Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5507: Go to the universe for help

Everyone was stunned: "What is that?"

The master of Tianyan Sect thought for a while and said: "Have you heard that saying?"

Old Chen asked: "What?"

The master said: "Buddhists say that if you put down your butcher knife, you will become a Buddha on the spot."

Old Chen nodded: "I have heard of it."

Everyone must have heard of this saying.

But the problem is, they asked you to put down your butcher knife, not pick it up, so how come Buddhism summoned a butcher knife?

The master said calmly: "Putting down the butcher knife in Buddhism means putting down the resentment in your heart and doing good. Therefore, countless people will put down their butcher knives before joining Buddhism, and these evil thoughts will remain in Buddhism in order to prevent them from affecting the world... and this knife is the evil thoughts of those monks before they became monks."

Everyone suddenly realized.

The hall master looked up at Nanmu and sighed, "You... are really crazy. You have practiced for a lifetime and persuaded people for a lifetime, but in the end you picked up this butcher knife."

The moment Nanmu held the butcher knife, his eyes suddenly turned red, and the whole person began to be affected by evil thoughts. He said fiercely: "You forced me to do all this!"

The hall master shook his head: "What does it have to do with me? I have seen a Buddha in your Buddhist sect in the ancient scrolls. That person is completely opposite to you. That person did a lot of wrong things in his life, but he finally chose to put down the butcher knife and started to make up. And you... are not right. You didn't do anything good before. Forget it, let's do it."

The next second, he turned and said to Chen Lao beside him: "Go."

Nanmu is not scary. No matter how strong he is, he will not break the upper limit, but that butcher knife will!

The most terrifying thing in the world is the human heart and evil thoughts, and this knife has accumulated too many people's evil thoughts. People alone cannot break the upper limit, but these evil thoughts can.

So Nanmu holding the butcher knife is not his opponent.

Old Chen nodded slightly, and then whoosh, he disappeared.


The next second, the surrounding space collapsed, and Old Chen appeared in front of Nanmu. Nanmu's face was ferocious. At this time, his face had already shown all kinds of faces, all of which were transformed by those evil thoughts. He raised the butcher knife with both hands and chopped towards Old Chen.

Old Chen didn't feel anything at first, but when the butcher knife chopped down, his face changed.

He found that the knife had not yet chopped him, but his skin had begun to decay.

What a weird knife!

But he didn't sit and wait for death. He spread his palms and a long sword appeared. The sword was blue all over, and there were lightning flashing on it, as if the sword was made of thunder.

The next second, Old Chen stabbed Nanmu's eyebrows.

Nanmu snorted coldly, and a Buddha shadow was born in his body.

Transformed into a diamond shield.


The diamond shield blocked Old Chen's attack, but then the butcher knife chopped down.


A loud noise.

Old Chen retreated thousands of feet, and as soon as he stopped, the space around him began to disintegrate, and countless malice surged out of it.

At this time, Nanmu suddenly disappeared again, and appeared in front of Old Chen in a flash, and he said fiercely: "Go to hell!"

Old Chen frowned, and suddenly, he clasped his hands together, and with a click, he controlled the butcher knife.

And the next second, he kicked out.

This kick directly broke the space.

This means that this kick has exceeded the upper limit of power.

Nanmu was shocked and quickly blocked it with his sword.


Immediately afterwards, Nanmu retreated, and as soon as he stopped, he was shocked: "How is it possible? You, why can you break the upper limit?"

He can, because he uses the butcher knife, but Old Chen does not.

Old Chen looked at Nanmu and sighed, "You also said that, that's your limit, not mine."

Nanmu stared at Old Chen: "You... are not from this era?"

Old Chen chuckled: "I am."

Nanmu shook his head: "No, it's impossible! You are from this era, you can't break it."

Old Chen shook his head slightly, he didn't explain to Nanmu, because he thought Nanmu was a fool.

Tianyanmen, dare to be the enemy of Quanxuwu, always above the hidden forces, can't they have a little trump card?

They must have something extraordinary.

Otherwise, why are they Tianyanmen, and the Buddhist sects are collectively called hidden forces?

Tianyanmen alone occupies a height.

It's because they have a trump card.

At this time, Guigu Lord and Demon Sect Lord frowned.

Somewhat shocked.

