Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5538: Prepare for a Breakthrough


The next second, a blade shot out.

The old man narrowed his eyes, but he didn't take it seriously, because he was confident enough.

He was not from this era, but from the gods of the previous era.

So his upper limit was different from that of the people of this era. As long as he was still a person of this era, he could not be stronger than him.

However, just as the blade approached, the old man's eyes suddenly widened.

He was shocked.

What is this?

But he was about to make a move, but it was too late.


A long knife had pierced through his eyebrows.

The old man was stunned and stared at the mysterious woman opposite: "You..."

The mysterious woman chuckled: "Where is the sea god? Let him come out."

The old man was silent for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Please ask the gods!"

He really found someone!

Because he had a hunch that if he didn't find someone today, he would definitely die here.

Now only his body was destroyed, but next time, it might be his soul.


As he roared, a divine light descended and quickly transformed into a tall and burly man.

The man wore a crown and held a trident in his hand!


Or rather, the Sea King!

In the last era, the god who controls the ocean, earthquakes, and tsunamis is one of the true twelve main gods.

Everyone thought that the Poseidon was the one who controls the ocean, but in fact, it is not... Earthquakes are also under the control of the Poseidon.

The Poseidon appeared, staring at the mysterious woman with a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes: "You... are in that realm?"

The mysterious woman chuckled: "Poseidon, as expected, none of the twelve main gods are dead."

The Poseidon said in a low voice: "Has my sea clan offended the girl in any way?"

The mysterious woman shook her head slightly: "That's not the case, I just came to tell you that from today, for a period of two years, you are not allowed to leave your world, otherwise, I don't mind wiping the sea clan out of this world."

After that, the mysterious woman turned and left.

Not a single extra word was said.

She was very busy.

She has only found three of the twelve main gods now.

At this moment, Poseidon frowned slightly: "What do you think the Sea Clan is? You can come and go as you please?"

The mysterious woman suddenly turned around and punched.

A touch of world-destroying power shot out.

The face of Poseidon changed, and he also punched.


A loud noise.

The next second, Poseidon flew out ten thousand meters.

Instantly, the old man and the little girl were stunned.

What on earth is this existence?

The mysterious woman glanced at Poseidon and said lightly: "Do you want to die?"

The Poseidon was silent for a moment.

The mysterious woman snorted coldly: "You should be glad that I am the one who came here. At least I left you a chance. If it were someone else, the Sea Clan would probably have been destroyed now."

After that, the mysterious woman disappeared.

All the people of the Sea Clan were stunned.

After a long time, the old man flew to the side of the Poseidon and said in shock: "God, who is this woman?"

The Poseidon said in a deep voice: "Check, no matter what, I want to know her identity!"

He is also shocked now!

Why is there such a terrible existence in this era?

At this time, the old man asked curiously: "God, what realm is this woman in?"

The Sea God hesitated and sighed: "Everyone knows that I am the only one above the giants, but most people also know that I am wrong. Since it is a wrong path, there must be a right path! She... is the right path."


The old man was shocked.

The right path?

The old man trembled and said, "Is there really someone who can take that road? That road...what exactly is it?"

The Sea God was silent for a while, and said seriously, "That state is called...idealism!"

The old man was shocked: "Idealism?"

The Sea God nodded slightly: "Yes, it is idealism! There are two states in the world, egoism and idealism! The egoist will perish. The world is egoist, which seems to be domineering, but in fact it is already a wrong road. They only have themselves in their eyes, and they are separated from the world. How can they be strong without the blessing of the world? How can they end? Only idealism, everything is idealism, will be recognized by this world."

At this time, the old man said in a deep voice: "How to take this road?"

The Sea God shook his head slightly: "I don't know, anyway, it's very difficult, it's too difficult to take this road."

The old man was silent.

The Sea God said solemnly: "The idealist appears, and this world...will undergo new changes. Tell everyone not to leave the gods for the time being."

The old man nodded.


At the same time.

The universe.


