Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5459: Paper Tiger?

Blood River.

Chu Yan sat alone at the dinner table, surrounded by hundreds of Blood River warriors.

The point is that none of these people are weak, and any one of them is a level zero giant.

Chu Yan is now panicking.

He was stunned, and cursed the Spirit of the Universe from beginning to end in his heart. He had never seen such an unkind person...

Didn't he agree to bring me down to show off, and he would definitely keep me safe?

He just left me here.

I can't beat him.


Chu Yan rolled his throat.

He didn't move.

Around him, the Blood Ancestor and the other Blood River warriors were also stunned and motionless.

I don't know how to move.

The Spirit of the Universe... is gone.

He left as soon as he said he would.

What should I do now?

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in the eyes of many people in the Blood River, and murderous intent emerged.

Chu Yan's eyelids twitched, and he quickly distanced himself from the people of Blood River, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I advise you not to mess around."

The Blood Ancestor stared at Chu Yan, and suddenly stopped the people around him: "Enough, put away your murderous intent."

The face of the Blood River strongman changed: "Ancestor..."

The Blood Ancestor said in a deep voice: "Do you all want to die?"

The Blood River strongman clenched his fist.

The Blood Ancestor said coldly: "Have you forgotten how terrifying that woman is?"

The Blood River strongmen bowed their heads one after another.

At this time, the Blood Ancestor looked at Chu Yan, and his heart was also mixed with mixed feelings, and some of them were speechless.

After a long time, he sighed: "Emperor Chu, don't worry. Since I, Xuehe, have promised to follow you, I will not regret it."

Chu Yan frowned: "Really?"

Xue Zu sighed: "Actually, what the girl said just now is right. I, Xuehe, actually have no choice. Moreover, I, Xuehe, have been too arrogant over the years. I think I am invincible and don't take people seriously. Otherwise, I would not have provoked you and would not have fallen into this situation today."

Chu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Xue Zu said; "The first generation of Xuezu of my Xuehe is dead. Compared with the other top forces, we have lost the biggest advantage."

Chu Yan looked at Xue Zu. He knew that Xuehe didn't really want to follow him.

It's just that there is no way.

If they don't follow, the spirit of the universe will really kill them.

They are afraid of death.

But at this time, Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "I know you have resentment towards me. If it weren't for the spirit of the universe, you might want to tear me to pieces."

Xue Zu said in a deep voice: "Emperor Chu thinks too much."

Chu Yan shook his head: "No need to explain, I didn't think too much, I just told the truth. But I also told the truth, from the beginning to the end, I have no hatred with you Xuehe. Before today, I didn't even know where Xuehe was. Who are you? Am I right, senior?"

Xue Zu nodded slightly.

Chu Yan continued: "So you have always wanted to kill me and sent people to the universe to rob my things. This hatred was started by you. I am innocent. Now you follow me, I know it is not sincere, but I don't care. I just want to tell you that if you are willing, I, Chu Yan, can put aside the past grudges and work together in the future." After speaking, Chu Yan paused and said: "Of course, if you don't want to, you can refuse, and you don't have to follow me. I will leave alone. As for the spirit of the universe, I will talk to you." The blood ancestor's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "Emperor Chu, do you mean that if I, Xuehe, don't follow you, you won't let the spirit of the universe kill us? "

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, of course, the premise is that you will not cause trouble to the universe in the future. If there is a next time, I will not care."

Xue Zu frowned and said after a moment: "Emperor Chu, I don't understand. Do you know how strong my Xuehe is?"

Chu Yan laughed: "I don't know, and I don't need to know. To put it bluntly, no matter how strong you are, if you don't listen to me, it's useless. On the contrary, if you really go to the battlefield, you will hurt my people if you mess around. "

Speaking of this, he paused and smiled confidently: "As for strength... To be honest, it's just that. No matter how strong you are, do you have the realm of only me? No, right? Give me some time, I can catch up soon. "

The face of the people in Xuehe changed slightly.

Someone sneered: "Arrogant! Still talking about only me all the time, and giving you some time to catch up? Do you know how big the gap between us is?"

At this time, Chu Yan turned around and looked at the person who spoke.

This person is a zero-level giant.

Chu Yan said coldly: "What's your name?"

The man was startled and said in a deep voice: "I am Xuebi!"

Chu Yan nodded: "How long did it take you to practice until today?"

The man was stunned and said confidently: "Less than 30 million years!"

Very proud!

It is indeed worth being proud of.

You know, according to the rumors in the void before, no new giants have been born for nearly 100 million years.

Of course, the people here in Xuehe are not ordinary giants.

So it will not be recorded outside.

But even so, it is very powerful to practice to this level in 30 million years. You know, he is not an ordinary giant, but a zero-level giant. If he is placed outside, he is an ancient giant.

Many people may not reach this level after practicing for 200 million years.

Chu Yan glanced at Xuebi and said disdainfully: "It took 30 million years to practice to this level. I think you are quite proud?"

Xuebi frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan sneered: "Look at how many years my Dao bone has been."

Xue Bi was startled, then checked, his face changed drastically: "No, this is impossible! You, you are only over 500 years old?"

Chu Yan said disdainfully: "Do you still think I am arrogant now? I can reach this step in 500 years, give me another 500 years, what do you think you are?"

Xue Zu looked at Chu Yan at this time, and was also a little shocked.

500 years... Let alone the second-level giants, even the giants are exaggerated.

5 million years is about right.

Xue Bi shook his head: "No, I don't believe it, I know, you must have only improved your realm, and you were forced to grow, right? Yes, you are with the spirit of the universe, he will provide you with unlimited resources. But what's the use of your realm? In the end, it's just a paper tiger."

He has seen too many people like this.

Some major forces will forcibly help their descendants improve their strength in order to let their descendants live longer.

But in the end, these people are nothing except having a realm.

A flower rack that can't even beat a source realm.

So in his opinion, Chu Yan must be the same.

"Paper tiger?"

Chu Yan suddenly laughed when he heard it. He looked up at Xue Bi and suddenly spread his palm.


In an instant, a long sword condensed between heaven and earth. With a whoosh, the long sword broke through the air and stabbed directly at Xue Bi.

Xue Bi was stunned. He didn't expect Chu Yan to suddenly attack, but he soon calmed down because he didn't think much of Chu Yan at all. He waved his hand and punched.


The next second, a figure exploded and retreated a thousand meters.

This person was Xue Bi.

Everyone in Xuehe was stunned.

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