Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5496: Let’s drink today and enjoy the wine today


Chu Yan felt that killing a dog was an understatement!

Even if it was just killing a dog, the dog would at least bark twice, right?

You killed more than 10,000 dogs, it is impossible that no one would notice it, right?

But no one did.

This is not killing dogs, this is pinching ants again!

One pinch will kill a bunch of them.

And now we can be sure of one thing.

This person... is not the spirit of the universe.


At this time, the Blood Ancestor suddenly screamed.

Chu Yan was startled, and he looked at the Blood Ancestor fiercely: "Why are you screaming? You scared me."

The Blood Ancestor said in despair: "It's over! I always thought that person was the spirit of the universe, so I followed you. I haven't been hiding recently, but it's not the spirit of the universe. What should I do... It's over, the other party must be targeting me."

Chu Yan: "..."

He said helplessly: "Okay, things are like this, then we can only fight back."

The Blood Ancestor said with great sorrow: "Stop what! Hundreds of millions of years ago, tens of thousands of giants were all killed, and Do you know? They are all hidden-world level, but they all died... they couldn't beat them. "

Chu Yan looked at Xue Zu: "What are you going to do? Are you going to leave now?"

Xue Zu hesitated, suddenly moved closer to Chu Yan, and shook his head vigorously: "No! I won't leave! I won't leave even if I die."

Chu Yan said strangely: "You are shouting that you are afraid, but you don't leave. What does it mean?"

Xue Zu said desperately: "I dare not leave! I have a premonition that if I leave, I will definitely die. I am fine now. It should be the matter of the spirit of the universe."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Don't say it, it's really possible!

According to what Xue Zu said, the situation hundreds of millions of years ago, Xue Zu should have died long ago.

Too ostentatious.

But Xue Zu didn't die.

Is it because the other party is kind?

Definitely not!

That is a person who would not even blink an eye when killing hundreds of millions of giants. How could he suddenly change his nature?

So it must not be kindness, so why didn't he do it?

Chu Yan thought of two possibilities!

One, the other party is no longer in nothingness, or he doesn't want to kill.

But it is unlikely. If that were the case, those hidden giants would have appeared long ago.

That would be the second one...

What has the other party been afraid of?

The Blood Ancestor said it was the Spirit of the Universe.

But Chu Yan knew that it might not be the Spirit of the Universe...

Xiao Jiu suddenly said, "It might be because of you."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Me?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "You are also very flamboyant, but you are not dead, and you know very well that there are people behind you. The reason why that group of people has not killed the Blood Ancestor is probably because they don't want to conflict with you."

Chu Yan fell silent.

It is indeed possible.

Since entering the void, he has learned some of the truths of the world. He dare not say how powerful he is, but he dares to say that his background is definitely very powerful.

He is not sure if there is a stronger background than his in the void, anyway, there is no one at present.

He is now a standard second-generation strong.

Don't ask me if I am strong, just ask if my father is strong!

He doesn't know who is stronger between Qin Ruoming and the Spirit of the Universe, but he heard the Spirit of the Universe say it himself before, and he can't say more, otherwise the woman will beat him again.

The woman at that time was probably referring to Qin Ruoming.

So, this group of people might be afraid of him?

Chu Yan thought for a while, but he still didn't understand it. He took a deep breath and said, "So... we can now be sure of one thing, that is, there is still a person or force in this void that we don't know about, and it is very, very powerful?"

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "If it is a force, it's okay, I'm afraid it's a person."

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu said speechlessly: "Why are you so stupid recently? Have you started to use your brain in cultivation?"

Chu Yan's eyelids jumped slightly.

Xiao Jiu said: "If it is a force, at least it proves that there are many people, or a group of people, who rely on the number of people to open up the gap, but what if it is a person? One person killed tens of thousands of giants... Think about it, are you afraid of this person?"

After speaking, Xiao Jiu added: "If you train more people for a force, maybe you can still compete, but if it is a person... do you think there is still hope?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while.


If it is really a person...

That's terrible.

Or it can be said to be terrifying!

And one thing is certain, this person or force is definitely not affected by the upper limit of this era...

Because it's very simple, this person or force has killed countless ceilings of this era!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan suddenly cursed: "Cao! It's endless, right? I just became a little stronger, and a bunch of people stronger than me immediately appeared? What's going on? I'm here to pave the way for you?"

Xiao Jiu was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "Actually... I don't think you need to worry too much now, these are just drizzle for you now."

Chu Yan frowned: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Jiu smiled and said: "Think about it, these enemies are at least your enemies, then you have a chance to beat them... What you should really worry about is the enemies of your parents, you say they spent so much effort to train you to this day for what?"

Chu Yan was stunned.

Xiao Jiu said calmly: "They are definitely not torturing the child for fun, right? Think about it, what does that saying say, it is better to be a dog in peacetime than a person in troubled times. If it is really peaceful, will they throw you into a small world to torture you? Why make you stronger? If you are a parent, would you do this?"

Chu Yan was stunned, and then fell silent!


Definitely not!

He may teach his children to grow up and learn, but he will definitely not force them to break up so cruelly.

Xiao Jiu said: "Besides, if conditions permit, who would want to separate flesh and blood?"

Chu Yan's face changed.

Xiao Jiu smiled happily and said: "So, they must have their own difficulties. Of course, there is also the possibility that you guessed, they train you just to devour you, or use you. But no matter which one...tsk tsk, your future is bleak."

Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and then his face darkened.


It seems to be true!

These enemies of mine now are nothing!

Suddenly, Chu Yan said helplessly: "I really want to try to commit suicide, let's see what the two of them will do."

Xiao Jiu looked at Chu Yan and said lightly: "Don't be too confident, if it's really as I guessed, you may not even be able to commit suicide."

Chu Yan: "..."

Okay, just ignore what I said.

But then he fell silent.

Nothingness... became more and more confusing.

He could feel that he was getting closer to the truth and the truth little by little, and the fog of many things was being cleared.

But what made him most helpless was...although he cleared some of the fog, there was a bigger and bigger fog behind the fog...

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Forget it, no matter what, I'm still alive anyway, so I'll live well now!"

Then he glanced at the forbidden area.

The spirit of the forbidden area was still sitting on his shoulder.

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Great victory, triumph! All obey orders, return to the universe! Let's celebrate!"

Who cares what tomorrow will be like.

Drink today!

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