Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5591 Tianyuan Natives


The already chaotic Iron Blood Castle heard another explosion.

Caused by the death of the Huo family youth.

Chu Yan sheathed his sword, looked at the young man silently and said, "Do you know what this is called? I'm telling you, don't pretend to be more...what? You are so weak, and you still dare to jump around."

The eyelids of the boy next to him twitched slightly.

At this time he was already stunned.


Was that young man weak just now?

You must know that there is no one among the disciples of the ancient saint who can enter Tianyuan who is not a monster.

As a result... he was killed like that?

At this time, the young man felt even more grateful...

When I robbed Chu Yan, Chu Yan was quite easy to talk to.

But suddenly, the young man looked at Chu Yan and said in a low voice: "Sir, run!"

Chu Yan heard this and asked doubtfully: "Run? Why run?"

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched slightly: "Sir, you killed the Huo family. The Huo family will never let it go. They will take revenge on you."

Chu Yan glanced at the boy and said, "Oh, that's really great."

The young man's eyelids twitched slightly.


Are you cool?

At this time, Chu Yan said calmly: "Although it's not the Liu family, it's the same. The Huo family wants me, so it should make me famous quickly, right?"

The young man was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Sir, can I ask you a question?"

Chu Yan looked at the young man: "What?"

The young man said in a low voice: "Master, why do you have to make yourself famous?"

Chu Yan said: "I don't want to be famous, I want to find Liu Bai, but I can't find Liu Bai now, so there is only one way, let me become famous enough, and then let Liu Bai come to me."

The young man was stunned for a moment, then understood, but then he asked doubtfully: "But I don't understand, what is the grudge between the young master and Liu Bai, so that the young master must find him even if he is in crisis?"

Chu Yan looked at the young man hesitantly and suddenly smiled: "Let me ask you something first."

The young man looked at Chu Yan doubtfully.

Chu Yan's lips raised: "Are you married?"

The young man shook his head and said seriously: "A good man has ambitions in all directions, but his ambitions have not yet been realized, and the sword in his hand is not sharp enough. How can he protect the girl in his arms."

Chu Yan laughed: "You are not old, but your tone is not small. Then let me ask you, if you are married and someone bullies your wife, what will you do?"

The young man subconsciously said: "What do you need to say? Of course I will kill him."

Chu Yan smiled slightly: "Well, I'm very satisfied with this answer."

The young man was stunned for a moment, then he said in shock: "Master, you mean...Liu Bai bullied your wife?"

Chu Yan smiled and nodded.

The young man frowned slightly: "How is that possible? Hasn't Liu Bai been pursuing the saint of the Liu family recently? Could it be..."

Speaking of this, the young man's mouth suddenly grew bigger: "Master, your wife can't be..."

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, the Saint of the Liu family, Liu Qingcheng."

The boy's throat rolled and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Suddenly, he stared at Chu Yan and said: "So... you are the new emperor of the universe in this era?"

Chu Yan looked at the young man unexpectedly: "Do you know me?"

The young man took a deep breath and nodded slightly: "I heard that news came from Tianyuan not long ago, saying that a new emperor appeared in the Liantian Universe of this era, and he was very evil. But he didn't say his name... I didn't expect it to be an adult. you."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "You are not a grown-up. By the way, I never asked you, what is your name? Which ancient sage do you come from?"

The young man thought for a moment and said, "My name is Chen Yu, and I am not a disciple of the ancient sage."

Chu Yan was startled: "You are not a disciple of the ancient saints? Then which forbidden sect do you come from?"

The young man scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's not..."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly: "No, I remember you robbed me at the time. I asked you why you didn't move out the forces behind it. You said there is no simple person in Tianyuan, and it would be useless to move out. No, others are useless. You don’t have one at all.”

The boy laughed dryly.

But soon, Chu Yan frowned and said: "You are not from the ancient saint force, nor are you from the Forbidden Land Sect, so how did you enter Tianyuan?"

Tianyuan has always been the training ground for ancient saints and some top forces.

This young man is not from an ancient saint or a powerful force, so why is he in Tianyuan?

Like himself, if he hadn't known Tianyuan from the Liu family, he wouldn't have had the chance to come here.

Moreover, Chu Yan clearly remembered that when Liu Qing brought him to Tianyuan, he encountered several checkpoints along the way. It was because of Liu Qing's identity as the Liu family that Chu Yan arrived here smoothly.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have stopped him midway.

Hearing this, the young man fell into silence for a long time, and said for a long time: "I... didn't come from outside, but I have always been in Tianyuan."

Chu Yan was startled: "You're not from outside?"

At this time, Chu Yan was a little confused.

The young man nodded, and then he said ferociously: "Tianyuan itself is not a training ground for ancient saints. It is an independent world. I live in this world, but later I was discovered by the major ancient saint forces and they invaded this place. From now on, they will occupy this place and treat it as their own back garden!”

Chu Yan squinted his eyes and understood immediately.

Chen Yu... is an indigenous creature of this Tianyuan world.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly looked at Chen Yu and smiled: "So...you have been following me since just now, but you actually want to borrow my power, right?"

The young man scratched his head: "I didn't know you were so fierce at first, but now I know. Anyway, the adults and the ancient saint forces are not on good terms. As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Aren't we good friends?"

Chu Yan laughed, then he thought for a while and said: "Don't think of using my hand to help you suppress the ancient saint forces. Although I am not a villain, I am not a good person. I came here to vent my anger for my wife. In addition, I have a lot of hatred that has not been resolved."

Chen Yu nodded: "I didn't think of dragging the adults into the water."

Chu Yan hesitated and suddenly said: "Of course, if I can help during my time in Tianyuan, I can also help a little. After all... are we friends?"

Chen Yu was stunned, and then laughed happily.

At this time, Chu Yan ignored Chen Yu and turned to look at another trembling person.

The disciple who had escaped from Tiexue Fort.

After the disciple felt Chu Yan's gaze, he knelt on the ground with a plop and said with fear: "My lord, spare my life..."

Chu Yan looked at the young man and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he suddenly said: "I can spare you, but if I spare you, do you know what to do after leaving here?"

The disciple was startled and nodded hurriedly: "I know, I know, don't worry, sir, after I leave, I promise not to tell anyone, I will pretend that I have never seen you, and it was not you who destroyed the Iron Blood Castle."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan was furious and chopped out with a sword.

The disciple's eyes widened suddenly, and his head was already separated from his body.

Chu Yan chopped off the disciple with a sword and said angrily: "Damn, who told you not to say it? If you don't say it, I will have destroyed the Iron Blood Castle in vain."

Chen Yu: "..."

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