Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5526 Wusheng

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expressions changed!

Let’s fight against cosmic disasters together!

At this time, the faces of the people in the universe and the people in the Blood River all changed!

Then comes infinite anger!


The Blood Ancestor said in a deep voice: "Nanmu, do you know what you are talking about? You are the reason why Universe came to Tianyan Sect today, and you secretly escaped from it. Now you are saying that you want to attack Universe?"

Nanmu smiled slightly: "Isn't the universe a disaster of nothingness?"

The Blood Ancestor said angrily: "Asshole, you will be punished!"

Nanmu sneered: "Retribution? Ridiculous, you should think about how to leave alive today! No, it is impossible for you to leave alive."

At this time, the corners of the hall master's mouth rose, and then he suddenly looked at the ghost valley master, the demon sect master and others: "Everyone, what do you think about this matter?"

The Gui Valley Master, the Demon Sect Master and the other top forces looked at each other and said in unison: "We are willing to advance and retreat together with the Tianyan Sect to jointly defeat this void disaster in the universe!"

"Haha, hahaha!"

Suddenly, the palace master burst out laughing.

There was something crazy and mocking about his laugh.

He looked at Chu Yan and sneered: "Chu Yan, is it funny? Haha, hahaha! Are you ready to die now?"

The host and others all clenched their fists.


have no choice!

And nervous!

problem occurs!

This was a result none of them expected.

They originally came together to conquer the Tianyan Sect, but now the universe has become an isolated party and is being conquered.

The problem is... there are too many enemies here.

Thousands of hidden giants!

There is also Tianyan Sect here!

All of these people want to destroy the universe.

The Lord, the Emperor and others are unwilling to give in.

The Blood Ancestor was also silent.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly turned around, looked at the Blood Ancestor, and said with a smile: "Senior Blood Ancestor, don't you think about joining the Tianyan Sect?"

The Blood Ancestor was startled and said in a deep voice: "What does Emperor Chu mean by this?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "I'm going to die. Everything is going to attack me. Buddhism, Guigu, Demon Sect, Tianyan Sect, they all want to kill me now. If Blood River joins them, maybe we can share it with them." What about the mystery of the universe?”

The blood ancestor's expression changed.

To be honest... are you excited?

No, it is no longer a matter of temptation.

But fear!

Chu Yan can now say that he is really the enemy of Quan Xuwu.

And the universe is not a great place.

If Chu Yan and the Spirit of the Universe are not considered, even if the Universe has recently experienced a blowout period of development, it is still far behind an ordinary giant.

In this situation, they have no chance of winning.

Staying here with the blood river is like waiting for death.

Everyone in Xuehe also looked at Xuezu.

But the Blood Ancestor pondered for a while and suddenly shook his head: "Emperor Chu, you don't have to test me. Since I, the Blood River, have surrendered to the universe, I will not betray you, at least not today. When the universe is in danger, how can I, the Blood River, Adding insult to injury?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "You won't leave even if you die?"

The Blood Ancestor nodded: "I won't leave even if I die!"

Chu Yan laughed: "Okay!"

At this time, the palace master sneered: "Chu Yan, can you still laugh?"

Chu Yan looked around and saw that everything he could see were enemies.

At this moment, he even wanted to laugh. Mad, you really don’t have a long memory. How many betrayals have you experienced from this world to today?

Will you still choose to believe it?

Fortunately, this time, he didn't really believe it.

Nanmu said in a deep voice: "Chu Yan, don't blame us, it's natural selection."

Chu Yan smiled and said: "I don't blame you, I don't blame you. Of course I don't blame you. To be honest, I was still thinking about how to treat you if I won this battle."

"We are enemies to begin with, and your hands are stained with the blood of countless people from my universe! Logically speaking, I should never let you go, but if this battle is really fought together, what about me? A little nostalgia and kindness, I guess I won’t be able to kill, but this is just right.”

Nanmu's eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

Suddenly, Chu Yan's facial features became ferocious: "Bullshit! Do you think you can deal with the universe?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Chu Yan shouted loudly: "All cosmic people, exit Tianyan Sect!"

The owner and others were startled, and the next second they turned around and left.

The Blood Ancestor was slightly startled, a little confused. In his opinion, after Nanmu's betrayal, the universe would be defeated. Now that they leave, doesn't it mean leaving Chu Yan to die?

But when he hesitated, the owner grabbed him and said, "Quickly go!"

The Blood Ancestor said in a deep voice: "What about Emperor Chu?"

The owner rolled his eyes: "Idiot, if he dares to say that, then he must have a trump card. I am still curious about why he is so calm about these people's betrayal. Now I know."

The Blood Ancestor was startled and his eyes looked a little strange. He still couldn't figure out what trump card he had to defeat so many people?

But he still chose to leave.


Soon, everyone in the universe evacuated.

At this time, the palace master saw this and snorted coldly: "Chu Yan, when death is imminent, are you still pretending?"

Trump card?

Big move?

Can Tianyanmen still be destroyed?

He doesn't believe it!

If Chu Yan really had this ability, why didn't Chu Yan use it earlier?

Nanmu and others also sneered and shook their heads.

Obviously don't believe it.

Nanmu sneered: "Chu Yan, today is the day you die."


Suddenly, Chu Yan looked at Nanmu.

Nanmu frowned slightly.

Chu Yan grinned and said, "Do you still remember the world-destroying power in the Land of Gods?"

Nanmu, Guiguzhu and the other two were startled at first, and then their faces suddenly changed, and their eyes were filled with endless fear.


Nanmu shook his head desperately: "No! No! This is impossible! Didn't you say that the power is not yours? Impossible... That power can't be related to you, that power can't be yours, how can you have that kind of power?"

The Palace Master was puzzled: "What power?"

Nanmu couldn't say it because he was too scared.

He had only experienced it once in his life, and it was a threat of death.

Chu Yan grinned: "Impossible? Haha, hahaha! I'll tell you what is impossible now!"

He laughed wantonly.

His laughter was full of demonic nature.

At this moment, he seemed to be the big villain between heaven and earth.

The next second, he took a deep breath and took a step into the air. He was alone, independent of the world of Tianyanmen. He looked down at the living beings below like a god.

Chu Yan sneered: "I've actually been waiting. I was wondering if you would betray me. If you didn't, I would be in a difficult situation. Now... everything is easy to solve."

After saying that, his hands began to gather together.


Suddenly, a force of annihilation descended.

Nanmu shook his head desperately: "No, no... This is impossible! How could this be possible! You, didn't you say it wasn't you... You lied to me, you lied to me!"

"Haha, hahaha!"

Chu Yan laughed wantonly, and then he no longer hesitated. He finally gathered his hands together and shouted angrily word by word: "No Life!"

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