Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5555 Anti-Universe Alliance

Silence is the best answer!

It was clear that this group of people thought The Purge could win.

So no one wants to leave with Guiguzi.

Guiguzi looked around and sighed, then he didn't try to persuade him, because he knew that it would be useless. People are like this. Once they have determined something in their hearts, unless they hit the wall themselves, it would be useless for anyone to persuade them. of.

So Guiguzi didn't persuade him.

We don’t all have a good relationship anyway.

It turns out that they each lived in seclusion and had no contact with each other for tens of millions of years.

It's just that this time, those who were suppressed by Chu Yan were forced to unite together. Now that this group of people don't listen to their own persuasion and have different ideas, they should separate.

Anyway, if he died in the end, he would have no loss.

Guiguzi didn't lock them in, but turned to look at Guigu's people and said, "Let's go."

He can care about the life and death of others, but not Gui Gu.

However, after he finished saying this, he frowned slightly.

Because the people in Guigu did not move after hearing it.

Instead, they all lowered their heads.

Guiguzi frowned upon seeing this and said in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

At this time, a female disciple from Gui Valley said in a low voice: "Ancestor, we can't just let it go like this. Our Valley Master died at the hands of Chu Yan. This revenge must be avenged."

Guiguzi said coldly: "Revenge? Can you avenge it? Nanmu and the rest of Buddhism died at the hands of Weiwo, why do you have to fight with Weiwo?"

The female disciple was dissatisfied and said: "We don't have solipsism, but there are those who are purged! There are many solipsisms among those who are purged."

Guiguzi sighed: "If the purgers go all out, I won't say anything, but they are very contemptuous and big trouble will happen."

Gui Gu's disciples were still indifferent.

Guiguzi was completely disappointed, and he said coldly: "You also want to stay, right?"

The female disciple nodded: "Yes!"

Guiguzi shook his head: "Whatever, I created Guigu Valley with my own hands for 200 million years... I have indeed neglected discipline. Since you choose this way, it is your own business. Let's all get together and disperse."

He will definitely leave anyway.

However, after Guiguzi left, some people in Guigu were ready to make a move.

After many years in Guigu, there are still some elders. This group of people looked at each other and finally took a step forward: "Ancestor, we will go with you."

Guiguzi looked around and saw that there were not many people, only a dozen or so.

Guiguzi nodded slightly: "Okay."

After saying this, he flashed and left with a dozen people.

Very bleak.

There is something like a lost dog feeling.

The Demon Sect Ancestor looked at it and sneered again and again: "Idiot! The purgers have already taken action. Why are you going to the Kingdom of God at this time? Are you sick?"

The Buddhist Bodhisattva was a little confused when he saw Gui Guzi leaving. He originally wanted to leave with Gui Guzi.

But now that he came back and saw the attitudes of all parties, he was a little shaken.

He began to hear Gui Guzi say that the purgers were contemptuous, careless, and looked down on Chu Yan, and felt that something was wrong.

Now think back to what the First Lord of the Demon Sect said...

That's the Purge.

It has the strength to destroy an era.

With this kind of existence, isn't it natural to despise Chu Yan?

Should a person be cautious and vigilant when encountering an ant?

If that were the case, then this person would probably be useless.

It won't be a big achievement.

On the contrary, when a person sees ants, it is normal to treat them with contempt.

So at this time, he was shaken.

So in the end, Buddhism stayed.

But he thought for a moment, looked at the flag of the Anti-Universe Alliance and said: "Demon Sect Master, although the Purge has agreed to take action, we should keep a low profile. Nanmu and the others all died in the hands of Weapon before. After all, we are just hidden." There is no ego among the world’s giants.”

The ancestor of the Demon Sect smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? There is only me, and I am not that Chu Yan."

The Bodhisattva was startled: "What do you mean?"

The ancestor of the Demon Sect smiled and said: "While you have been away, I have already investigated everything that happened in the Tianyan Sect."

The Bodhisattva was shocked: "Have you found out the truth about Tianyan Sect?"

The ancestor of the Demon Sect nodded: "Yes, the Tianyan Sect has indeed had a Weapon, but that Weapon is not Chu Yan, and the Tianyan Sect also has a Weapon."

The Bodhisattva wondered: "Isn't Chu Yan the only one? How could the Yanmen be destroyed that day?"

The ancestor of the Demon Sect said: "It's a weapon spirit! There is a mysterious tower in Chu Yan. There is a weapon spirit in the tower who has been in the Tianyan Sect. It was the weapon spirit that took action and destroyed the Tianyan Sect."

He didn't say anything about Qin Ruomeng.

Because it's too big, he won't know.

In his survey, there were only educated youths.

In other words, someone deliberately wanted him to find out.

The Bodhisattva suddenly realized, and then frowned: "But even if the weapon spirit belongs to Chu Yan, we still can't defeat it."

The ancestor of the Demon Sect smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I checked it and found that the weapon spirit is indeed powerful, but there is a flaw."

The Bodhisattva asked: "What?"

The ancestor of the Demon Sect said: "You cannot return to the tower. Once you return to the tower, you will lose all your power and no longer have the power to be alone. Not long ago, I also sent people to the universe to check, and the weapon spirit has entered the tower. bingo."

The Bodhisattva suddenly said: "So, there is no one in the universe who has the ability to fight alone?"

The ancestor of the Demon Sect nodded slightly: "Yes, this is why I dare to be so high-profile. The Purge is taking action now, and it is the time for us to express our stance. Of course, we must be more high-profile."

The Bodhisattva understood, and then secretly rejoiced that he had stayed.


At this moment, there was a sudden violent tremor in the void.


Everyone clearly felt that the world was shaking violently.

The Buddha Bodhisattva and the Demon Sect Ancestor were both stunned, and then they looked up together, and then their faces changed drastically.


Suddenly, a sword energy swept out from the sky, directly cutting the dark night sky into pieces.

Immediately, a group of figures descended in unison.

The leader, with a blazing gaze and holding a blood-red long sword, was Chu Yan from the universe.

The hidden world was shocked when they saw this: "Universe! Damn it, it's the universe! Enemy attack! Quick!"

The Demon Sect, the Buddha Sect and others were immediately terrified. They said they were the anti-universe alliance, but when they really saw Chu Yan, they were really scared.

Some weak people fled in all directions.

However, as soon as they fled, Chu Yan clenched his palm downwards.


The eight-sided space was directly sealed.

Countless people in the hidden world froze in place, trembling constantly.

Chu Yan leaned over and looked, chuckled and said: "Anti-Universe Alliance, isn't the slogan loud? Why are you running away now? Aren't you going to rebel against me, Chu Yan? I'm here now, come on."

The hidden strongmen bowed their heads one after another, and no one dared to speak.

At this time, an ancestor of the hidden forces said in a low voice: "Chu Yan, you don't have to be arrogant, it won't take long..."

Swish - before the voice fell, a touch of sword energy swept out.

The man's head flew out directly.

Chu Yan waved his hand: "Noisy!"

The hidden strongman: "..."

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