Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5517 Law of Life

The young man looked at Chu Yan and suddenly laughed: "You are really not a reincarnationist. And, your previous life... How can someone like you have a previous life?"

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped: "Why are you still scolding me? You don't have a previous life, I do, I have it!"

Why don't I have a previous life?

Chu Yan was a little dissatisfied.

Although he didn't want to be a reincarnationist, he couldn't be without a previous life, right?

After all, others have it. If he doesn't have it, wouldn't it be very frustrated?


I must have it!

Of course, if there is a previous life, it's the previous life, just don't awaken or something.

Chu Yan always felt that this life is this life, and the next time, there will be the excitement of the next life. Why do we have to mix it up?

The young man laughed: "You really don't have a previous life."

Chu Yan frowned. This time he didn't refute, but suddenly said: "What do you mean?"

The young man smiled and said: "Let me tell you who I am first."

Chu Yan looked at the young man.

The young man suddenly spread his hands.

Chu Yan's face changed.


Instantly, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower in Chu Yan's body flew out.

At the same time, his eyes turned red.

But in just one second, the blood pool was suppressed by another force.

Chu Yan was startled and looked up at the young man.

Because he found that it was the young man who suppressed the blood pool.

The young man took the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, played around and laughed: "It's still the same, it hasn't changed at all."

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower saw that the young man seemed to have a spirit, and suddenly became furious and rushed towards the young man madly.

The young man laughed and blocked it with his hand, saying helplessly: "Look, you haven't seen your friends for many years, and you are still angry."


Hearing this, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower became even angrier and rushed towards the young man madly.

Chu Yan: "..."

He was stunned. He had known the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower for so long, but this was the first time he saw this guy so angry.

What did this young man do in the first place?

To make the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower so angry.

However, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower hit the young man several times, but found it was useless, so it suddenly stopped.

But everyone thought that the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower had given up.

Suddenly, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower flew back to Chu Yan, and then he spoke, using a very childish voice, saying the most cruel words.

A force emerged from the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, turned into a hand, pointed at the young man, and said to Chu Yan: "Kill him!"

Chu Yan: "..."

The young man: "..."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Fuck, you can talk?"

Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower: "..."

Chu Yan has known the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower for so long, but this is the first time he knows that this guy can talk?

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower stomped his feet in anger: "Kill him! Aren't you my master? Then help me kill him, kill him quickly."

Chu Yan: "..."

But then, he glanced at the young man, weighed the strength of both sides, and hesitated and said: "Do you think I can beat him?"

He didn't know the man's strength.

But the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower hit him several times just now.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower... hit me and flew away.

At this time, Chu Yan was silent for a while and said: "Senior, let's talk about it. Who are you? And what do you mean by what you said just now? How did you know me 200 million years ago?"

That's 200 million years.

Not 2 years.

Not 200 years!

I have only lived for more than 500 years.

Why did this person know me 200 million years ago?

Moreover, I am not a reincarnation. No, according to the young man, I don't even have a previous life!

The young man smiled: "I am a ray of law in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, and you probably guessed what law I am?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Law of Life?"

The young man smiled and nodded.

It's life!

The reason why Chu Yan guessed it was because of the evil spirits outside the door.

Those evil spirits should have died long ago, and their souls dissipated in the world, but because of this young man, they were forcibly preserved until today.

The young man said: "I am the law of life. As for how I knew you, it was probably 200 million years ago. Do you think the world changes with time?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The young man smiled and said: "In a civilized country, there is a monster called Laplace, representing everything, just like me, nothing will change with time."

"200 million years ago, I deduced our meeting today through all the things that happened 200 million years ago."

Chu Yan's face changed: "You mean, you calculated 200 million years ago that we would meet today?"

The young man laughed: "What do you mean by calculation? Calculation... that's what charlatans do, what I do is called scientific practice."

Chu Yan was shocked.

He didn't believe it at all.

At this time, the young man suddenly said, "It's actually very simple. You see, you gave the fake mystery of the universe to Tianyan Sect, so Tianyan Sect became the target of public criticism. But Tianyan Sect is very strong. They are destined to defeat the Buddhist Sect, and then come to you. You can't defeat them, so you have to find a way. The Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda is your only way. Do you think these need to be counted? These are all facts. In other words, the moment the fake mystery of the universe was handed over, everything was doomed."

