Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5551 I didn't mean to kill you

Chen Tianzhen took Chu Yan and walked away from the Temple of War in a swaggering manner.

The whole process can be described in four words!

Swaggering through the streets.

Waited for the two of them to leave.

The God of War clan exploded with a bang.


All the strong men gathered together, their eyes eager to spit out fire.


At this time, an old woman said in a low voice: "God of War, this is a shame! We can't just let it go."

The God of War's eyes were as cold as ice at the moment, but after a long time he sighed: "We all underestimated the universe! Not only Chen Tianzhen, but also Chu Yan."

The old woman frowned: "What do you mean?"

The God of War said seriously: "Didn't you see? Chu Yan opened the universe. At first, all of us thought about being careful about Chen Tianzhen. We all thought that Chen Tianzhen was the only powerful person in the universe, but we ignored Chu Yan. He opened the universe. He may not be very strong now, but as long as you give him time, his future is limitless.”

The God of War sighed: "Let's put it this way, Chen Tianzhen's threat is now, and Chu Yan's threat is in the future."

The old woman clenched her fist and then said: "Then what should we do now? Are we just going to swallow our anger like this?"

The God of War looked at the old woman and said calmly: "What else? Then Chen Tianzhen only used two swords to kill me."

The old woman was silent for a moment.

Indeed, that woman is too strong.

The God of War sighed: "We all underestimated this woman. She is countless times more powerful than we imagined."

The old woman said in a deep voice: "Sir, what state is she in?"

The God of War shook his head: "I don't know, I can't see through her."

The old woman was shocked: "Can't you even see through it, my lord?"

The God of War shook his head slightly.

The old woman was silent for a moment, a little unwilling, but mostly helpless.

I really can’t beat him.

At this time, the God of War suddenly said: "It doesn't matter, today is also a good thing for us."

The old woman was confused: "What do you mean?"

The God of War said lightly: "Originally, each family did not have a strong focus on the universe. Because the Lord of Heaven Refining is not here, everyone does not want to provoke the universe. Moreover, they all feel that without the Lord of Heaven Refining, the universe has nothing to worry about. In the eyes."

"But after the manager's battle today, everyone has understood one thing, and that is the power of the universe. The stronger Chen Tianzhen performs, what do you think will happen to the others?"

The old woman narrowed her eyes: "Are you afraid?"

The God of War nodded: "Yes, as the saying goes, if you want to kill someone, you must first make them crazy. The crazier Chen Tianzhen is, the more she will arouse the common anger of nothingness. When that time comes, we don't need to worry about it. I will I don’t believe she can fight against all nothingness on her own.”

The old woman suddenly realized.

The God of War hesitated and suddenly sighed: "Contact the people on the Purge side and ask them all to come back."

The old woman nodded: "Yes!"

The God of War waved his hand, indicating that he was tired and ready to rest.

But at this moment, there was a buzz!


The next second, the world trembled violently, and the epochal boundary wall suddenly shook, and then a huge ravine suddenly opened.

The faces of the Ares clan members all changed.

"what happened?"

"Someone broke the epoch wall again? Who is it?"

The God of War was also confused.

He looked intently.

Immediately, I saw a forty-meter-long machete on the opposite side of the crack.

Underneath the machete is a mysterious woman wearing a veil.

Soon, the woman got out of the crack, with a happy face: "Ah, I found it, it's not easy!"

The strong men of the God of War clan were shocked when they saw the mysterious woman.

Who is this woman?


Is the epochal boundary wall so fragile now?

Can just one person break the epochal boundary wall into pieces?

However, just when everyone was confused.


The mysterious woman's figure flashed, and she rushed to the front of the War Temple in one step.

The God of War stared at the woman and said in a low voice: "Who is the girl? I think my God of War clan has never provoked a girl, right? Why do you want to trespass on my God of War clan?"

The mysterious woman looked at the God of War and smiled: "You didn't offend me. I just came to tell you two things."

The God of War frowned: "What?"

The mysterious woman said: "First, give me a drop of war blood. Second, you are not allowed to be born in the War God Clan within half a year. Do you think you can do it?"

The God of War's eyelids twitched slightly.

This...sounds a little familiar?

At this time, the mysterious woman suddenly smiled and said: "Of course, I know, if I say this, you will definitely not agree, so let's be more direct, come on, let's have a fight, don't worry, I can only kill you with one knife, but we will talk about it then."


After saying that, the mysterious woman raised the 40-meter-long knife in her hand.


In an instant, the long knife spread out, and the whole sky trembled with the sword energy. The clouds sank directly and turned into two halves.

The faces of the strong warriors from the God of War clan changed when they felt the sword energy.

What kind of knife is this?

The God of War was also shocked, and he roared angrily: "No!!!"

Immediately, he punched with all his strength. With this punch, he could say that he used all his life's strength.

Unfortunately...it's of no use.


With a shocking loud noise, the sword energy struck directly from the top of the God of War's head, and then cut out from under his feet.


split into two!

The God of War was stunned. He stared at the mysterious woman... Was he killed by one blow?

Or was he cut in two.

Below, the mysterious woman was also startled when she saw this. She shouted in surprise: "Ah, how did you get killed by me? It shouldn't be. I calculated that I can't kill you with one blow. It should take two blows! It's over, it's over. How did you die? This is different from my plan. If you die, who should I talk to next?"

The God of War: "..."

The God of War clan strongman: "..."


The next second, the God of War exploded directly.

He was shattered to pieces.

Until the moment of death, he was full of despair and unwillingness.

He dared to swear that he was definitely the most miserable and aggrieved God of War.

The funny thing is... the other party didn't even want to kill him.


Then, the Temple of the God of War was covered by blood clouds.

Blood rain drifted.


The people of the God of War clan were all desperate, their eyes were about to burst: "The God of War has fallen!"



At this time, the entire God of War Temple was shaking violently.

Below, the mysterious woman looked innocent: "I didn't want to kill you! You are too weak, aren't you?"

The God of War clan: "..."


At the same time.

Chen Tianzhen and Chu Yan had just left not long ago.


The sky behind the two exploded.

The blood cloud covered.

Then the wailing of the God of War clan was heard.

Chu Yan turned around with a strange look on his face: "The God of War... is dead?"

Chen Tianzhen was also confused, but then she suddenly slapped her head: "Oh my God! How could I forget about that woman! It's over! The God of War died too unjustly this time."

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