Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 547: Three-way siege

The remains of the Heavenly Monarch were born in the Star Sea, and the Emperors split up, which seemed to represent the beginning of a new era.

The country is so beautiful, and the Emperor Road showed its edge and stood out. How many people fell in it, and the competition continued.

In just half a year, the pattern has been changing, beyond the imagination of many people. The top existences, the appeals, the formation of super forces, and some people killed out of thousands of people and achieved the edge.

Chu Yan now attracted the inheritance from heaven, and he is still in seclusion. The three true selves broke through and reached a new height. His original body merged the magical powers, and his vitality was boiling. The second true self, a punch, was like an ancient ape, with infinite power. The third true self can fly through time and space.

"Not enough!" Chu Yan greedily absorbed the power of inheritance, and the spiritual essence turned into blood and flowed in his body. After a long time, one of his arms changed, like a unicorn demon arm, extremely huge, and one hand had a great power, as if borrowing the glory of gods and demons.

"It seems that my guess is correct. This devil's arm is indeed related to inheritance." Chu Yan thought as he looked at the demonized arm. After comprehending the inheritance, he understood the origin of this inheritance better and knew some history.

"The devil's hand is the unique skill of the predecessor of Tianjun. He can use the power of the God of Heaven and Demon King with one hand. It is also because of this hand that he suffered a disaster and had one arm cut off. Later, he died here."

The devil was very powerful back then. He was a predecessor of the Demon Sect. He became famous in the Star Sea and practiced the top magic of the devil's hand. Once this hand was used, he could pick the sun, moon and stars.

Even so, he still couldn't escape death. He couldn't help but sigh that the world is greedy and covets the devil's hand, but he doesn't know how difficult it is to practice. The devil's hand is not an attack or defense magic, it is more like a blessing.

Borrowing the power of the devil, evolve.

"Now that I have obtained this unique skill by chance, it is an opportunity. I will not disgrace the Devil's Hand." Chu Yan thought devoutly, and the Devil's Hand continued to change, with a powerful demon arm that seemed to be able to pick up the starry sky.

"The inheritance contains the magic power of the Devil's Hand, which can make one of my arms demonized. In addition, the immortals and demons are in chaos, and the immortals and demons are in the same body. If I use this hand to release the Nine Stars of Heaven or the Honghuang Hammer Art, which contains the meaning of the demon god, I don't know how terrible it can be."

Now that his three self-breakthroughs have become the Emperor of Heaven, his divine consciousness is stronger, and he can see some things that he couldn't see in the past, such as the mystery of magical powers and the creation of opportunities.

The last time he comprehended the Tao, he was determined to practice a unique way and walk his own way.

Now, he feels that he is closer.

Thinking of this, he continued to close his eyes and practice without asking about worldly affairs.

In recent days, there has been a crazy rumor in the Emperor Road, that is, the one-month appointment between the leader of the Emperor Sect and Bei Ming Sha Tian.

It has been nearly a month since the battle of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. In addition, the battle between the Emperor of the Divine Hammer and the Northern Dark Killing Heaven has set off a storm of the one-month appointment. Now everyone is looking forward to whether the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect will appear after disappearing for a month.

On this day, the Emperor Road was in turmoil again. Chu Yan led countless strong men to the inheritance land. Among them, there was a man from the dynasty. There was a thunder drum behind him, beating it. Every time it was struck, the sky was thundering and turned into a mad dragon.

In the place where Chu Yan was in seclusion, there were already many strong men watching, including some top Heavenly Emperors. They turned around and looked in the direction of the thunder drum and frowned.

"It's someone from the Purple Thunder Dynasty. What a powerful force."

"The man in the middle is Zi Chen. He came in person. In less than half a month, his whole temperament has changed. He is so evil. It seems that the last defeat was a big blow to him." Someone whispered softly.

Zi Chen's eyes flashed with purple light, and he suddenly looked at the person who spoke. Then a purple thunder dragon condensed in the void, and with a long roar, it immediately slashed at the top emperor.

"No!" The man screamed, and suddenly turned into charcoal and fell. His friends looked embarrassed when they saw this. One of them growled, "We have never had any grudges with the Purple Thunder Dynasty. What is Prince Zi Chen doing?"

"Does this prince need your consent to do things?" Zi Chen said coldly, and his eyes turned to look at Chu Yan on the stone pillar. His killing intent was even stronger. The last time he was defeated, he had a demon in his heart. If he could not wash away the shame with blood, he would probably stop in this life.

"Within three breaths, everyone retreat, otherwise, kill!" After Zi Chen finished speaking, the rumbling sound of thunder continued to sound, penetrating the void.

Many people turned pale after being shaken by the thunder. They quickly retreated and looked at Chu Yan with some sympathy: "It seems that Zi Chen is determined to kill Chu Yan this time."

"Haha, who provoked Prince Zi Chen to be so angry!" At this time, a loud laugh came from a distance. Many people looked in the direction of the sound and saw a starry sky road extending from it. There were also a group of transcendent strong men on it, led by Prince Xinghe.

"You want to interfere with what this prince is doing?" Zi Chen looked at Prince Xinghe indifferently.

"No, no, no, this prince is here to help you." Prince Xinghe looked at Chu Yan: "This boy killed my brother. I came here today to kill him."

