Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5452 Entering the Blood River

The spirit of the universe waved his hand, and the blood world disappeared...

He turned to look at Changhe and chuckled: "What did you just say? Tell me again, what is this blood world like?"

Changhe's eyelids twitched slightly, but then he snorted coldly: "So what if you can break the blood boundary? My blood clan is hundreds of times more powerful than you think."

The spirit of the universe sneered and ignored it.


Then, he grabbed Chu Yan and jumped into the river of blood.

Tianhai Bodhisattva and others all shrank in their eyes.


"He really went in."

These people also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, the spirit of the universe has been here just now, which has brought them tremendous pressure.

Although they are not optimistic that the spirit of the universe can survive after entering the blood river.

That's because Blood River has an extremely high status in the void, and its own strength is also very terrifying.

But...that doesn't mean they can defeat the spirit of the universe.

In the situation just now, the spirit of the universe could defeat them for several reincarnations alone.

Now that they are gone, they are inevitably a little more comfortable.

At this time, someone said in a deep voice: "Didn't I say before that the universe has always been weak, and the spirit of the universe will not be very strong? What is the situation now?"

"Obviously, all of us have misjudged it. The universe... was created by the Lord of Heaven Refining after all. Even if the Lord of Heaven Refining has disappeared for many years, we are still not something we can compete with."

"What kind of strength does this person have?"

As soon as this statement came out, countless people fell silent.

At this time, someone looked at Chang He: "Chang He, this is the Blood River, can you possibly see this person's strength?"

Changhe shook his head slightly: "It's difficult, but the vampire elder who took action just now is a half-step solitary existence..."


Countless people gasped.

Half a step for me.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Although everyone present is a zero-level giant, they are still giants.

And the giant... can be said to be completely different from the half-step self-centered person.

If you are only half a self-centered person, then it already contains the word "self-centered" at least.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Isn't he in the solipsistic state?"

Everyone's expressions changed.

But someone immediately denied it: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I have already disappeared, so it is impossible to exist in this void."

That is already a legendary realm.

Tianhai Bodhisattva nodded slightly: "I don't think he is solipsistic, but even if he is not, he is at least half solipsistic, and he is still a relatively powerful one."

Someone said: "I hope Blood River can kill him, otherwise we will all be in trouble."

Chang He looked down and saw that he was still there.

The blood river... is very powerful.

----at the same time.

River of blood.

The spirit of the universe and Chu Yan entered.

The two of them had just entered.

Chu Yan then looked around.

Like a curious baby.

The blood river was different from what he imagined.

He thought that there would be endless blood in the blood river, but when he actually entered, he discovered that there was a special space here.

Very big.

"Meson accepts Sumeru!" Chu Yan said.

The spirit of the universe nodded: "It's normal. In the void, although only the master has opened up the universe, many people have the ability to open up independent spaces. This blood river is also an independent space."

Chu Yan nodded.


At this time, the surrounding space was distorted.

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of the two of them.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw the man...

Just because... this man's hair is too long. It no longer hangs down to his feet, but flies behind him like spider threads.

There is also a golden token hanging in front of the man.

Engraved on it: evil blood.

The spirit of the universe glanced at it and chuckled: "The evil blood army of the Blood River?"

Chu Yan was curious: "What is that?"

The spirit of the universe smiled and said: "The top forces of nothingness have some armies of their own. The Blood River army is the evil blood army. It is very strong and has a big name."

The man looked at the spirit of the universe: "You know a lot."

The spirit of the universe smiled and said: "What is this? In the void, I know more than you think."

The man narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean by coming to my blood river today?"

The spirit of the universe sneered: "Aren't you going to take action against the universe? Tell your blood ancestors that the people from the universe are coming."

The man was startled.

He doesn't know what's going on in the outside world yet, he just came when he sensed someone was invading.

He stared at the spirit of the universe: "You...come from the universe?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "I, the Spirit of the Universe."

The man's expression changed slightly, then he nodded and said, "I will convey it."

After saying this, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Because the spirit of the universe gave him a very dangerous feeling.

But at this moment.

The spirit of the universe suddenly clawed his hand.

The man's eyes suddenly widened: "Your Excellency..."


With a gentle squeeze from the spirit of the universe, the man exploded and turned into blood all over the sky.

Chu Yan was stunned and looked at the spirit of the universe.

The spirit of the universe chuckled: "We are here to fight, so you are welcome. There is no need to convey anything."

Chu Yan thought for a moment and nodded slightly.


The next second, the spirit of the universe suddenly raised its head and looked into the distance: "Someone is coming."


At this time, a figure wearing bloody armor appeared.

This man's face could not be seen clearly because of the helmet he wore, but his blood-colored armor was glowing, making it impossible to ignore him.

The Spirit of the Universe took a look and smiled: "Blood Evil?"

Chu Yan was stunned: "Is he also from the Blood Evil Army?"

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head: "No, no, no, he is Blood Evil, and he founded the Blood Evil Army."

Chu Yan's pupils shrank: "The commander of the Blood Evil Army?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded.

At this time, Blood Evil said in a deep voice: "You are a little too much."

The Spirit of the Universe sneered: "You are allowed to fight my universe, but I don't allow people from my universe to come and fight you?"

Blood Evil was silent for a while, then he nodded slightly: "It depends on whether you have the ability."


After saying that, he closed his hands, and suddenly there was a rolling blood in front of him.

The blood was still liquid at first, but as the power continued to compress, it turned into blood-colored flying knives in the end.

The next second, Blood Evil slapped forward: "Go!"

Swish - in an instant, tens of thousands of flying knives shot out.

Chu Yan was shocked when he saw this.

Because those flying knives gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Too dangerous.

He just took a look, and he couldn't block any blood knife.

However, just when he was worried, when those blood knives approached the spirit of the universe, they all stopped.

Not moving!

The spirit of the universe sneered: "Fancy."

Then, he turned his palm lightly in front of him, and suddenly, a yin and yang pattern appeared in front of him, and then those flying knives turned their spearheads and flew back to the blood evil.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi!

The blood evil stared, but before he could react, those blood knives had already pierced through his chest.

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