The first person who broke the upper limit appeared.

Although they guessed that there might be some people who broke the upper limit in Tianyanmen.

But they didn't expect it to be so fast, and thought they would wait for a while, and Tianyanmen would use some trump cards.

But no.

He appeared directly.

The point is, if there is only one old Chen, it is okay. If he has not broken through the ego, there will be no qualitative change. Everyone can rely on quantitative change to accumulate.

But what if it is not one?

How many people like this... are there in Tianyanmen?

At this time, Guiguzhu suddenly said: "It's time for us to take action."

The leader of the Demon Sect thought for a while and nodded slightly.


The next second, he took a step forward and began to transform into a demon. The terrible demon blood in his body boiled.

On the other side, Guiguzhu took a deep breath. Suddenly, countless ghosts appeared around him, and he clenched his palm.


Those ghosts were absorbed by him at once, and then the ghosts turned into a special armor around him.

The master of Tianyanmen frowned when he saw this: "Are you serious?"

Immediately, he clapped his hands.


The sky cracked.

At this time, two middle-aged men suddenly appeared in the sky. Both men were wearing special armor with dragon patterns on them. One had one and the other had two.

Seeing the two men, someone in the void whispered: "It's the Dragon Pattern War God of Tianyan Sect!"

Nanmu frowned: "What is that?"

The man said in a deep voice: "I have seen it in the ancient scrolls. Tianyan Sect has a group of special war gods. They have dragon patterns on their bodies. Anyone with one dragon pattern is a super strong man. As for two... that is the real great power."

The Ghost Valley Master and the Demon Sect Master frowned at the same time.


The next second, the two Dragon Pattern War Gods took a step forward and quickly killed the Ghost Valley Master and the Demon Sect Master.

The two people's faces changed, and they immediately punched.


But it was just a face-to-face encounter.


The two figures exploded and retreated together.

It was the Ghost Valley Master and the Demon Sect Master. As soon as they stopped, their bodies shattered at the same time and became ethereal, which stunned everyone.

Two hidden masters, but they were defeated in one move?

Ghost Valley Master was also shocked: "You all broke the upper limit?"

Any of these dragon-patterned war gods exceeded the upper limit.

The Tianyan Sect Hall Master sneered: "You just said that you still want to make peace today? Do you think that your breaking into my Tianyan Sect can still be peaceful?"


At this time, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the distance.

Then a figure retreated a thousand meters.

And this person was Nanmu.

As soon as he stopped, the Buddha shadows behind him began to shatter.

He looked up at Chen Lao opposite him, his eyes widened.

He had some advantages just now, but at the moment when he hit Chen Lao with the butcher knife, Chen Lao's Taoist robe shattered, and hidden under the Taoist robe was a green armor, and on the armor, there were 3 dragon patterns embroidered!

Old Chen tilted his head and chuckled, "Really, I haven't taken action for too long, so I think I'm easy to bully."

Nanmu: "..."

Suddenly, the world was quiet.

The reason is very simple.

Their three hidden masters were all defeated.

But the other hall master didn't even make a move.

What's the point of fighting?

The people of the void quickly gathered together.

Nanmu said grimly, "Damn it, how can they be so strong? How did they break the upper limit?"

The leader of the Demon Sect said in a deep voice, "I don't know, Tianyanmen is too old, they even live longer than we think, it may be related to the last era."

Everyone was silent.

This battle is not fair at all.

They have an upper limit, and Tianyanmen does not.

Or it does, but it is higher than them, so there is no way to fight.

At this time, Nanmu suddenly said: "We need helpers."

The leader of Guigu was stunned and said in a deep voice: "But where can we find them? Most of the hidden forces in the void are here. Even if there are fewer, there are only one or two less. It doesn't matter whether they come or not."


It's easy to say.

But where can we find them.

To be precise, they don't need to look for them. When Tianyanmen took the mystery of the universe, they had already established countless enemies for themselves.

They are enemies of the whole void.

But the whole void can't beat them.

At this time, Nanmu thought for a while, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Yes, we have a helper. There is still a force in the void that has not come here."

Everyone looked at Nanmu.

Anything else?

They looked around and couldn't remember.

And even if there is... a hidden force, is it important?

The leader of Guigu said: "Who?"

Nanmu was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Universe!"

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