Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5522: Mindset

Chu Yan suddenly came back to his senses, and then he was shocked by his own thoughts!

When did you become like this?

Taking advantage of others' danger?

This... doesn't look like him.

At this time, Wushui said calmly: "If you had killed three of them just now, it would have opened up another path in life. Of course, it would not have much impact on you, but... you will most likely give your parents more Add another disaster."

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed: "Senior, what you mean is that if I kill them, my parents will bear an extra share of the disaster for me? Just the three of them?"

He doesn't understand!

There are three people in Nanmu, are they worthy?

Not crazy!

It's a very real issue.

These three people may be a big trouble for me now. If these three people are not injured, it will not be easy for me to kill them.

But... to Qin Ruomeng, three people...


Wushuang shook his head: "No, the three of them are naturally not worthy of influencing your parents, let alone them. I am afraid that no one in today's void has this ability. However, if you kill the three of them, it will change your xinxing and thus influence your parents." Your future."

Chu Yan squinted: "Butterfly effect?"

Wushuang nodded: "Absolutely."

Chu Yan didn't say much, and then looked at the three people.


The Heavenly Refining Divine Sword was slashed out at once.


The twisted space where the three people were was shattered.

Only then did the three people break free.

The twisted space saved three people, but in a sense it also trapped three people.

If Chu Yan hadn't come to look for them, with the injuries that only left their souls, there was a high probability that they would never be able to get out of this twisted space in their lives.

After the three people appeared, they were all filled with palpitations.

Not just because of the world-destroying power!

At this time, Nanmu was sweating profusely. He glanced at Chu Yan with a hint of fear.

Murderous intent!

Just now, he felt murderous intent from Chu Yan's body.

Chu Yan...just wanted to kill three people!

Of course, he also understood that he would probably do the same thing if it were him.

To avoid future troubles!

He didn't even understand why Chu Yan gave up in the end.

But no matter what the reason was, he didn't dare to act rashly.

If nothing goes wrong today, all three of them will die.

At this time, Chu Yan chuckled: "Where have the three seniors gone? It's easy for me to find them."

Nanmu's throat rolled: "Donor Chu, did you feel the power of destroying the world just now?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Well, it's quite scary. It scared me."

Nanmu: "..."

He was speechless for a while. What you said was too calm, and it didn't look like he was scared at all.

But the next second, Nanmu seemed to have thought of something, and his expression changed drastically.

Why could Chu Yan say this so calmly?


To be precise, what was that world-destroying power just now? Where did it come from?

Nanmu suddenly had a bold idea in his mind...

That world-destroying power...could it be caused by Chu Yan?

He didn't dare to think further.

Because when he thought about it, he felt panicked.

If Chu Yan really has that strength...Buddhism, Guigu, and Demon Sect, are they nothing in front of the universe?

At this time, Nanmu suddenly felt some regret.

He thought again, was he right or wrong to seek cooperation with Chu Yan this time?

Looking for the universe, they may be able to defeat the Tianyan sect, but by then, will they still be able to defeat Chu Yan?

They are... seeking skin from a tiger.

But now... they have no choice.

Does Nanmu dare to say he won't cooperate now?

Unless you don’t want to live anymore.

At this time, the Ghost Valley Master said in a deep voice: "Nanmu, do you suspect that Chu Yan created that power?"

Nanmu said in a low voice: "Otherwise? There are only four of us here, not the three of us, but him. And the three of us are not weak, but we were not lucky just now and died directly, but he is alive."

The Ghost Valley Master shook his head: "This is impossible!"

Nanmu looked at the Ghost Valley Master.

The Lord of Guigu said: "If he has this strength, why does he still cooperate with us? Also, if he has this strength, why doesn't he just take action to destroy us? If the world-destroying power just now comes to Buddhism, Nanmu, Do you think Buddhism can stop it?”

Nanmu was silent for a moment.

This is true!

With the power of that blow just now, even if the Buddha blocked it, he would definitely suffer heavy losses.

The foundation of hundreds of millions of years will be destroyed.

Nanmu shook his head: "I can't stop it!"

The Lord of Guigu said: "That's it. If he really has this strength, why didn't he use it earlier? Do he have to keep it until now? One more thing, you should watch him carefully."

Nanmu and the Demon Sect Master looked at Chu Yan together.

The Lord of Guigu said: "Look at his physical body."

Nanmu and Demon Sect Master were startled at first, and then were shocked.

They didn't pay attention at first, but when they looked carefully, they realized that Chu Yan's body was new!

From the neck to the feet, everything is reshaped.

It is actually easy to tell whether the physical body has been reshaped.

Having cultivated to their level, this would not be a problem for them.

Nanmu said solemnly: "Has his physical body been rebuilt?"

The Ghost Valley Master nodded: "This shows that his situation is not much better than ours."

Nanmu's eyes shrank, but then he said in a deep voice: "But if it weren't for him, there are only four of us here, and it's not us. Where does that power come from?"

The Ghost Valley Master thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "Is it possible that some power left over from the Land of Gods' Falling Land itself was suddenly triggered by our entry?"

Nanmu nodded slightly: "It's possible."

The Ghost Valley Master said: "Anyway, no matter what the reason is, I don't believe that the power was used by Chu Yan."

Nanmu touched his chin.

He was relieved.

It's not Chu Yan!

That's good.

At this time, Chu Yan kept looking at the three people, he was too lazy to pay attention, he actually didn't want the three people to know that the move was used by him.

People should be low-key!

Too high-profile, easy to get beaten.

Chu Yan didn't understand this truth, and he showed his edge.

He now wants to be low-key and kill secretly.

At this time, Nanmu said: "Donor Chu, did you gain anything this time?"

The three people did not forget that they came to accompany Chu Yan to find the law of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda.

Chu Yan shook his head helplessly: "No, not only no, but also seriously injured, alas... This time it's my fault, I have implicated the three seniors."

Nanmu shook his head: "This can't be blamed on Master Chu, fortunately we are all still alive."

Then, all four of them were silent.

I don't know what to say.

At this time, Guigu said: "We can't delay any longer. The mystery of the universe is in the hands of Tianyanmen. Once we give them time to study the mystery of the universe and open the road to me, we will have no chance of winning."

Nanmu was shocked, and then he looked at Chu Yan: "Master Chu, what do you think?"

Chu Yan sighed: "I haven't found the law, and my strength is just like that, but the three seniors believe in me, so the three seniors are in charge, even if it's a strong attack, I am willing to contribute."

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