Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 555: The Emperors Gather [Three Updates]

The ruins of the Heavenly Monarch have been opened for nearly a year.

Some people say that the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch are the birthplace of the Heavenly Prodigy, and some say that they are the burial place of the Heavenly Prodigy. Both of these statements are recognized.

It is said to be the birthplace. In the ruins of the Heavenly Monarch, many people have shown their talents, such as the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, Lin Daoyan, Qingyi, including Youyu, the saints of the Saint Sect, etc., all of whom have attracted the inheritance from heaven and made rapid progress.

However, the burial place is more obvious. Zichen, Prince Xinghe, and the two princes of the Jiuyou Dynasty, who are noble in the Star Sea, have fallen in the Emperor Road.

But since the appearance of the Emperor Road, except for the inheritance, no one still knows its significance. Half a year has passed since the peak battle.

Beiming Shatian was defeated twice and fell out of the top three of the Emperor List. His figure has not appeared since then.


On this day, a holy light suddenly descended in the Emperor Road, spanning the entire Emperor Road, attracting countless people to look up.

Where the holy light pointed, there was a huge ancient stone door, with holy words and ancient patterns on it.

"What is that!" The holy light appeared, attracting countless Tianjiao. They looked through the stone gate and saw a magnificent ancient tomb inside. The tomb was as big as several stars and was endless.

The people from the Tiandi Gate also arrived outside the stone gate. Chu Yan stood with his hands behind his back. Looking through the stone gate, he vaguely felt a summoning power.

"The selection of the Emperor Road is over. Inside this stone gate is the real remains of the Tianjun!"

"I'll try!" A top Tianjiao's eyes lit up and stepped into the air. Suddenly, the ancient pattern of the stone gate flickered and released a terrible backlash magic light. With a thud, the face of the Tianjiao changed in shock. He wanted to retreat, but found that his body seemed to be caught by the magic light. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and was strangled directly.

Everyone looked embarrassed. The man just now was a top Tiandi, but he was killed directly by the stone gate?

"The Sect Master guessed correctly. To enter the real ruins, it has nothing to do with realm, but to meet certain requirements."

"It should be inheritance." Chu Yan guessed, and then he took a step and walked towards the ancient stone gate. As soon as he approached, he was immediately enveloped by the magic light.

The magic light was extremely strong, beyond his current strength, so he simply relaxed. He believed that since the real ruins were born in the Emperor Road, there must be a way to enter.

Letting the magic light fall, the inheritance in his body kept flashing, and Chu Yan burst out with a very bright light. The next moment, his body suddenly lit up. The backlash light of the stone gate did not blast him to pieces, but made him feel very comfortable all over, as if bathing in the spring breeze and receiving a baptism.

After a long time, the magic light dissipated, and a mark appeared between Chu Yan's eyebrows. Then he could feel that the stone gate no longer blocked him.

Huo Feng and the others smiled after seeing this scene through the stone gate: "The Sect Master is worthy of being the Sect Master, he succeeded."

"It's a legacy. If you want to enter the ruins, you must have a legacy." Chu Yan said to everyone after he withdrew from the magic light.

"In this case, I also have a legacy, I'll try." With Chu Yan taking the lead, another Tianjiao with a legacy stepped out. Sure enough, just like Chu Yan, he was first enveloped by the magic light, which washed over his body, and then gradually faded away, leaving a mark on his forehead.

In the past year, many legacies have been born in the Emperor Road, including the heavenly legacies and special legacies. What Meng Ya comprehended was a special legacies.

They got excited one by one, walked to the stone gate, were bathed in the magic light, and all got the legacy mark, and had the qualifications to enter the real ruins.

"It seems that I have no hope, I can only return the same way." The Tianjiao without the legacy sighed and hung his head.

Youyou looked at everyone and said, "Brother Chu, Brother Huo Feng, it seems that I can't go with you next time. You have to be careful."

"Youyou, I can give you my inheritance." Qian Zhan frowned on the side, and Youyou smiled and refused, "No, my realm is weak. Even if I get the inheritance, it will only waste resources to enter the ancient ruins. Brother Qian Zhan, go, maybe you can get better results."

Chu Yan nodded and said in a voice transmission, "In this case, those who don't have inheritance can continue to practice in the Emperor Road. When they get the inheritance, they can enter the ruins and leave."

"Youyou, prepare another face for everyone. This time we have made countless enemies in the Emperor Road. The Jiuyou Dynasty, the Beiming Dynasty, the Western Region Galaxy, and the Zilei Dynasty should not give up. If anyone wants to leave, they must disguise themselves and be careful."

"Don't worry, Master." The real Tiandi Sect disciples all nodded.

Chu Yan raised his hand again and released several divine thoughts: "Everyone leave divine thoughts with each other, and wait until you leave, and then find an opportunity to gather together."

"Okay!" Everyone exchanged divine thoughts.

"Let's go." Chu Yan stood up and stepped into the stone gate with Huo Feng, Qian Zhan and other people who had inherited the legacy. The mark on his forehead was like a key, letting them in.

Looking at the many geniuses who left, the people who stayed in the Emperor Road were full of envy. Ye Bingning, Xu Miao and others had no divine thoughts. They could only look at Chu Yan and wish him well.

