Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 55 Wanzongtai

Wanzongtai, now Wanzong has been recruiting new members for fourteen days, and there is only one day left before Wanzong's recruitment will be completely completed.

On the ninth day of Wanzong's recruitment, the first student walked out of Wanzongtai. He was the prince from the northern Yunding Kingdom and became the first person to be recruited by Wanzong this time. This person is called Murong Kuang. As his name suggests, he is very arrogant, but he also has the capital to be arrogant. He is over sixteen years old, has the talent of seven stars in life body, and has a nine-level body. It is said that he also has the power of blood seal. He is the top talent in this session of Wanzong's recruitment.

Murong Kuang walked out of the black forest and immediately became the target of Wanzong's wooing. However, Haotianzong took action and directly accepted him as the first disciple of Haotianzong.

On that day, nearly a hundred disciples walked out of the black forest. They all joined the ten ranks of Wanzong. On the tenth day, there were as many as a thousand disciples who walked out of the black forest. Now it is the fourteenth day, and 90% of Wanzong's new disciples have walked out of the black forest.

Recruitment of new disciples gradually began. All the major disciples entered Wanzong according to their rankings. Of course, there were some exceptions. For example, some disciples who were not ranked high but had good talents would be invited by the Tenth Rank of Wanzong.

On the Wanzong platform, many elders of Wanzong looked at the disciples below and nodded: "The quality of Wanzong's new disciples this year is good, much higher than last year."

Some Wanzong who were behind glanced at the Tenth Rank and frowned: "But it's strange. According to previous years, the Tenth Rank would stand up to recruit disciples, very domineering, but this year there has been no movement. What's going on?"

"They are waiting for someone. Their goal this year is not to recruit many disciples, but to recruit that person." An insider said.

"Master, he hasn't come out yet. I said he is a waste." Xing'er puffed up her mouth beside Mo Tu: "I thought he was a very powerful person at first. If I knew he was a waste, I wouldn't join in the fun."

Mo Tu smiled but said nothing. Tiandao Sect has not recruited a single disciple so far and has been waiting.

"Xing'er, your strength is not at the level of Juechen Realm. Go into the Black Forest and take a look to see if he is in any trouble. If so, help him and let him owe us a favor. I will count it as a great achievement for you if you bring him to Tiandao Sect." Mo Tu said.

"I don't want it." Xing'er rolled her eyes at Mo Tu, but she still entered the Black Forest.

"Don't let Tiandao Sect take the lead. You guys, go in and look for Chu Yan!"

"You guys go too!"

When Xing'er entered the Black Forest, the members of Haotian Sect, Binghe Sect, Shilie Sect and other sects all frowned, and then sent people into the Black Forest.

The fifteenth day arrived, the last day for Wanzong to recruit new members. Ninety percent of the disciples in the Black Forest had already walked out of the Black Forest. Those who didn't walk out probably couldn't walk out, so Wanzong began to formally recruit new members. Many small sects left directly after accepting their disciples without staying.

By the evening of the fifteenth day, the Wanzongtai was finally not crowded. More than half of the sects had left, leaving only a few who had not received satisfactory disciples and wanted to wait and try their luck.

A figure suddenly squeezed out of the black forest. He was wearing a loose robe and a hat. He was in a very embarrassed state. When he rushed out of the black forest, he knelt on the ground and laughed excitedly: "I, Fatty, finally got out. Haha, I survived a disaster. I, Fatty, will have good fortune in the future!"

That's right, it was Fu Tao who ran out of the black forest. He was hunted day and night in the past few days. He almost ran around the whole black forest. He didn't expect to walk out of the black forest alive in the end, but he really did it.

Fatty stood up and looked at the black forest behind him: "Brother Chu, I came out alive according to your request. Don't let me down. You must come out alive so that we can avenge San'er together."

"Fatty!" Su Muyan walked towards him at this time. She walked out of the black forest on the eleventh day.

"Princess Thirteen?" The fat man's eyes lit up. Zhou Qin was next to Su Muyan.

"Where's Brother Chu Yan?" Su Muyan asked with concern.

"Brother Chu and I left separately, but Brother Chu should be coming out soon. By the way, Princess, you came out so early, which sect have you joined? You have good talent and you are a princess, there should be many sects that have invited you, right?" The fat man asked.

Su Muyan shook her head: "No."

Zhou Qin smiled beside her: "There are many sects that invite you, but the princess has been waiting for Young Master Chu. I guess she wants to join the same sect with Young Master Chu. Fatty, which sect are you going to join?"

The fat man looked at the Haotian Sect and smiled proudly: "As for me, I will just join the Haotian Sect casually."

"Just brag!" Hearing what the fat man said, Zhou Qin rolled his eyes at the fat man. Just join a Haotian Sect casually? The Haotian Sect only recruits ten disciples, and now it has recruited eight people. As for the remaining two places, there are also tens of thousands of students staring at them. Can you just join casually?

But the fat man grinned and didn't care about Zhou Qin's rolling eyes. Anyway, he believed that as long as Chu Yan came out, he would definitely take him to join the Haotian Sect. Now he just had to wait for Chu Yan to come out.

