Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 545 The Second Battle

"When the one-month deadline is up, if he dares to show up, I will kill him myself. Now it's not your turn to point fingers here." Beiming Shatian said indifferently. Chu Yan was not killed in the battle that day, and it was also his. shame.

Chu Yan snorted coldly and took a step forward. The giant hammer in his hand flashed golden light, and there was a shadow of a huge mountain behind it, changing the surrounding gravity and forming a domain.

Zichen finally stood up and stood with his hands behind his back: "You should take action first, otherwise you will have no chance."

The same thing goes to Chu Yan. As a prince, he has absolute arrogance, even more arrogant than Chu Yan.

"Boom!" Chu Yan didn't talk nonsense. He held the giant hammer high in his hand like a god of war. The sound of "tsk-tsk" kept ringing in the air. There were ancient lines on the giant hammer that lit up, and a terrible wind and sand suddenly set off.

Looking up at the ancient giant hammer falling, Zichen was extremely calm. He raised his hands and moved his fingertips. Thunder light sprang up. A thunder dragon poked out from the sky. It was extremely huge. It directly knocked back Chu Yan's giant hammer. The thunder dragon was surrounded by With a hint of terrifying power, it was like the arrival of a great king.

"The Great King's Will!" The eyes of the saints from the distant Saint Sect lit up: "Although he is still very weak, Zichen has also understood the Great King's Will and His Majesty, and can suppress all the emperors."

"Too weak, the rumors are indeed very strong." Zichen said coldly and proudly. He jumped up, stood on the thunder dragon, and rushed towards Chu Yan in ambush. Suddenly, a thunder spear appeared in his hand, which seemed to be invincible. With a loud bang, Chu Yan's giant hammer was knocked back. The spear was still penetrating, the air was pushed away, and it hit Chu Yan's chest.

"In the realm of breaking the emperor, the king's will is indeed very strong." Chu Yan thought in his heart, and immediately responded, roaring to the sky, like an ancient monster, a desolate beam of light bloomed on the giant hammer, and with a bang, the thunder spear disintegrated, The power of the giant hammer became stronger at this moment.

There are vague ancient patterns on his giant hammer, and it keeps hitting out. Compared with Zichen's spear, it is not weak at all.

"Have you realized it too?" Zichen's face darkened. From the giant hammer, he could really feel the monarch's will. The ancient barren lines caused the mountains to collapse, and they were still roaring towards him.

"Zichen, you are the first prince and the fourth in the imperial line. You claim to be a genius, but you only have this kind of strength? If that's the case, then there is no need to fight." Chu Yan's voice became even crazier, and he jumped into the sky. He stood there, The giant hammer formed a terrible storm, wrapping around him, and he stared at Zichen.

"You are right. Dilu appears and geniuses emerge. However, their appearance is not because you ignore them, but because they show you what a frog in a well is. You are that frog!" Chu Yan's voice fell. Holding the giant hammer in both hands, terrifying power spread in all directions, like an ancient giant beast waking up, opening its eyes, and smashing down at Zichen.

Zi Chen was below, looking at the giant hammer. His heart kept trembling. His power of purple thunder was shattered. He could feel that the giant hammer was full of terrifying killing power, which he could not stop at all. Down.

"Bang!" The giant hammer hit, and the moment it collided with Zichen, the residual power penetrated Zichen's body immediately, and a terrifying giant crater appeared on the mountain. Then a mouthful of blood spurted out, and Zichen was like a cannonball. It was thrown upside down and hit the ground.

After a long time, Zichen climbed up with difficulty and stood in the huge pit. He looked at Chu Yan's figure in the distance in a daze.

Prince Zi Lei, a genius of a generation, was defeated.

What's even more ridiculous is that the opponent is four realms weaker than him, and his expression becomes extremely painful and unwilling.

The people of the Four God Alliance were also shocked. The Sky Emperor Ranking was changing crazily. The name of the Hammer Emperor quickly climbed from the eleventh to the fourth position, replacing Zi Chen.

Everyone was speechless for a while. Li Pin stood in the distance with blazing eyes. Although he guessed that Chu Yan was extraordinary and would have great achievements in the future, he never thought that after leaving Chi Lianmen, Chu Yan would be directly defeated. Zichen.

Only now did he realize what a right choice he had made.

"You bold thief, how dare you hurt the prince of my dynasty!" The people of the Zi Lei Dynasty were angry, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor surged out, surrounding Chu Yan.

"Can't afford to lose?" Chu Yan looked at Zi Lei Dynasty, not afraid, and sneered.

"Everyone, stand down." Beiming Shatian said slowly. He looked at Chu Yan and finally said more seriously: "You are very powerful, but you are still not strong enough to be an enemy of our Four Gods Alliance. Please apologize. I will let you go today." Fate, maybe you will be qualified to be my opponent in the future.”

"Haha, that's ridiculous! Back then, the sect leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was four realms below you and fought with you and was defeated. However, the traces of the sect leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect have now disappeared. Today, I am still four realms below you, so I will fight you. I think so. Let's see who is stronger between me and the leader of the Tiandi Sect." Chu Yan laughed wildly, and the corners of everyone's mouths twitched. This guy is really...

Beiming Shatian's face suddenly turned cold. He took a step forward and immediately transformed into a huge ancient human emperor: "I'll help you!"

