Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5483 How do you want to die?

Chu Yan's eyes lit up, and he turned around and looked at the Blood Ancestor beside him.

The Blood Ancestor was suddenly stared at by Chu Yan, and couldn't help but take a step back: "Emperor Chu... Don't look at me like that, why do I feel like you want to eat me?"

Chu Yan's mouth corners raised: "Right, I want to eat you."

The Blood Ancestor's eyelids jumped: "Ah?"

Chu Yan said calmly: "To be precise, I want to eat your blood!"

The Blood Ancestor was stunned: "Eat my blood? What do you mean?"

Chu Yan said: "No time to explain, now start to release your blood with all your strength, quickly!"

The Blood Ancestor was stunned, but the situation was serious at this time, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and immediately released his blood.

After seeing countless blood, Chu Yan said nothing, first summoned the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower, and the Blood Pool opened directly.

After the Blood Pool was unsealed, he immediately felt the blood and became excited.


In an instant, the blood quickly flowed into Chu Yan's body.

The Blood Ancestor frowned when he saw this, and he didn't understand what Chu Yan meant?

If you absorb my blood and energy, can you defeat hundreds of people including Gui Ji?

But the next second, Xue Zu's face changed slightly, because he clearly found that as the blood pool absorbed blood and energy, Chu Yan's energy really began to grow wildly.

Getting stronger and stronger.

Xue Zu's eyelids twitched slightly: "Cao! These blood and energy are not so powerful in my hands. Why did they become stronger after being absorbed?"

Chu Yan's energy became stronger and stronger.

After a while, all the blood and energy entered his body.

Chu Yan opened his eyes suddenly.

At this time, his eyes were shining.

Xue Zu looked at Chu Yan and frowned slightly. He found that in just a moment, Chu Yan's temperament changed. He couldn't say it, but the current Chu Yan gave him a very dangerous feeling.


At this time, Gui Ji and others completely surrounded him.

Ghost Princess looked at Chu Yan and said sarcastically: "Chu Yan, your death is coming."

Chu Yan suddenly sneered: "Who told you?"

Ghost Princess narrowed her eyes and said disdainfully: "What? Do you still expect Xue Zu to save you alone?"

Chu Yan shook his head slightly and took a step from behind Xue Zu: "No, no, no, from now on, I will be your opponent."

Ghost Princess was stunned when she heard this and sneered: "You? Chu Yan, are you kidding?"

After all, Xue Zu is the master of a hidden world, and his strength is still very strong, so he could hold on for so long before.

But Xue Zu couldn't defeat him, let alone Chu Yan?

If it weren't for Xue Zu, they would have killed Chu Yan in the universe.

Chu Yan looked at Ghost Princess and sneered: "You don't believe it?"

Ghost Princess shook her head and sneered: "I don't believe it."

Chu Yan smiled slightly, and then he stepped on the sole of his foot and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Ghost Princess was stunned and a little surprised when she saw this, because he didn't expect Chu Yan to really take action, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Because in his opinion, Chu Yan is not worth mentioning at all.

Gui Ji sneered: "Because there is no way, have you gone crazy?"

He raised his palm and prepared to attack.

But the next second, Gui Ji's eyes widened, because a sword as fast as lightning pierced his forehead directly.


Gui Ji was stunned.

What is this?

At this time, Chu Yan appeared in front of Gui Ji and sneered at him: "Do you believe it now?"

Gui Ji's eyes widened, full of disbelief.

"No... This is impossible, you, how did you do it?" Gui Ji said desperately.

He couldn't figure it out.

He didn't even see what happened just now.

I am a hidden giant, even the Blood Ancestor can't kill me in seconds.



The next second, Gui Ji's body suddenly exploded, and then a wisp of soul exploded and retreated a thousand meters.

It was Gui Ji.

Chu Yan was stunned when he saw this: "Ah? You are not dead?"

He was a little surprised. You know, he is a combination of soul and body, and he is still using the Refining Heaven Sword. It stands to reason that when he kills people, he doesn't distinguish between body and soul. His sword should kill everything.

When he killed someone before, only when the opponent was too strong and he blew up his body would there be a soul left. If he was killed with a sword, the soul would die.

At this time, Xiao Jiu said: "He is a ghost, so he has two souls."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "Can it be like this?"

Xiao Jiu nodded: "A special ability of the ghost."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then he didn't care, and stepped on the sole of his foot again.


In an instant, he disappeared again.

Ghost Ji was shocked when she saw this, and turned around and ran, but unfortunately... Chu Yan's speed was too fast at this time, so fast that he just turned around, and with a puff, a sword pierced his forehead again.

It is worth mentioning that the soul of the ghost is really powerful. Even if she was assassinated again, Ghost Ji still didn't die.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes: "She is very tough."

After saying that, a faint light suddenly flashed in his palm and injected it into the Liantian Sword.

"No!!" Ghost Ji screamed immediately. He was really scared this time, because he could feel that Chu Yan was erasing his soul.

Gui Ji stared at Chu Yan: "You...you are not Chu Yan, who are you!"

Chu Yan does not have this strength.

Chu Yan grinned: "I am Chu Yan."

"No, no...this is impossible, I don't believe it." Gui Ji shook his head.

Chu Yan said angrily: "No matter who I am, you are dead anyway, why do you care about it."

The next second, he pulled out the long sword.


This time, Gui Ji completely fell in reluctance.

The soul was wiped out.

But it's not over yet.

Chu Yan looked around at the rest of the people and chuckled, "Come on, let me see how many people you want to die today."

Tianhai Bodhisattva came back to his senses instantly and immediately whispered, "Something's wrong! Join forces quickly."


In an instant, hundreds of people gathered together immediately.

They didn't know what happened to Chu Yan and why he suddenly became so powerful, but they had a hunch that if they didn't join forces, they might all die.

However, Chu Yan looked up at the hundreds of people and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Take the initiative to attack.

Tianhai Bodhisattva's face sank and shouted angrily, "Attack! He is only one person, and there are hundreds of us. I don't believe he can beat us."

Hundreds of people attacked immediately.

However, Chu Yan flew in front of the hundreds of people, spread his palms, and the Liantian Sword made a crisp sword sound and quickly broke through the air.


The sword energy collided with the attacks of hundreds of people, and it collapsed directly.

The sword energy remained the same and cut directly into the crowd.

"No!!!" Countless people stared with wide eyes.

Chi chi chi - the next second, bloody heads flew out.

Except for some ghosts who still had souls left, the rest were killed instantly.

Tianhai led the remaining people to retreat to a distance, and the whole person was stunned.

Killed instantly...

Is this still a human?

Tianhai stared at Chu Yan, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Only me...you, have you broken through to only me?"

Chu Yan looked at Tianhai and did not answer.

Because he didn't know.

He became very strong after absorbing blood, but he didn't know whether it was only me.

But he knew one thing, Tianhai and the others were no longer his opponents.

Chu Yan looked at everyone, grinning word by word: "How do you want to die now?"

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