"His life belongs to this prince." Zi Chen said firmly. Prince Xinghe shrugged indifferently and said: "Okay."

Others frowned. The Purple Thunder Dynasty alone was already extremely terrifying. Now there is another Western Region Galaxy. The most important thing is that Chu Yan is still in seclusion.

"Since you are here, why don't you show up?" Zi Chen suddenly frowned, slowly raised his head, and looked at a peaceful space in the distance.

"Prince Zi Chen has good eyesight!" Suddenly, a blade light cut through the void, and another group of strong men descended.

"Is the Chi Lian Sect also ready to intervene?" Zi Chen said calmly. A group of strong men from the Chi Lian Sect came, led by the first hall master. A blood knife beside him rang loudly: "This boy is a traitor of my Chi Lian Sect. Today, this emperor comes here to clean up the sect."

The people around were speechless for a while, and they all frowned and looked at Chu Yan. This guy really has enemies all over the world.

Zi Chen glanced at both sides. For him, leading a dynasty here today was not to fight Chu Yan fairly, but to kill Chu Yan and cut off his inner demons. Since someone was willing to help, he would not refuse: "In this case, let's go together."

"All the idle people retreat, today is the death date of the God Hammer Emperor. After three breaths, anyone within a hundred miles will be killed without mercy!" Prince of the Starry Sky gave an order, and then his eyes flashed, and a huge starry sky rose behind him, like a torrent of starlight rain, arrogant.

Many people withdrew immediately. Although they were indignant for the Emperor of the God Hammer, they would not lose their lives for justice.

"Shameless!" Li Pin looked at the three parties and growled: "The Purple Thunder Dynasty, the Western Region Galaxy, and the Red Snake Hall are all from the Tianbei lineage. Now they are taking advantage of my boss's enlightenment of inheritance to attack him. Shameless!"

The first hall master looked at Li Pin and said coldly: "It seems that you really think that following him is enough to be proud. Traitor, you must die."

"First hall master, you will regret it. If the leader of the Youyu Sect learns about all this after she comes out of retreat, what do you think she will do?" Li Pin roared.

"The dead man, the sect master will naturally not feel sorry for him." The first hall master said indifferently.

"No need to talk nonsense, do it." The prince of the starry sky still said coldly, and took a step forward, against the starry sky.

Qingyi raised her head slightly. The three parties surrounded her. She slowly stood up, her eyes were still cold, and she walked out and stood in front of Chu Yan.

"Is this woman Qing Yi, the second on the Emperor's list? She is indeed a stunning beauty." Prince Xinghe's eyes flashed with greed.

"This woman is not bad, be careful." Zi Chen frowned and warned. Prince Xinghe laughed coldly: "Prince Zi Chen, it seems that you are really scared. How strong can a mere woman be? I will capture her first."

After speaking, Prince Xinghe took a big step forward, and meteorites fell with every step. Zi Chen frowned and cursed secretly: "Idiot!"

Qing Yi looked at Prince Xinghe, without saying a word, and leaped, and slender jade palms slapped out, and suddenly there was a terrible green light piercing through, and a thumping sound broke out. Prince Xinghe's face changed in shock. He saw his starry sky being swallowed by the green light, and countless vines grew in the distance, turning into dazzling spears, and madly slashed at him.

"Hmph!" Prince Xinghe snorted, controlling the stars and punching out, as if destroying the world. Countless meteorites collided with the spear, tearing the air apart, but the stars were broken, and the spear remained, piercing straight into Prince Xinghe's chest. In panic, his body flashed, and the seventh-level defensive magic weapon turned into a golden giant shield, blocking the spear and evading back.

"Now you know?" Zi Chen sneered. Qingyi had the fate of the Qingtiantu, and the inheritance of the heavenly generals paved the way for her. If she was so easy to kill, how could Beiming Shatian keep her until today?

Prince Xinghe looked embarrassed, because he did not compete for the ranking, so he always underestimated the emperor list, but in the battle just now, if it were not for the protection of the magic weapon, he might have been seriously injured.

"He is indeed capable, but it is probably impossible for you to save him today." Prince Xinghe looked at Qingyi and said coldly.

"He said that this is his own business and he doesn't want me to interfere, so don't force me. If you bully him, I will really kill you." Qingyi said crisply, without any waves, but it made people speechless. The other party was the top existence in the Emperor Road.

Li Pin was also in tears and laughter. He found that he liked Qingyi's character more and more. He was arrogant enough.

Zichen's eyes flashed with a strange light: "Qingyi, you are too self-righteous. If the three of us join forces, the Emperor of the God Hammer will die today."

"Let's join forces, Chilian Sect, the Emperor of the God Hammer will be handed over to you, I want him to die." Zichen looked at the other two parties, Prince Xinghe nodded, and the first hall master also held his knife: "Okay!"

"Boom!" Both sides immediately burst out with strange light, dazzling out, slashing at Qingyi from both wings, and the first hall master entered with a knife, the blood knife drank blood, and slashed at Chu Yan on the high platform.

Qing Yi's eyes turned cold, and she raised her slender jade hand, and the Qingguang Xuantian Ding was sacrificed, changing the battlefield, but almost at the same time, Zi Chen ordered: "Donghuang clan, beat the war drums!"

"Dongdongdong!" The war drums sounded, and it also turned into a battlefield, competing with the Qingguang Xuantian Ding.

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