Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5578: Aren’t you from the Ancient Saints?

The Iron Blood Castle Lord was completely shocked by Chu Yan.

At this moment, not only him, but all the people present were stunned and petrified!

In the distance, several black-robed old men flew out. They were the other nine regular elders of the Iron Blood Castle. When they saw the aura around Chu Yan, they all took a breath of cold air and were full of disbelief.

They could be sure that Chu Yan was breaking through and completing the breakthrough of a giant. Only giants breaking through would be like this, not me.

Chu Yan was not breaking through me!

Not to mention that the path of me was cut off, even if Chu Yan had some special way to break through me, the premise was to summon the path of me first.

But at this time, there was no path of me around Chu Yan, which meant that he was not breaking through me, but he was breaking through, which meant he was a giant...

In other words, Chu Yan was not even a top giant before, and then he completed the counterattack against me...

What kind of concept is this?

The Iron Blood Castle Lord didn't even dare to think about it.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord had a ferocious look with a bit of helplessness in his eyes: "The giant has broken through... That is to say, you were not a top giant before, but you have been able to defeat me... Who are you?"

At this moment, the Iron Blood Castle Lord was full of curiosity about Chu Yan's identity.

Which family's genius has reached this level?

This family may be rising.


At this time, Chu Yan has been surrounded by the power of the avenue between heaven and earth, his aura is getting stronger and stronger, and he keeps breaking through.

On the opposite side, the Iron Blood Castle Lord did not stop him.

But let Chu Yan break through.

First, he couldn't stop it, and second, he didn't want to provoke Chu Yan now.


The next second, Chu Yan's tiger body shook, and his aura began to rise wildly, and soon it seemed to have completed a transformation.

Chu Yan clenched his fist, and with a click, the surrounding space was directly crushed by him. He said with satisfaction: "Finally broke through."

This is the first breakthrough since he broke through the giant.

Now, his realm is already an eighth-level giant.

At this time, Chu Yan looked up at the Iron Blood Castle Lord, his eyes slightly strange: "To be honest, you have impressed me in one respect. Are the people in the Tianyuan Forbidden Land so high in quality? You didn't sneak attack me?"

Iron Blood Castle Lord: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he seemed to curse, this has nothing to do with quality.

Can't you see it?

I don't want to be your enemy.

At this time, the Iron Blood Castle Lord said in a deep voice: "Little brother, look, you have fought, you have become famous, and now you have broken through. I apologize to you again. Let's stop here?"

Chu Yan looked at the Iron Blood Castle Lord and shook his head slightly: "No."

If it was at the beginning, he really just wanted to be famous, but since he saw the way the Iron Blood Castle Lord practiced, he changed his mind.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord's eyelids twitched, and he said speechlessly: "No, haven't we met before?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly: "First time."

The Iron Blood Castle Lord said angrily: "That's it, first time we met, we have no hatred, why do you have to stare at me and beat me."

Chu Yan hesitated, and suddenly said: "Let me ask you, where do you get all this blood and energy from?"

The Iron Blood Castle Lord looked around and was stunned: "What are you talking about? Blood food, what's wrong?"

Chu Yan's face sank: "Blood food? Those ordinary people?"

The Iron Blood Castle Lord was stunned and said strangely: "Brother, you don't still care about this, do you? We are strong, shouldn't those weak people serve us? I can become stronger by eating them, it's their honor."

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold.

At this moment, he thought of the universe.

Yes, why is the universe always beaten?

He always thought it was the mystery of the universe.

But that was just a fuse.

To put it bluntly, which of the major forces in the void doesn't have some treasures?

Like the Tianyan Sect before, they had that kind of small wooden boat that could directly allow people to cross the broken bridge and break through the ego, but why has no one attacked the Tianyan Sect for so long?

Because the Tianyan Sect is strong enough.

On the contrary, the universe is weak, so it will be targeted by all parties.

In the eyes of those people, it is the same as the idea of ​​the Iron Blood Castle Lord. The universe is weak and a place for a group of mortals, so it should be beaten.


In this world, the strong prey on the weak.

But that is animal nature, wildness, and human nature... It shouldn't be like this.

Although Chu Yan has seen many cruel scenes, his education and the qualities he has received since childhood have always been that the strong protect the weak. When he was in the mortal world, the wilderness did this, and later when he arrived in the six domains, those monarchs did this, and then it was the Dragon Alliance, and after arriving in the real world, it was King Dayu and others.

Punching the weak, what's the point of practicing!

Isn't it to protect the weak to work hard to become stronger?

The strong should be the umbrella of the weak.

Chu Yan looked at the Iron Blood Castle Lord and shook his head, saying, "You still don't understand."

The Iron Blood Castle Lord frowned, somewhat speechless: "Must I fight?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Must I fight."

He didn't think of changing the Iron Blood Castle Lord. This kind of person has been cultivating by devouring blood all his life, and he can't change it with just a few words.

And asking the Iron Blood Castle Lord to give up devouring blood to cultivate is equivalent to cutting off his path.

The other party will not agree.

Chu Yan didn't know who was right, but he chose to believe in his own judgment.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, it is right for the strong to enslave the weak.

But I’m sorry, my Chu Yan’s world is not like this.

Chu Yan stared at the Iron Blood Castle Lord: “I don’t know what the original rules of this world are like, but in the world where I, Chu Yan, live, the rules are not like this. I, Chu Yan… won’t allow it.”

The Iron Blood Castle Lord’s mouth twitched slightly, and he was a little speechless: “Standing up for the weak? I’m really impressed. I’m afraid you have a brain disease?”

The Iron Blood Castle Lord was a little crazy, but suddenly, his pupils shrank, and he stared at Chu Yan and said: “No, what did you say just now? You said… what’s your name? You… you said your name is Chu Yan? Your… last name is Chu?”

Chu Yan looked at the Iron Blood Castle Lord and said nothing.

The Iron Blood Castle Lord shook his head vigorously: "No, no, you must be lying to me, right? Your surname is definitely not Chu, you should be surnamed Liu? Or surnamed Lu, surnamed Huo, surnamed Chen?"

Chu Yan was stunned, he understood, the Iron Blood Castle Lord really misunderstood, thinking that he was from a certain ancient saint family, he said lightly: "No need to try, my surname is Chu and my name is Yan, so I am called Chu Yan."

The Iron Blood Castle Lord's eyes shrank: "Chu Yan... God, your surname is really Chu, so... you have no relationship with the four ancient saint families?"

Chu Yan sneered: "I never said I had any relationship with them, right?"

The Iron Blood Castle Lord took a deep breath, and then he immediately cursed: "Damn, you are not from the ancient saint force? Then why are you pretending to be thirteen here!"

After speaking, the Iron Blood Castle Lord suddenly ordered the people behind him: "Everyone listen to my order, come together and kill him!"

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