Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5445: The Power of Judgment

At first, no one thought of it.

But as Tianhai Bodhisattva spoke, everyone thought of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

Everything is about cause and effect, so where does this cause come from?

Isn't it the Lord of the Judgment Hall?

When everyone thought of this, their faces all sank.

"So we were all fooled?"

At this time, the long-haired man looked at Tianhai Bodhisattva, and said with a trace of guilt: "Tianhai Bodhisattva, I'm very sorry. This matter was framed by a traitor, and as a result, the Buddhist sect lost a good person. This matter is our responsibility. If Tianhai Bodhisattva wants to punish, just punish. I, Changhe, will never have any complaints."

Yes, the long-haired man is called Changhe.

The place where this person is is also very special.

It is a blood river born in the void.

That blood river is very famous in the void. It is said that it is a river born from the blood of heaven and earth.

You know, the void itself is like a river, so how can there be other rivers in the river water?

But there is this blood river.

The long-haired man came from this blood river.

This blood river is also a huge force in the void, and its name is the Blood River Sect!

This sect has a special feature, that is, the power of blood is very strong.

When mentioning the power of blood in the void, the first thing that comes to mind is the three major god clans, namely the ancient Qin, ancient Chu, and ancient Tian clans.

But these three major god clans are actually the remnants of the previous era.

They do not belong to this era.

In addition to the three major god clans, what makes people think of is the blood river!

The Blood River Sect is from this era.

In fact, to be precise, the Blood River Sect is not considered a human, because all the creatures of the Blood River Sect are not born by reproduction, but by the blood river.

So the people in the blood river are all river spirits, to be precise.

This long-haired man is.

Tianhai Bodhisattva glanced at Changhe and narrowed his eyes.

Changhe actually knew very well that he would not punish at all, or it could not be punished!

Fahe was forced to death by everyone here. If he was really punished, he would have some responsibility.

But now, Changhe said this, obviously trying to sell himself out.

Tianhai Bodhisattva made a seal and said softly: "Amitabha, Changhe donor can have such a mind is a great kindness, and Fahe's death has nothing to do with Changhe donor. All the causes and consequences are traced back to the Lord of the Judgment Hall."

Changhe nodded slightly: "Tianhai Bodhisattva, don't worry, I will personally avenge Master Fahe."

Tianhai Bodhisattva sneered.

Then, he suddenly said: "Everyone, now is not the time to chat, don't let the Judgment run away, now we should find him."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Let's go, kill the Judgment!"

"The Judgment should be executed."

In an instant, the slogan was there.


Everyone disappeared together.


On the other side.

Chu Yan has been walking in the void.

He did not chase Fahe, because he knew one thing, Fahe would not live too long.

So many people chasing him will surely die.

Unless Fahe can hand over the mystery of the universe... But the problem is, what mystery of the universe is there?

Chu Yan is still not sure what the mystery of the universe is.

He has a key in his hand.

But he is not sure whether it is this one.

He always has a hunch that the mystery of the universe may not be this key.

Of course, these have nothing to do with him anymore. Anyway, the mystery of the universe is not in his hands, right?

Chu Yan is now tracking the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

This person must die!

Not for anything else, just because the Lord of the Judgment Hall cheated the faith of the universe and used the lives of those innocent people as a shield, Chu Yan will definitely kill him.


In an instant, Chu Yan caught up with the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall was still fighting with others.

And the opponent was the Purple Lightning Dao Zun.

It is worth mentioning that the Lord of the Judgment Hall is really strong.

In theory, there is a level in the void.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall and his people are the most powerful giants on the surface.

Level zero giants.

And I am not the only one above me, there is another hidden realm.

That is the hidden giant!

These hidden people are stronger than level zero.

Zi Dian Dao Zun is one of these hidden giants. He will not appear on weekdays unless there is a great opportunity or an accident.

Including Buddhism, which is also in the category of hidden world.

But this time they all appeared.

But they always thought that they were invincible when they appeared.

At this time, Zi Dian Dao Zun was shocked.

Swish - at this time, he punched out, and the purple lightning rushed, turning into a stream of lightning, and quickly blasted towards the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

However, the Lord of the Judgment Hall did not dodge, and the Judgment Sword in his hand appeared and lightly slashed.

Swish - the sword came out.

The sky and the earth were instantly split apart.


The countless purple thunders were cut off at once.

Taoist Zidian was startled and quickly blocked the blow with his fist, but then with a bang, he flew thousands of meters away. When he stopped, he looked down at his arm, which had a shocking bloody wound.

This made Taoist Zidian's face darken, and he looked up at the Lord of the Judgment Hall: "You have reached this level?"

At this time, the Lord of the Forbidden Sky Domain secretly glanced at the Lord of the Judgment Hall and was also secretly surprised.

So strong!

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain was even thinking about one thing. He had always known that the Lord of the Judgment Hall was not weak, but he thought that he and Taigu Ming together were stronger than the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

Now it seems, is it true?

Chu Yan had killed Taigu Ming with one punch before.

He was not Chu Yan's opponent either.

The two of them together could really beat the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall noticed that look and said coldly: "Are you surprised? I just don't want to kill you, because you and I are in the same area, and I don't want that area to list me as a demon god, so that it will be difficult to take back the faith."

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain was shocked: "So you have already reached the hidden level?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall did not speak. He turned and looked at the Purple Lightning Taoist Master, his eyes like ice: "I have said that the mystery of the universe is not with me, the mystery of the universe is not with me. If you must chase me, if you must chase me, I will not be able to kill you today!"

The Purple Lightning Taoist Master: "..."


The next second, the Lord of the Judgment Hall took a step forward, and then he clasped his hands together.


Three magic weapons were born in the sky.

Sky Punishment Thunder Staff.

Judgment Sword.

Judgment Holy Array!

At this time, three divine weapons appeared together, and then the Lord of the Judgment Hall pointed at the Purple Lightning Taoist Master and said, "Destroy!"

The face of the Purple Lightning Taoist Master changed. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't do it at all.


With a loud bang, the Purple Lightning Taoist Master was directly pierced by the three divine weapons, and the whole person was stagnant in the same place.

He was full of disbelief until his death.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall killed the Purple Lightning Taoist Master in one blow, and looked around: "Is there anyone who doesn't believe it?"

Everyone's eyes shrank.

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