The night fell, and the fifteenth day passed. The recruitment of new members of all the sects was completely over. Except for the tenth sect, all the other sects left, but there was still no news of Chu Yan, which made many people frown.

On the sixteenth day, the tenth sect was still waiting, with no intention of leaving. The tenth sect sent all its disciples out to find Chu Yan, and issued a death order, to see him alive or dead.

Tiandao Sect still didn't accept a single disciple, and Su Muyan and the others were also worried. The fat man drooped his face: "Brother Chu, you won't cheat me, right? I didn't join any sect. Now the other sects have left, and only Shilie is left. Without you, Shilie won't want me. If you don't come out, I, the fat man, will have run for half a month in vain."

Above the Wanzong Terrace, the people of Chiyue Valley hid in the clouds. Seeing that Chu Yan had not come out for a long time, Chiyue showed a smug smile.

"Master, it seems that Chu Yan can't come out, so you can get what you want." An elder of Chiyue Valley said.

Chiyue smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, Bai Haohe and the others haven't come out yet. When they come out, you can kill them directly in the name of Chiyue Valley. When the time comes, Chu Yan will be gone. After a hundred years, when I am crowned as the emperor, this world will be in my pocket."

"Yes!" The elder of Chiyue Valley agreed immediately.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the old demon was also staring at the black forest from high in the sky. He knew that Chu Yan had not died because Chu Yan's soul was in his hands. However, now that fifteen days had passed, Chu Yan had not walked out of the black forest, which made him a little uneasy.

The old demon had decided that if Chu Yan did not come out tomorrow, he would directly break the barrier of the black forest and go in to find him.

At noon on the 16th, the Ten Columns of the Ten Thousand Sects also began to get a little impatient. Murong Kuang said to Jiang Yi, the elder of the Haotian Sect, "Master, the Wanzong recruitment has ended. Do we still have to wait?"

Jiang Yi had a gloomy face. His mission this time was to recruit Chu Yan, and the other disciples were secondary. However, Chu Yan had not walked out of the black forest yet, which made him helpless.

"Wait a little longer! I want to see him alive or dead."

Murong Kuang frowned. He had always been very arrogant, so he couldn't figure out who could make the Haotian Sect wait at all costs, which also made him gradually unhappy.

The elders of the other ten rows also frowned. Finally, on the seventeenth day, some of the sects in the ten rows sighed and left. They all believed that Chu Yan could not walk out of the Black Forest alive.

At this time, in the Black Forest, Chu Yan and Ye Xun were running all the way. The two had been rushing for the past few days, but there was no way. When they were chased before, they had been running in the opposite direction of Wanzongtai, so they were too far away from Wanzongtai. In addition, the Black Forest could only travel during the day and it was difficult to move at night. Therefore, on the seventeenth day, the two approached Wanzongtai.

Along the way, the two also encountered many people who ambushed them, but now they both had divine objects in their hands, so as long as someone attacked, they would kill them directly.

"Be careful!" Seeing that they were about to approach Wanzongtai, Chu Yan's face changed suddenly. He pulled Ye Xun hard and chopped out the Sun-Destroying Sword in his hand.

"Bang!" But at this moment, his Sun-Destroying Sword was shattered by a red lotus. Then a beautiful figure appeared, looked at Chu Yan with disdain, and waved her jade hand, and the Sun-Destroying Sword in Chu Yan's hand was caught by the jade hand.

Chu Yan was shocked. The Sun-Destroying Sword was a divine object of eight thousand people, and the power of a sword could kill Bai Haohe, but now it was caught by a woman with bare hands?

"Who are you?" Chu Yan looked at the beautiful figure vigilantly. He could feel that if the beautiful figure wanted to kill him, he and Ye Xun would definitely die today, without any room for resistance.

Xing'er rolled her eyes at Chu Yan: "Don't be nervous, I'm here to save your life."

"Save my life?"

Chu Yan hadn't reacted to what was going on, but then Xing'er waved her jade hand, and more than a dozen silver lights shot out, each of which was a hidden sword, and a howl came from the dense forest immediately.

Chu Yan then focused his eyes and found that there were many strong men above the seventh level of Dongchen ambushing him in the forest. If this woman hadn't appeared just now, he and Ye Xun would have rushed in and would have died.

"There is an ambush here?"

"What an idiot, if I hadn't taken action, I wouldn't even know how I died." Xing'er rolled her eyes at Chu Yan: "Okay, I have saved you according to my master's request, come out with me, by the way, when you leave here, remember to join the Tiandao Sect. From now on, you are my disciple of the Tiandao Sect, call me Senior Sister!"

Chu Yan's head was full of black lines. He finally knew the origin of this woman. She was from the Tiandao Sect, but this forced sale was too much, right?

However, when he left with Xing'er, when he saw the Wanzongtai gradually appearing in front of him, Chu Yan couldn't help but smile. After enduring for so long, he was finally going to get out.

And there were some blood feuds that he must make people pay.

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