"After leaving the Emperor Road, I wonder what kind of legend he will create. Maybe next time, his name will not only resound throughout the Emperor Road, but also shake the stars." Ye Bingning chuckled.

Xu Miao was a little worried: "In the Emperor Road, there are rules that the monarch cannot enter. He can sweep across, but once he leaves the Emperor Road, there is no realm limit, I'm afraid he will be in danger."

Ye Binning nodded undeniably. This time, he really made too many enemies in the Imperial Road. Not counting ancient clans like the Donghuang clan, he had provoked half of them from the Tianbei lineage alone.

When he left Dilu, how could the other party let him go?

Chu Yan also knew this very well, so he was extremely cautious. After the two true selves were exposed, he never used any magical powers related to the deity.

Even his personality and speech were deliberately changed to become arrogant and arrogant in order not to be discovered.

Leaving the imperial path, he needs to do this even more, otherwise once he is exposed, it may really be a death disaster for him. At that time, any monarch can take action and it will be enough for him to die.

One year of the imperial journey has finally come to an end.

All those with inheritance passed through the stone gate and came to this extremely large ancient tomb.

"This... is so majestic." The people present were at least the top Heavenly Emperors, as well as the powerful emperor-breakers, but after looking at the ancient tomb, they were still stunned.

Rather than an ancient tomb, it is more like an underground dynasty. It was built in a very regular manner, with beautiful buildings and a huge floating palace in the center, which is more glorious than some dynasties.

"How strong and powerful this senior was during his lifetime, and after his death, the tomb alone is so terrifying." Someone sighed, and the geniuses of the Beiming Dynasty in the distance were also shocked. They were born in the same dynasty, but they were not the same as those in the same dynasty. Compared to this Demonic Palace, it is too far behind.

"Buzz!" At this moment, there was another sound of space fluctuation not far away, and another Holy Light Stone Gate was born, attracting a lot of attention.

The two stone gates are hundreds of miles apart, but to the Emperor of Heaven, they can still be seen clearly.

Not long after, someone finally stepped out of another stone gate. With just one step, the sky changed color, like an arrogant king, making people feel like they were bowing their heads.

"That's the king of the Beiming Dynasty!" The genius who came out of the Dilu was surprised. Someone recognized this person.

"Is the Jun Road behind the stone gate? It seems that the Jun Road test is over." Chu Yan looked at the other stone gate. He had already guessed that the Imperial Road was a test just like the Jun Road, but the Demon Respect the seniors and separate the realms for the sake of fairness.

Now that they have walked out of the Imperial Road, someone on the Jun Road must also have been passed down.

At this moment, a beautiful woman walked out of the road, wearing an exquisite purple fairy fur and a light makeup, but giving people a kind of independent beauty.

"Master!" Fairy Wangyue suddenly shouted. That fairy was Master Wangyue, Lord Ningyue. Her eyes were cold. When she turned around and saw Wangyue, she showed a bit of surprise and joy.

During the previous imperial journey, Prince Jiuyou chased Wangxianlou and forced out her spiritual will. Later, Emperor Jiuyou came and shook her away. She originally thought that Wangyue was dead, but now she should be happy to see that Wangyue is fine.

"What's going on?" King Ningyue asked, Wangyue looked at Chu Yan and said: "On that day, the master's spiritual thoughts were destroyed and we were desperate. Finally, it was the Master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect who came to help us, and we had a chance to escape. On the way to the emperor, I The leader of the Tiandi Sect is also the leader of Wangxianlou."

Mochizuki said this deliberately, although it is true.

She understands that many people still don't know what happened in Dilu, but this kind of thing can't be hidden for long. Once it is exposed, Chu Yan will definitely have a disaster.

She hoped that her words would make her master respect him and help Chu Yan if Chu Yan was in trouble.

"Thank you very much, little guy. I owe you once to Wangxianlou." King Ningyue looked at Chu Yan and nodded lightly.

There are still monarchs walking out of the Jun Road from time to time. The Jun Road, like the Emperor Road, has hidden opportunities and inheritance from heaven. After a year, their auras have also changed and become stronger.

Many beings who were just human kings when they entered the path of kings have broken through the earth kings, and even powerful men with the level of heavenly kings were born.

"It seems that the competition in the Jun Road is more cruel than the Emperor Road." The genius of the Emperor Road sighed. The Emperor Road has allowed them to escape death many times. How difficult will it be in the Jun Road.

On the road to the king, another king stepped out. Behind him was the shadow of a nine-headed demon dragon, standing proudly. When he appeared, many kings frowned and became solemn.

"Jiuyou Dynasty, Lord Tuoba, is one of the top ten on the list of rulers." A person in the distance said piously.

Tuoba Junhou appeared, extremely arrogant, looking towards the imperial road, frowning slightly: "Where are the people of my Jiuyou Dynasty? Why is no one born? Has no one received the inheritance?"

"Nine Nether Dynasty, you still want to inherit it?" At this moment, a sneer suddenly came from the crowd, and then a neither light nor serious voice spread among the ancient ruins.

"The Jiuyou Dynasty is arrogant and ignorant. They are actually a bunch of trash. They show off their power in the imperial way, but they are completely destroyed by the Heavenly Emperor Sect. No one survives! It's ridiculous and sad."

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