Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5553: Contempt


After several wars, this side can be said to have made a qualitative leap.

Blowout period.

Everyone is getting stronger.

The fighting power of Renzhu and Emperor has reached the level of first- and second-level giants.

Xuehe has also made rapid progress.

Especially this time, Tianyanmen was destroyed, but he did not waste the resources of Tianyanmen.

He packed them all and took them back to the universe.

Now, the universe is the least lacking in resources.

What is most lacking is time.

On the universe side, Chu Yan is not worried about the talents of Renzhu and others. Their original realm is low because the upper limit is there, but in terms of talent, he is very confident in Renzhu and others.

It can be said that Renzhu and others just lack a stage.

Now that the universe is open, Renzhu and others can be said to be free to fly in the sky and fish in the sea.

As long as they are given time, they can become stronger sooner or later.

Chu Yan has also been practicing.

Stabilize the realm.


On this day, someone suddenly found Chu Yan.

Chu Yan looked up.

Blood Ancestor!

Chu Yan asked: "Senior, are you looking for me?"

Xue Zu nodded slightly, then said seriously: "I received news that the Buddhist sect and Guigu have gathered everyone together and formed an anti-universe alliance."

Chu Yan was stunned and said strangely: "If you didn't say it, I would have almost forgotten about the Buddhist sect. Nanmu and the others are dead, and they still dare to jump around?"

Xue Zu said: "This is also what I am confused about. Logically, Nanmu and the others are dead, and the Buddhist sect should be more low-key, but now they are not, but very high-profile. So I guess they should rely on something."

Chu Yan thought for a while and nodded slightly: "It should be."

Then he thought for a while and asked: "From the perspective of the senior, what will they rely on?"

Xue Zu thought for a while and said: "Tianyan Sect is very strong, but Tianyan Sect has been defeated, so their reliance must be higher than Tianyan Sect, so I guess... if their reliance is not the Kingdom of God, then it is the Eliminator."

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "I think so too."

Tianyan Sect is dead.

The two parties that are most likely to give the Buddhist sect confidence are currently the only ones left.

Of course, Chu Yan would not simply think that these two parties are the strongest in the world.

There must be stronger forces above these two parties, but they have not appeared in the world yet.

So there is no rush.

Chu Yan hesitated, and suddenly stood up and said: "I'll go out first."

Xue Zu puzzled: "Where are you going?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Didn't they set up an anti-universe alliance? Of course I have to go and take a look."

Xue Zu didn't know about Chu Yan's breakthrough yet.

Chu Yan didn't tell anyone.

So Xue Zu couldn't help but remind him: "Emperor Chu, don't be impulsive."

Chu Yan waved his hand: "Don't worry, I know."


The next second, he flew quickly into the sky.

At this time, he was thinking about one thing. If the universe didn't know about his breakthrough, would the Buddhist sect and the purgers know?


So now, Chu Yan needs to do one thing.

Swagger through the city.

He is not afraid of the purger coming now, but afraid that the purger will not come!


At the same time.

A certain sky outside the void.

This place is very mysterious, surrounded by deserts, and the sky here is obviously higher than other places.

Guigu Lord and a Buddhist Bodhisattva walked here for a long time.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth turned black.

At this time, Guigu Lord looked up and saw a huge stone tablet.

There were two big characters engraved on it.


Guigu Lord narrowed his eyes: "We're here!"

This is the headquarters of the Clearers.

The sky here is also higher.

As soon as the two arrived here, the space around them shook slightly, and suddenly, a black shadow appeared.

This black shadow was like a shadow, making it difficult to see its appearance, and laughed: "It was so hard to find you, but now you don't hide, but show up on your own initiative?"


At the same time, the faces of Guigu Lord and the Buddhist Bodhisattva changed drastically, and their bodies began to fester.

Guigu Master was shocked and shouted hurriedly: "The Tianyan Sect is destroyed, and a new emperor appears in the universe."

As soon as these words came out, the black shadow narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he clenched his palm.

The corrosive power on Guigu Master began to decrease, and finally stopped a little bit.

Guigu Master breathed a sigh of relief.

The black shadow looked at Guigu Master: "You said that Tianyan Sect was destroyed? The universe did it?"

Guigu Master nodded: "Yes, Universe Chu Yan, he opened up a new universe, and he also has a special black tower on him. There is a very powerful force in that tower, as well as the mystery of the universe."

The black shadow looked at Guigu Master: "So?"

Guigu Master said in a low voice: "Didn't the Clearer always want to destroy the universe?"

The black shadow smiled: "I didn't guess, a lot of your people were killed, right? So you are scared? Then you came to me?"

Guigu Ancestor looked at the black shadow and said without denying: "Yes!"

The black shadow sneered: "Do you think that the universe is more dangerous than us Clearers?"

Guigu Ancestor was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Tianyan Sect also thought that the universe was vulnerable at that time, but they are defeated now."

The black shadow looked at Guigu Ancestor.

Guigu Ancestor suddenly said: "If the Clearer can destroy the universe, we are all willing to submit to the Clearer."

The black shadow thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "I know, you go back and wait for the letter."

The Guigu Ancestor was stunned, and then he couldn't help but remind him: "That Chu Yan is very complicated, and there are people behind him, so you must not be careless."

The black shadow's face changed, and he looked at the Guigu Ancestor fiercely: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The Guigu Ancestor blasted, and his body suddenly exploded back a thousand feet, and as soon as he stopped, there was a click, and his body was directly shattered.

This shocked the Buddhist Bodhisattva.

The Guigu Ancestor was silent for a while, without saying a word, and suddenly turned around and left.

The Buddhist Bodhisattva was puzzled, but still quickly followed.

Wait until the two left.

The black shadow put his hands behind his back and suddenly snapped his fingers.


Several men in black appeared.

The black shadow ordered: "The new emperor of the universe has appeared, go and bring him back."


Several men in black quickly disappeared.


On the other side.

The Buddha followed Guigu Master and couldn't help asking, "Are we just leaving like this?"

Guigu Ancestor glanced at the Buddha and said calmly, "What else?"

The Buddha asked in doubt, "Will the Eliminators take action?"

Guigu Ancestor shook his head slightly, "I don't know, but that's not important anymore. Go back now and take everyone away from here, the farther the better."

The Buddha was startled, "Escape? Why?"

Guigu Ancestor glanced at the Buddha and said calmly, "The Eliminators underestimated Chu Yan too much, so they are likely to be in trouble, and we will be unlucky if we stay."

Buddhist Bodhisattva: "..."

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