After saying that, the young man shook his head: "No, to be precise, everything was doomed the moment I stepped into the Liu family in Tianyong City a long time ago. This was not calculated, but deduced. Everything is fixed. What you do in this second is destined to determine the next second, and the next second will determine the next second..."

Chu Yan was shocked: "So according to this meaning, the ending of this world has already been fixed?"

The young man nodded: "Theoretically, this is true, but... there are always some people who want to break the theory."

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

The young man said: "Some people are so strong that they cannot be deduced and will even change many things."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Can anyone do it?"

The young man glanced at Chu Yan and said sadly: "Why do you have the nerve to ask this? Others can't...but most of the people behind you can."

Chu Yan was shocked.

He thought for a moment and said, "Senior, where do you and this tower come from?"

The young man was silent for a moment and shook his head randomly: "I don't know either."

Chu Yan frowned: "You don't know? Aren't you good at math?"

The young man's eyelids twitched: "I'll say it again, that's called derivation! Derivation! It's not calculation!"

Chu Yan nodded: "Okay, derivation, why haven't you deduced where you came from?"

The young man said helplessly: "I don't know either. The place we came to is... very special. You wouldn't understand it anyway."

Chu Yan frowned: "Then why are you here?"

The young man's lips twitched as if someone had exposed him, but just as he was about to speak, Jiutian Xuanta suddenly said angrily: "I'll tell you!"

Jiutian Xuanta gritted his teeth and said: "When I brought nine of them to the void, they all thought they were invincible. They were so crazy that they would beat anyone they saw. But forget it! One day, they met you. Dad, Chu Hanfeng, all nine of them rushed forward, but your father beat them up! Later, when your mother came for them, they couldn't beat them, so they ran away and left me alone!"

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan was stunned!

All in all... Did Jiutian Xuan Pagoda take the blame for these nine people?

The young man's mouth twitched and he smiled dryly: "That's not entirely true. We were so tyrannical at that time. Didn't you also follow us to enjoy the hot and spicy food?"

Jiutian Xuan Pagoda was silent.

There was no rebuttal.

Chu Yan chuckled.

Come on, this guy was never a fun guy.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly: "So... you don't come from nothingness?"

The young man hesitated and suddenly said: "It should be nothingness, but the nothingness is too big, and there are many layers of eras. It is true that we do not belong to this era."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

At this time, he thought for a moment and said, "Then why did my mother leave you to me?"

Jiutian Xuanta shook his head: "Maybe she saw some secrets in me?"

Chu Yan was confused: "What secret?"

Jiutian Xuanta was speechless: "I told you it was a secret. Since it is a secret, how could I know?"

Chu Yan: "???"

You don’t know the secret about you?

Jiutian Xuanta shook his head: "I came to this world with injuries. I don't even remember what happened before."

Chu Yan suddenly realized.

Then, he looked at the young man and fell into silence.

He had thought countless times about what was imprisoned in the Jiutian Xuan Tower.

Gods, demons, monsters?

But now it seems that is not the case.

There are two types of towers.

One kind is used for suppression or something.

There is another kind which is used for praying and making offerings.

Obviously, Jiutian Xuan Pagoda belongs to the second type.

The nine laws of heaven and earth are enshrined here.

It's just that these rules are a little unreliable.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly said: "Senior, would you like to return to the tower?"

The young man smiled bitterly: "You have found me, do you think I still have a chance not to go back?"

Chu Yan was confused: "What do you mean?"

The young man sighed: "You have found me. Those people behind you must also know that I am here. If I don't go back, I will be beaten."

Chu Yan: "..."

He asked strangely: "Then why don't you run?"

The young man was silent for a while, and then said helplessly: "I thought about running away, but I couldn't. This world has been imprisoned. I have been running for 200 million years, but I still haven't run away. I was defeated at the beginning. My idea was originally Yes, I will become stronger and then take revenge! But it turns out that I can’t defeat them, so just join them.”

Chu Yan: "..."

If you can't beat a good one, just join.

You have so much backbone.

At this time, the young man took a deep breath: "Of course, I will choose to go back. In fact, it is not all because of your parents, but also a big reason because of you."

Chu Yan frowned: "Me?"

The young man nodded: "I have actually calculated many results about you, about a thousand times. What do you think the results are?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly: "What?"

The young man took a deep breath: "Nine hundred and ninety-nine of the times, you died, and only once did you come here! And now, it happens to be that one time, and it is also the only result!"

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