Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5472 Buddha's Heart

Wen Dao Bodhisattva was a little crazy.

What is this?

He was sure that Chu Yan was still a second-level giant, but his strength had nothing to do with his realm.

First, it was blood and qi, which was inexplicably improved.

Later, he absorbed the power in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Pagoda and became abnormal again.

Wen Dao Bodhisattva didn't understand.

This is unreasonable!

What is realm?

It's a container!

It's a limit.

It's like a child, he is only one meter tall, no matter how much you feed him, he can't exceed his own limit.

The realm is that a second-level giant can store so much energy, no matter how much you absorb, you have to be able to hold it.

That's why Wen Dao Bodhisattva has always been very confident.

Realm... Although it can't represent everything, it also limits a lot of things.

As a result, when it comes to Chu Yan...

Damn, it's useless!

Ignored it directly.

Chu Yan punched Wen Dao Bodhisattva away, and he was also a little excited.

So strong!

Then he looked at Wen Dao Bodhisattva and said excitedly: "Old dog, you're dead!"


The next second, he took a step forward at a very fast speed. Wen Dao Bodhisattva was startled and clasped his hands together, and the Buddha Shadow Golden Bell Cover appeared again.

But then, Chu Yan punched down with a punch, and with a click, the ten thousand feet Buddha shadow was directly blown up by Chu Yan like a balloon.

Wen Dao Bodhisattva's mouth twitched, and he was a little speechless.

Below, Gui Ji and others' faces sank.

She suddenly had a premonition.

Something was going to happen!

Wen Dao Bodhisattva was strong, but Chu Yan had too many strange cards.


At this time, Chu Yan kicked out again, directly knocking Wen Dao Bodhisattva ten thousand meters away.

As soon as Wen Dao Bodhisattva stopped, with a bang, his body disintegrated directly.

Gui Ji was startled by seeing this, and subconsciously wanted to take action.

But she didn't move yet...


A terrible thundercloud suddenly gathered above her head.

Rules of disaster!

Seeing this, Gui Ji was shocked and quickly put down her raised hand, cursing inwardly: "Damn it, I forgot to set the rules for the two of you."

The people from the Orc Valley and the Demon Sect also frowned: "What should we do now?"

Gui Ji shook her head: "There is no way. The two of them set the rules. One party dies and the other party rests. Unless one of them dies, outsiders can't interfere at all."

Everyone's face sank.

Then we can only wait.

At this time, a member of the Demon Sect frowned and snorted coldly: "We can't interfere with them, so let's take down the universe directly. As long as the universe is in our hands, I don't believe Chu Yan dares to fight back. Let's threaten him with the universe directly."

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded slightly.

This is also a way.

However, Gui Ji glanced at the Demon Sect man who spoke, and said lightly: "You try."

The Demon Sect man frowned, raised his hand and aimed at the universe below.


Suddenly, thunderclouds immediately covered the sky above the Demon Sect man. With a click, a terrible thunder tribulation struck the man directly.

The man was shocked and forced to aim his attack at the sky.


However, when his attack collided with the thunder tribulation, he screamed and was blown away. When he stopped, half of his body had turned to charcoal.

The people of the Demon Sect were shocked when they saw this scene: "Demon Lord!"

The man stopped and his face darkened: "What's going on? I didn't attack Chu Yan, why did I suffer from the disaster of nothingness?"

Ghost Ji rolled her eyes at the man: "Do you think nothingness is a fool? Nothingness sets rules, which are absolutely fair. Otherwise, whoever sets the rules will threaten the other party's family. Then are these rules still useful?"

The man frowned: "So, Chu Yan and Wen Dao are not separated by life and death, and we can't even move the universe? If we move the universe, we will suffer a disaster? So, if Wen Dao is not dead, the universe will still be invincible?"

At this time, Chu Yan was also shocked when he saw this scene in the rules of the avenue.

He didn't know that the rules of the avenue had this effect.

Doesn't that mean that as long as he trapped Wen Dao, he wouldn't have to worry about the safety of the universe in the future?

Gui Ji thought for a while and said, "It's not absolute. If someone else attacks the universe now, there will be no disaster in the void. In other words, if you can adjust your mentality and simply attack the universe instead of targeting Chu Yan, the disaster of the void will not come."

The faces of the people around changed: "Can the void read our hearts?"

Gui Ji said seriously: "The Tao is everywhere."

Everyone's heart sank.

But changing the mentality... This thing is easy to say. Now Chu Yan and Wen Dao are fighting, and they can't change it at all...

It's okay to say it, but there is no way to separate the universe and Chu Yan in the heart.

The four strong men showed a hint of helplessness.


At this time, the void sounded again.

A figure was blown away directly.

It was Wen Dao.


As soon as Wen Dao stopped, his body collapsed directly, leaving only a wisp of residual soul floating there.

Let Gui Ji and others all be shocked.

"Wen Dao is going to lose..."

Everyone was speechless and couldn't help.

At this time, Chu Yan walked over step by step, looked down at Wen Dao Bodhisattva, and said word by word: "I said you will die today, do you believe it now?"

Wen Dao Bodhisattva clenched his fist fiercely and said in a deep voice: "Chu Yan, even if you kill me, do you think the universe can be spared today?"

Chu Yan said coldly: "I don't know whether the universe can be spared, but you will definitely die today."

Wen Dao Bodhisattva gritted his teeth, and then he suddenly took a deep breath: "Boy, you forced me to do this!"

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

The next second, Wen Dao Bodhisattva shouted angrily: "The Buddha's Heart is coming!"

Suddenly, everyone in the universe was shocked.

Because it was dawn.

The entire Ghost Island was illuminated.

Chu Yan looked up and saw a golden lotus suddenly appear in the sky, and a golden bead was floating on the golden lotus.

Chu Yan frowned: "What is that?"

Xiao Jiu was shocked: "It's the Buddha's Heart!"

Chu Yan was puzzled: "What is it used for?"

Xiao Jiu explained: "Buddhism has a special ability, inviting the Buddha's Heart! All Buddhist disciples have a chance to meet the real Buddha once in their lifetime, which is to invite the Buddha's Heart. Once chosen by the Buddha's Heart, their strength will increase greatly, but everyone will only have one chance in their lifetime, so without absolute certainty, Buddhist disciples will not use it. This is their only way to the West."

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

He didn't expect that Buddhism had such a wonderful method.

The golden lotus and the Buddha beads appeared, and Chu Yan watched silently.

Bodhisattva Wen Dao was actually very nervous down there.

He only had one chance in his life, and he wanted to wait until his strength improved and his Buddhist teachings broke through another level before using it, but now he had no chance.

If he didn't ask for Buddha's heart, he might die today.

He looked up at Buddha's heart, but just as he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed.

The Buddhist beads on the golden lotus jumped, as if they felt something, and suddenly jumped down from the golden lotus, and then... flew towards Chu Yan, and flew into Chu Yan's arms.

Chu Yan: "..."

Wen Dao: "..."

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