

Chu Yan looked at Chen Yu and said, "Where?"

"Evil Valley!" Chen Yu said fiercely, "This sect is just as its name suggests, it is a place that specifically accepts evil people. In the early years, some of my native disciples in Tianyuan did something wrong, and they would also accept them. They accepted all the evil people in Tianyuan."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly said, "You didn't lie to me?"

Chen Yu laughed, "If the Emperor Chu doesn't believe it, you can go and ask for it yourself. Why listen to me?"

Chu Yan nodded, "Where is this Evil Valley?"

Chen Yu stretched out his hand and pointed to the east, "30,000 miles ahead."

Chu Yan grabbed Chen Yu and said, "Let's go!"


At the same time.

In a dark valley in Tianyuan.

This place is the Evil Valley.

There are more than a dozen cities within a radius of 100 miles, but there is not even a woman in the city, only endless men are farming.

Because all the women have been captured in the valley.

At this time, an old man and a young man appeared in the Evil Valley.

The young man was Chen Meng. He looked down, exhausted and said, "We have finally arrived at the Evil Valley."

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