Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5454 Blood Ancestor

Four sharp swords pierced the lifeblood of the Universe Spirit from four directions.

On the opposite side, the four young men were suddenly delighted.

So simple?

They were very solemn when they first came out, because the other side killed the blood evil.

Of course, it was not surprising that the four people successfully killed the Universe Spirit, after all, the four swords just now were also their full strength.

In the distance, Chu Yan's pupils shrank, and his face was a little gloomy.

Something happened to the Universe Spirit?

But at this moment, everyone heard a chuckle.

"I really can't understand, are you people from the Blood River all fools?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes shrank.

Then, they clearly saw that the Universe Spirit was clearly pierced through four major deadly points by four swords, but showed an extremely weird smile.

The four young men couldn't help swallowing their saliva: "You, are you okay? How is this possible? Haven't you been pierced by us?"

This scene was too horrifying.

The sword was still inserted into the body of the Universe Spirit.

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Are you talking about this?"

After saying that, he pointed at the four long swords inserted into his body.


The next second, four whirlpools suddenly appeared in the body of the Spirit of the Universe, generating a special force, and then the long sword that was originally inserted into his body suddenly became illusory.

After a while, all the four long swords were sucked into the body of the Spirit of the Universe.

Then, the Spirit of the Universe did not forget to rub his stomach and smiled: "It tastes good."


The pupils of the four young men shrank: "How is it possible? You, what did you do to our swords?"

The Spirit of the Universe laughed: "I have said, are you all fools in Xuehe? I am also the Spirit of the Universe. Although the prototype of the Refining Heaven Sword is not a sword, my master has always been called the First Sword of Nothingness. You use a sword to cut me? Isn't that a meat bun hitting a dog...ah, the description is wrong."

The four young men.

They understood that the Spirit of the Universe was completely immune to swords.

But it is obviously too late to know now, and all their swords were swallowed up.

The four people looked at each other slightly, and one of them suddenly said in a low voice: "Retreat first."

They are all sword cultivators. Now that they have lost their swords, they will die if they continue to fight.

The other three nodded slightly, turned around and fled.

The Spirit of the Universe glanced at them and sneered: "It's too late to leave now, right?"

After that, he pointed his finger forward lightly.


A special force burst out, and the faces of the four young men changed, and then their bodies froze in place.

The next second, the Spirit of the Universe gently drew.


The eyes of the four young men widened, and then their bodies began to disintegrate uncontrollably.


The four people were desperate, but no matter how they struggled, it was useless.

In the end, they turned into countless powders.

Chu Yan watched the whole process, shocked.

At this time, the Spirit of the Universe killed the four people, and he suddenly looked up at the depths of the blood river, chuckled and said: "Blood Ancestor is not ready to come out? How many more people do you want to die?"


The next moment, the huge blood river suddenly trembled.

The river spread out to both sides, and then a figure walked out of it.

It was an old man with a vicissitude of life.

The old man was very old, but his expression was bright, especially his eyes like dragon balls, without any signs of aging, and what was even more surprising was his hair...

The long white hair spread endlessly behind him.

Chu Yan looked up... In the end, he didn't even see the end of his hair?

Those white hairs spread out and spread to the endless depths, like the roots of a thousand-year-old tree, ruthless and endless.

These hairs were very tough, and each one was very sharp.

Chu Yan glanced at the old man and said, "He is the Blood Ancestor?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded slightly: "Yes, how do you feel?"

Chu Yan was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I feel that I can't even beat a strand of his hair?"

The Spirit of the Universe was stunned and laughed: "Hahaha, you are very self-aware, but these hairs of his are indeed not simple. With your current strength, you may not be able to beat a strand of his hair."

Chu Yan: "..."

At this time, the Blood Ancestor suddenly looked down at the Spirit of the Universe and Chu Yan, and he made a dull voice: "Your Excellency is a little too much."

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "What's too much?"

The Blood Ancestor said coldly: "This is my Blood River land. You came here to kill countless people from my Blood River. Don't you have any guilt at all?"

The Spirit of the Universe was stunned and suddenly said: "They are dead, do you care a lot?"

The Blood Ancestor frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "Nothing, in fact, you don't have to be sad, because maybe you will be reunited in a while."

The Blood Ancestor was stunned, and then his eyes became cold.

Then he sneered: "You are so arrogant."

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "Okay, I will give you two choices. First, from now on, you are not allowed to leave the Blood River within three years. Second, let's fight now. If you beat me, then I will pretend that I didn't say anything just now. If you don't beat me, I will send you to meet those people before. How about it?"

The Blood Ancestor was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect the Spirit of the Universe to be so direct.

But then he smiled: "Interesting, let me see what kind of strength the Spirit of the Universe created by the Lord of Refining Heaven is when he is not here."

The Spirit of the Universe was silent for a while, then nodded slightly: "Okay."

After saying that, he spread his palms, and a terrifying vortex suddenly appeared in his palms.

This vortex attracted all the surrounding power at once, and soon formed a sharp long sword in his hand.

The long sword condensed, and the Spirit of the Universe slightly hooked his fingers, and then flicked his fingers.


Swish-the long sword suddenly turned into a flying sword and stabbed towards the center of the Blood Ancestor's eyebrows.

However, the Blood Ancestor was not anxious to face the flying sword, but let the flying sword approach, and gently pinched his fingers forward, just like this very accurate pinch.

The flying swords were directly broken.

Chu Yan was shocked in the distance.


This is the first time that the Spirit of the Universe has not killed a person in an instant since it appeared...

To be honest, he is used to the Spirit of the Universe killing people with one sword.

He was a little uncomfortable that he didn't kill him this time.

The Blood Ancestor chuckled: "Little girl, it seems that your moves are not very good."

The Spirit of the Universe narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Blood Ancestor chuckled: "It's my turn now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he clasped his hands together, and a large ball of blood appeared in his body.

The blood became thicker and thicker, and finally a blood domain appeared around him.

Blood Ancestor had been gathering strength, and just when he was about to explode, his eyes suddenly widened.


Suddenly, a special force appeared between heaven and earth, and then, before Blood Ancestor exploded, all the blood around him disappeared?

Yes, it disappeared, absorbed by people without a trace.

Blood Ancestor was stunned for a moment, and the Spirit of the Universe was also stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Chu Yan.

Because all the blood flew into Chu Yan's body.

Blood Ancestor couldn't help but whispered: "Boy, what did you do?"

Chu Yan was actually a little confused at this time. He scratched his head and laughed dryly: "Haha... If I say I don't know, will you believe it?"

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