Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5567: Inside and Outside the Era

Chu Yan was slightly startled.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the head of the Liu family would make such a request.

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked at the head of the Liu family with strange eyes, and couldn't help but complain: "Senior, can I ask a question?"

The head of the Liu family looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Tell me the truth, is there any enmity between the Liu family and the Kingdom of Gods?"

Master Liu's eyelids twitched slightly: "..."

Chu Yan thinks it must be.

Otherwise, if there is no hatred, why would you let me destroy the Kingdom of God?

Is the Kingdom of God eating at your house?

Are you trying to kill someone with your own hands?

The head of the Liu family snorted coldly: "Stupid, God's Kingdom, that is your enemy, what does it have to do with my Liu family."

Chu Yan said strangely: "My enemy, what do you worry about in the Liu family?"

The head of the Liu family: "..."

The head of the Liu family was speechless for a moment.

Yes, Chu Yan’s enemy, why should you worry about it?

The head of the Liu family said with a dark face: "You think I think so? Countless pairs of eyes are staring at you from top to bottom in the Liu family. If you don't make some achievements, my Liu family will not stand in line. The Kingdom of God is your only path. This is a stumbling block, so we, the Liu family, have discussed it many times before coming to the conclusion that if you destroy the Kingdom of God, we, the Liu family, can consider taking sides.”

Chu Yan fell into silence.

He got it.

Submit your certificate!

If Chu Yan wants to get the support of the Liu family, he must show some of his abilities.

At this time, he hesitated and suddenly said: "Senior, to be honest, I don't care whether the Liu family supports me or not. For the Liu family, the only thing I care about is Qingcheng."

The head of the Liu family snorted coldly: "This is why I asked you to destroy the Kingdom of God! If the man who has entrusted the city with his life does not have any ability, do you think I will agree?"

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan stopped talking.

If the Liu family leader had said at first that he wanted Qingcheng to let him destroy the Kingdom of God, then he wouldn't have said a word.

Will definitely do it.

Chu Yan believed that he was a fairly kind person. Although he was not a Holy Mother, he had never done anything against his will in his life.

But if one day, Qingcheng is put together with a group of strangers, and he can only save one party, then he will definitely choose Qingcheng.

People are selfish.

It would be terrible if there was no selfishness.

What's more, what the Liu family is proposing now is his enemy.

Chu Yan hesitated and suddenly said: "Senior, can I ask a few questions first?"

The head of the Liu family looked at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said: "First, I want to know where the Ancient Saint Liu family is? Which era does it belong to? Why have I never heard of it in the void for many years?"

The head of the Liu family said calmly: "Actually, you want to ask, besides the Liu family, are there any other ancient holy families?"

Chu Yan nodded: "This is also one of my problems."

The Liu family hesitated and suddenly said: "Let me briefly tell you about the void first. When you enter the void, you probably haven't systematically understood the void, right?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly.

Really do not have.

He entered the void and kept fighting. The known world was only learned bit by bit as his strength grew.

Of course, if it were the original, he would choose to understand this world first when he came to it.

But as his own realm grew, he gradually understood one thing.

Don't look it up!


To put it bluntly, when Chu Yan first entered the void, even if he tried his best to investigate, he couldn't find anything because he couldn't access that level.

Chu Yan was only in the Origin Realm at that time, and the giants were the ceiling of combat power in his eyes. How could he talk to a group of people who were only in the Origin Realm?

Nothing can be discussed.

So a long time ago, Chu Yan understood one thing. If he wanted to know the truth of this world, there was only one way...

Make yourself stronger.

Like now, he rarely bothers with things like Qin Ruomeng and the others, because he understands that if he doesn't know now, it must be because he is not strong enough. If he is strong enough, there is no need to check many things, it will happen naturally. You will find yourself.

Chu Yan's life...the most indispensable thing is trouble.

As long as he becomes stronger, stronger people will soon come to trouble him.

Therefore, he has never carefully understood nothingness.

He only knows one thing, nothingness...has its epochs.

The sky of nothingness is divided into many layers.

One level is an epoch.

The era he was in belonged to the lowest level.

In the previous era, it was the era of gods and demons.

Kingdom of Gods was one of the top forces in the previous era.

Apart from that, he knows nothing about nothingness.

At this time, the head of the Liu family took a sip of tea and said: "Let me tell you briefly first, there are three eras in nothingness."

Chu Yan was startled: "Only three?"

The head of the Liu family said calmly: "Is three a few?"

Chu Yan didn't say anything, but he really felt that it was a bit lacking.

At this time, the Liu family leader said again: "I am talking about the eras in which nothingness still exists. There are only three eras."

Chu Yan was stunned: "It still exists? What do you mean?"

The head of the Liu family looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "You created the universe by yourself, don't you understand?"

Chu Yan frowned, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said in shock: "The power of the times?"

The head of the Liu family chuckled: "It's okay, not too stupid."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "So, above the three eras, there were actually other eras that existed, right?"

The head of the Liu family said: "Maybe, there may be, or there may not be, but the current nothingness has only three eras. Corresponding to the power of the times, the past, the present, and the future."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly said: "What was before the era of gods and demons?"

"The ancient era." The head of the Liu family said lightly: "The Liu family came from the ancient times."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank.

The ancient era!

This is the first time he has heard the names of other eras besides the era of gods.

Even if he had guessed the existence long ago.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Are all the people before the ancient era dead?"

He came from the universe, so he knew one thing very well. If you want to open a new era, the premise is that the previous era is completely destroyed.

Otherwise, there will be no new era.

The head of the Liu family shook his head slightly: "No, little guy, you have to know one thing, there have always been two kinds of cultivators in this world."

Chu Yan looked at the head of the Liu family: "Two kinds? Egoism and idealism?"

The head of the Liu family shook his head: "No, one is inside the era, and the other is outside the era!"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Outside the era?"

The head of the Liu family nodded: "The strong in the era before the ancient times are all dead, but there will be some strong people who transcend the era. Egoism has already transcended, so even if the era is destroyed, these people will not die. The strong in the era, the ancient times are the strongest, but outside the era... who knows."

Chu Yan took a deep breath.

It was the first time he knew that the cultivation world was divided into inside and outside the era.

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