Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5587: It's finally here

Roar——The blood demon devoured crazily and kept roaring.

At this time, Chu Yan watched silently from a distance with cold eyes.

He did not stop it, nor did he save people.

Because in his opinion, the people of Tiexue Castle were not worth saving.

All I can say is... evil will be punished.


"Tiexue, you will not die well!"

"You will not have a good end!"

In an instant, the Tiexue Castle was filled with endless abuse.


And begging!

However, the Tiexue Castle Lord was not moved at all.

At this point, he had no sense of good and evil.

Killing Chu Yan today was his first task.


At this moment, he turned around and looked at Chu Yan fiercely, and said with an evil smile: "Chu Yan, next is your death!"


The breath of the Tiexue Castle Lord became stronger and stronger.

The blood demon was like his energy bag, constantly providing energy for the Tiexue Castle Lord.

This move was even greater than the blood curse.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "Boy, stop the blood demon! I'm not asking you to save people, but if the blood demon continues to devour, the strength of the Iron Blood Castle Lord will become infinitely stronger. Once the gap between you is too big, you will not be able to beat him."

Xiao Jiu knows Chu Yan.

Chu Yan has great tension.

If the Iron Blood Castle Lord improves little by little, Xiao Jiu even believes that Chu Yan can break through all the way.

But once the gap between the two sides is widened.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord kills Chu Yan in one move, which will make Chu Yan lose confidence and be defeated directly.

However, Chu Yan shook his head slightly and did not do so. He said coldly: "Let him continue to devour."

Xiao Jiu was stunned: "Boy, are you... crazy? If you keep swallowing like this, the Iron Blood Castle Lord will almost reach the fifth level!"

At this time, the giant beast appeared, and the Iron Blood Castle Lord had already become the fourth level.

The problem is that there are many strong men from the Iron Blood Castle present.

If all these people are swallowed, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chu Yan said calmly: "Don't worry, I have my own way."

Xiao Jiu frowned, but didn't say anything.

He chose to believe Chu Yan.


At this time, the blood demon devoured countless strong men. Suddenly, the blood demon began to stop devouring. There were still some disciples of the Iron Blood Castle left, but the blood demon stopped eating.

It seems that... he ate too much.

At this time, the skin of the Iron Blood Castle Lord was completely cracked, and he no longer looked like a human. He was more like a miniature demon.

Obviously, the Iron Blood Castle Lord had reached his limit and could not become stronger.

However...the Iron Blood Castle Lord was not anxious, but showed a hideous smile.

Because he knew...it was enough!


The Iron Blood Castle Lord roared.

A monstrous force rushed to the sky.

Stirring up the wind and clouds.

Below, the young man quickly retreated after feeling the power, and a flash of endless fear flashed in his eyes.

Level 5 only me!

This strength...is already a super-top existence in Tianyuan, right?

Even some of the great evildoers of the ancient saints are no more than this.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord licked his lips greedily, then he turned to look at Chu Yan and said: "Boy, you can go now."

Chu Yan looked at the Iron Blood Castle Lord and suddenly smiled: "Are you full?"

The Iron Blood Castle Lord was startled and said fiercely: "Yes!"

Chu Yan nodded: "It's good to be full, then next... Is it my turn to eat?"

"Huh?" The Iron Blood Castle Lord was startled when he heard it: "It's your turn to eat?"

What are you eating?

Chu Yan's mouth corners slightly raised, and then he spread his palms, and suddenly a nine-story small tower appeared on it!

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower!

The Iron Blood Castle Lord narrowed his eyes: "Boy, what do you mean?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not this, this just blocked that guy's appetite, now is the real highlight!"

After speaking, Chu Yan took a deep breath and roared.


Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared above his head, and then it condensed little by little, and then turned into a red blood pool!


The moment the blood pool appeared, the entire Iron Blood Castle trembled violently.

The huge blood demon kept roaring, and its whole body crawled on the ground, with endless fear in its eyes.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord spit out a mouthful of blood, and was suppressed by a mysterious force. He stared at Chu Yan in fear: "No... you, what are you?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Playing with blood with me? Do you know that the ancestor of the blood river in the outside world is still working for me in the universe, and you still dare to play with blood with me?"



Chu Yan actually discovered that the blood pool was very excited from the moment the blood demon appeared.

As soon as the blood demon appeared, the blood pool kept struggling, and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower shook. At that time, Chu Yan knew that this blood demon... would be suppressed by the blood pool.

But he never took out the blood pool.

For now.

He wanted to make the Iron Blood Castle Lord truly despair.


Chu Yan spoke, and the Blood Pond seemed to have received an order, suddenly roared with excitement, and then flew towards the Blood Demon.


The Blood Demon was frightened and turned around to run.

However... the Blood Demon thought too much.

The Blood Pond had absolute suppression over all the blood power in the world.


A special force descended, and the Blood Demon was directly pressed to the ground, and then a terrible suction force was born, which directly swallowed the Blood Demon bit by bit.


The blood demon kept struggling, but it was all in vain. The huge body that was thousands of feet long was eaten away bit by bit in the blood pool.

The blood pool was not big, but it swallowed the blood demon completely in the end.


At the same time, because the blood demon was eaten, the power that the Iron Blood Castle Lord had just obtained was completely dissipated, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Not only that, he signed a contract with the blood demon, and now the blood demon is dead, which directly caused the Iron Blood Castle Lord to suffer a strong backlash.

The realm is even lower than at the beginning.


The Iron Blood Castle Lord was desperate.

However, before his voice fell... a terrible scream suddenly sounded in the distance.


This scream was so miserable.

It was so miserable... The Iron Blood Castle Lord suspected that he was not the worst person.

Then, the Iron Blood Castle Lord looked up and his eyelids jumped, because he found out that the screaming person was actually... Chu Yan?

Yes, it was Chu Yan!

After Chu Yan let Xue Tanzi absorb the blood demon, he screamed.

"Ahhhh!!! It's over! So full! Idiot, idiot Xue Tanzi, you've eaten too much! I can't absorb it!!! It's over, I'm going to explode, I'm going to explode! Too much power."

Chu Yan suddenly roared, and then his body swelled several times more than before.

And it continued to expand, and it seemed like it would explode at any time.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyes were a little red, and he turned around and looked at the Iron Blood Castle Master: "Asshole! It's all your fault, you're so full! I'm going to beat you to death!!! Ahhhh!!!"

While shouting, Chu Yan rushed towards the Iron Blood Castle Master with a sword.

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