Chu Yan had been observing the Yin-Yang Scroll. At this moment, his aura was getting stronger and stronger, and not only that.

He discovered something very magical!

He had always been in harmony with his body and soul, so he had not felt his soul for a long time.

But just now, after he finished practicing the Yin-Yang Scroll, he suddenly felt his soul again.

Chu Yan was startled: "This ancient scroll separated my soul and body?"

Zhiqing said lightly: "It is not separated, but it just balances your soul and body. Feel carefully, your current state."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes, and soon, he was shocked.

He found that his soul and body were still in harmony, but more complete and balanced than before.

Zhiqing said: "You originally had a unity of spirit and body, but the body and soul were not balanced. It was inevitable that one would be strong, but once the yin and yang of a person were not balanced, something would happen. Now that you have read the Yin and Yang Volume, you can make your power completely balanced."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and then he suddenly found another use for the Yin and Yang Volume.


At this time, Chu Yan was surprised and said: "Senior, this Yin and Yang Volume can transform the power in my body?"

Zhiqing nodded: "Yes, but I advise you to use it with caution. If you don't use it well, it may make you completely unbalanced."

Chu Yan understood, but there were still some surprises.

You know, his current strength is a first-level giant.

The soul is first-level.

The body is also first-level.

When he fights, the two powers can only be used separately.

And now, he can transform the two powers.

This really forced him into a corner, and he had another big move.

Suddenly, Chu Yan sighed: "The Book of Heaven...good stuff."

He has only found two volumes, and he has made rapid progress. If he can find more...

Was he directly taking off?

What did Chu Yan lack the most before?

Ways to become stronger!

But now, he has it!

Find the Heavenly Book!

Of course, the Heavenly Book is not easy to find.

But he is not in a hurry.

At this time, after he completely mastered the Yin-Yang Scroll, he took a deep breath and suddenly said: "Maybe... it's time to break through."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the universe was shocked.


Obviously, the breakthrough that Chu Yan is talking about now is in the realm, not in combat power.

Chu Yan has always been in the Source Realm!

At this time, Xiao Jiu flew out and said: "I am curious, what will happen once you break through."

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't know either."

Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Have you thought about how to break through?"

For a normal person to break through a giant, he needs to root the avenue in the void.

In other words, it is to be a slave to the void.

But Chu Yan opened up the universe by himself, and he obviously would not take this path.

This is also the reason why he has not broken through. If he just wanted to root in the void, he could have broken through long ago.

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I'm going out for a while."

He still needs to be cautious about his breakthrough.

He doesn't want to be a slave of nothingness like the others.

He wants to break through, and that is a real breakthrough.

Of course, he is not the only one. Even if he becomes stronger, he will do something for this world, but the premise is that he is willing, not forced by others.

So he is going to talk to the spirit of the universe.

He firmly believes that the Lord of Refining Heaven must not have sold himself to nothingness.

Otherwise, there would be no universe.


Soon, he disappeared in a flash, and when he appeared again, he had landed in that palace.

Chen Tianzhen and the black shadow had already run back.

Chen Tianzhen looked at Chu Yan and sneered: "Are you happy?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Sister Zhen knows everything?"

"Sister Zhen?" Chen Tianzhen said with a strange look in his eyes.

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, you see, we are so familiar with each other, I can't always call you the spirit of the universe, right? It's too unfamiliar. Then I can't always call you senior, right? I am so young, and you call me senior, senior, I feel old."

Chen Tianzhen laughed: "Stop talking nonsense, let's talk about your business."

Chu Yan laughed, and then said directly: "I want to open up the universe. The way to break through the giants."

Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes: "Do you want to break through?"

Chu Yan took a deep breath and nodded: "It's been delayed for so long, it's time."

Chen Tianzhen thought for a while and said: "It's really long enough."

Chu Yan entered the void for a long time, but he was still in the source realm.

And then, Chen Tianzhen said: "Then go and break through, what are you telling me, whether you break through or not, does it have anything to do with me?"

Chu Yan: "..."

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