Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5509: Good and Evil Line

Chu Yan's mentality is a little broken now!

He thought that the things in the wooden box were very precious, otherwise he would not be unable to open it, but he never thought that the wooden box contained a broken path to egoism!

Isn't this ridiculous?

Isn't this counterproductive?

Countless people in the void are pursuing the mystery of the universe, what is their purpose?

Isn't it just to break through egoism?

Now it's good, the mystery of the universe originally did not have this function.

Now it really has it!

Chu Yan sighed: "What a sin!"

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "In fact, you don't have to go to Tianyanmen."

Chu Yan turned and looked at the Spirit of the Universe.

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "That wooden box can really help people break through the ego. Tianyan Sect doesn't know, but the rest of the Void Sect will take it as the real mystery of the universe. At that time, your hatred will be gone."

Chu Yan looked at the Spirit of the Universe and said calmly: "Senior, do you think that the Buddhist Sect will let me go after breaking through the ego?"

The Spirit of the Universe thought for a while and said: "If it was the original, it might be possible. Anyway, you don't have any hatred, but now..."

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head.

Chu Yan sighed: "That's it! If the wooden box is the real mystery of the universe, I might not be nervous now. Anyway, it's useless for them to get it. Let alone them, even I don't know what the mystery of the universe is! But the problem is... that wooden box is not the real mystery of the universe. That wooden box can really help people break through the ego!"

The Spirit of the Universe was silent for a while and didn't speak.

Chu Yan rubbed his head and turned to leave.

However, he didn't walk far and suddenly turned back.

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Chu Yan strangely: "Not going?"

Chu Yan said with a dark face: "Of course I will go, but I can't beat them now. Give me some benefits."

Spirit of the Universe: "..."

The Spirit of the Universe laughed: "Do you think you can beat me just because you can't beat Tianyanmen?"

Chu Yan's face fell, and he said helplessly: "Senior, you can't watch me die, I am your puppet."

Yes, a puppet!

What kind of personality did Chu Yan have?

Before there was a strong enemy, he was thinking about killing the Spirit of the Universe, and I would be the master of the universe.

Now that there is an enemy, I am your puppet!

You can't just ignore me.

The Spirit of the Universe laughed: "You don't want any face at all."

Chu Yan was speechless. What's the use of having face? Can't you avoid being beaten?

The Spirit of the Universe thought for a moment, and suddenly said: "You want to fight against Tianyanmen... You have no chance of winning now."

Chu Yan said helplessly: "I know, that's why I came to see the senior, senior, you are very powerful."

The Spirit of the Universe sneered: "Don't call me empty words... I gave you everything I can give you before, have you used that drop of Goddess's Tear?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly: "Not yet."

The Spirit of the Universe said: "Then don't use it for now, wait until you encounter a fatal crisis, that thing... maybe it can save your life."

Chu Yan nodded repeatedly: "What else?"

The Spirit of the Universe thought for a while and shook his head: "I really don't have anything."

Chu Yan stared at the Spirit of the Universe: "I don't believe it! You are the Spirit of the Universe, you are the number one Spirit of the Universe in the world, how could you not have it."

The Spirit of the Universe's face turned black: "Stop, stop, stop..."

Chu Yan shut up immediately.

The Spirit of the Universe rubbed his brows: "I really don't have any."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said calmly: "Senior, if you don't want to give it, just say no. There's no need to lie to me like this, right?"

The Spirit of the Universe doesn't have any treasures?

How is it possible?

What is the strength of the Spirit of the Universe?

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Chu Yan and said calmly: "I didn't lie to you. I really don't have the so-called treasures you mentioned. The ones I gave you before were also obtained by accident. Someone entered the universe before and left them in the universe. I was worried about the impact on the universe, so I took them away."

Speaking of this, the Spirit of the Universe paused and said: "Do you think that I should have a lot of treasures because I am strong?"

Chu Yan nodded.

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "But have you ever thought about one thing, just because I am strong, the treasures you mentioned... I don't care about them anymore. I don't need to rely on any external things, so why do I need them?"

Chu Yan was stunned, and then understood.

The Spirit of the Universe may really have no treasures.

Not because of weakness or poverty, but because of strength.

The Spirit of the Universe is too strong.

He is so powerful that he doesn't need any external force, he is invincible, so why does he need treasures?

He is so powerful that the treasures in Chu Yan's eyes are worthless in his eyes.

Chu Yan said strangely: "Then senior, have you picked up some rags in these years? I don't want treasures, just give me some rags."

Yes, no treasures, just rags!

The rags in the eyes of the Spirit of the Universe may be treasures for Chu Yan.

The Spirit of the Universe was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I want to ask you something."

Chu Yan looked at the Spirit of the Universe.

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "I remember when you created the world, the most powerful divine weapon was the Divine Emperor Weapon, right?"

Chu Yan nodded.

The strongest treasure when the world was created was the Nine Emperors Divine Weapon!

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "Then if you suddenly encounter a Nine Emperors Divine Weapon under your feet now, will you pick it up?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Pick up a fart!

The Nine Emperors' Divine Weapons...are treasures in the Creation World, but in the Real World, they are the lowest-level things. As for now...maybe they are not as good as a stone in the void.

Who would be crazy enough to pick up a stone on purpose?

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "You don't pick it up yourself, why do you think I will pick up junk every day?"

Chu Yan: "..."

The next second, instead of being angry, his pupils shrank and he was shocked.

He could understand the metaphor of the Spirit of the Universe.

The problem is...that is comparing his current strength with the Divine Emperor Weapon of the Creation World!

Does this mean that in the eyes of the Spirit of the Universe, he is now like the gap between a giant and the Divine Emperor of the Creation World?

What concept?

A world of difference!

How much did Chu Yan go through when he walked out of the Creation World?

A gap of billions of times!

That is really a world of difference.

Chu Yan's throat rolled, and suddenly said: "Senior, how strong are you?"

The Spirit of the Universe thought for a while, chuckled and said: "Do you really want to know?"

Chu Yan nodded vigorously.

The Spirit of the Universe pondered for a while, and suddenly said: "How strong am I... Maybe, looking at this void today, as long as the person behind you doesn't make a move, I should be invincible, right?"

Chu Yan: "..."

After this, Chu Yan was stunned.

What do you mean?

The person behind me doesn't make a move?

Who is behind me?

At this time, he suddenly thought of the Buddha in the Diamond Sutra.

That person seemed to have said that the person behind him was very strong.

Qin Ruoming...

Chu Hanfeng?

Chu Yan looked strange: "Sister Tianzhen, I..."

The eyelids of the Spirit of the Universe jumped slightly: "Wait a minute, what did you call me?"

Chu Yan laughed dryly: "Haha, Sister Tianzhen, aren't you called Chen Tianzhen? Look, we are so familiar with each other. I always call you senior, how strange it is, calling you sister is more intimate."

The corner of the Spirit of the Universe twitched slightly, and sneered: "You are smart. When you shouted that you wanted to work every day, why didn't I see that you were afraid of being unfamiliar?"

Chu Yan: "..."

He was silent for a while, coughing: "To be honest, now I think back to my various behaviors at the beginning, I also feel that I am too hateful. How could I be so ignorant."

Yu The Spirit of the Universe: "..."

She sneered: "Don't talk nonsense with me here, wooden box, you can do it yourself, I don't have any good things, no, I do have some good things, but I don't have any rags."

Chu Yan blinked: "Sister Tianzhen, you mean, you don't have rags of my level, but you have treasures of your level?"

The Spirit of the Universe snorted: "Nonsense, you don't pick up rags when you see them, and you don't pick up a sword of the Heavenly Refining God on the ground?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Then his eyes lit up: "Sister Tianzhen, why don't you give me a treasure of your level?"

Oh my... If the Spirit of the Universe thinks it is a treasure, how strong must it be?

If you don't just throw it away, you will destroy the Tianyan Sect?

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Chu Yan and suddenly laughed in anger: "You really dare to speak... But it's not impossible, but are you sure you want it?"

Chu Yan nodded repeatedly: "I want it!"

If you don't take advantage of it, you are a bastard.

The Spirit of the Universe pondered for a while, and suddenly opened his palm, and immediately, a purple gold jade bottle appeared on it.

When the jade bottle appeared, Chu Yan's face changed drastically.


The next second, he retreated a thousand meters, his face pale.

The Spirit of the Universe sneered while holding the jade bottle: "Why are you running? Don't you want the treasure? Take it away?"

Chu Yan was silent, and then shocked.

This jade bottle... is too strong.

He didn't know what this jade bottle was, but when the jade bottle appeared, he felt that the world seemed to collapse, and he even had a premonition...

He... couldn't pick up this jade bottle.

If he dared to reach out to take it, his arm would definitely explode into powder in the next second.

Chu Yan swallowed his saliva: "Sister Tian Zhen, what... is this?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Sonnet Fat Jade Bottle."

Chu Yan was startled: "What is that?"

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "At the beginning of the world, the place that holds the water of the world, let me tell you this, all the water in the world flows out of this bottle."

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly.

Is this still a treasure?

This is a divine weapon.

Chu Yan asked strangely: "Where did this thing come from?"

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head: "I don't know, the master left it at that time."

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Sister Tianzhen, why do I feel a strong sense of crisis from this jade bottle?"

Whether he can lift the jade bottle or not is one thing, even if he can lift it, he will not take it easily.

Because the moment the jade bottle appeared, he felt a sense of crisis.

It did not come from the bottle, but from some cause and effect behind the bottle.

The Spirit of the Universe said lightly: "Because this bottle was stolen from a place by the master, if you take it, that force will target you."

After speaking, the Spirit of the Universe narrowed his eyes: "It stands to reason that you should not feel this causal force... Let me see."

Suddenly, her eyes condensed, and a special force surged out, quickly covering Chu Yan's body.

After a while, countless golden lines suddenly appeared around Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was startled when he saw those golden lines: "Sister Zhen, what are these?"

He himself did not know that there were so many golden lines connected to his body.

The Spirit of the Universe was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "The line of good and evil."

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