"Fight!" Chu Yan wielded the giant hammer and struck out. Beiming Shatian raised his hand and punched, emitting golden light like a sun god. This punch alone made Chu Yan's giant hammer tremble crazily.

The two of them fought, and the mountains were shattered. Chu Yan's four souls were released in unison, and the terrifying luster shocked everyone.

"Four seventh-grade life souls? What kind of talent is this?" Zhu Qiang was stunned by Chu Yan's life soul. Beiming Shatian also sharpened his eyes. From Chu Yan, he actually felt an imperial feeling. Qi.

That's what people who are born extraordinary are born with.

"Zi Chen lost to you, it's not unfair." Beiming Shatian said calmly, but he was still very crazy. He punched out with a bang, and the ground cracked open, turning into countless golden birds soaring, strangling Chu Yan, Chu Yan Immobile as a mountain, he stepped out with every step, leaving a huge footprint on the ground.

Both of them are good at strength. Bei Ming Sha Tian transformed himself into the Ancient Human Emperor, like a moving mountain, while Chu Yan used the power of the giant hammer. The hammer kept smashing down, and every time it fell, the light of the stars fell.

"Everyone, retreat a thousand feet!" The battle between the two began, and someone immediately ordered the onlookers and the Emperor of Heaven to stay a thousand feet away, otherwise the residual power alone would be unbearable.

"These two guys..." The saints of the Holy Gate sighed. Even though he was also a top existence, he knew that even he could not intervene in this battle when he was watching here.

"Is the Emperor of the God Hammer so strong? Can he really compete with Bei Ming Sha Tian?" Everyone exclaimed. Since the battle with the Emperor of Heaven, no one in the Emperor Road questioned Bei Ming Sha Tian, ​​but today, a God Hammer Emperor jumped out and showed his outstanding combat power, challenging with a giant hammer.

"You practice pure strength, combined with gravity, even people who are good at speed cannot play an effective role in your field. It is indeed powerful, but if that is all, there is no need to continue this battle." Bei Ming Sha Tian was still arrogant. He stretched out his big hand and tore a piece of void, like a master, and shook countless people back.

"I was just going to say that." Chu Yan said contemptuously. This was his second time fighting with Bei Ming Sha Tian. In half a month, he could feel that Bei Ming Sha Tian was stronger, but he changed his true self, plus the practice of half a month, when he faced the giant foot again, he had some foundation.

The giant hammer continued to hit, one hammer was better than another, and every time it fell, a deep pit appeared on the ground, and the stone was broken.

The giant fist of the human emperor also kept hitting, and every time, it was like the will of God, making some people who were not strong enough in the distance feel like crawling and worshiping.

"Is this really a duel between emperors?"

"Use your strongest killing move, otherwise, you have no chance." Bei Ming Sha Tian said arrogantly, but Chu Yan sneered and ignored him.

Bei Ming Sha Tian shook his head regretfully: "It seems that I overestimated you. In this case, this battle should end."

In an instant, Bei Ming Sha Tian raised his giant hand high, and the sky burst into dazzling golden light, and then the clouds dispersed, and a beam of light fell.

"Human Emperor Sword!" Bei Ming Sha Tian chanted, and the beam of light turned into a golden sword in his hand, which was the same as Chu Yan's giant hammer, and was a thousand feet in size.

As soon as the golden sword came out, the air made a tearing sound. Although it was far away, many people could still feel the burning and stinging of their skin.

The golden sword seemed to be indestructible. There was no fancy in Bei Ming Sha Tian's hand. It fell vertically and chopped towards Chu Yan. When the sword came out, everything was dead silent. Everyone's eyes were stagnant, staring at Chu Yan under the huge golden sword.

"Is there anyone who can really block this sword, Your Majesty?"

"If this sword falls, the God Hammer Emperor will probably be ruined..." Many people said with regret. After the God Hammer Emperor appeared, he showed amazing talent and defeated Zi Chen, but unfortunately, he was still no match for Bei Ming Sha Tian.

Qing Yi wanted to get up, but Chu Yan suddenly turned around and shook his head at her, which made her frown, but she didn't take a step and stood there all the time.

The golden sword swept across, from the sky to the ground, thousands of miles of road, air, mountains, rivers, everything was split into two, and a terrible canyon appeared directly on the ground.

Chu Yan stood in the center of the sword, looked up, stared at the golden sword with an indifferent expression, and the four blood vessels in his body burned. Then he took a step forward and picked up the giant hammer, and the giant hammer also emitted a terrible golden light.

"What is he going to do..." Everyone was stunned. Under the golden sword, everything was false, but Chu Yan actually met it with a hammer at this time.

"Boom!" Chu Yan came up with a hammer, and the world was in turmoil. This scene seemed familiar. Half a month ago, in the battle of Tiandimen, it was also like this. Chu Yan came out with a sword, and the sound was clanging. However, in that battle, he lost and was ultimately unable to withstand Beiming Shatian's sword.

But today, he changed his identity and did the same thing. The giant hammer was like an ancient beast, roaring constantly, and the stars fell. The next moment, he blasted out with a hammer, accompanied by endless and terrible killing intentions, and the golden sword fell, and the giant hammer was in the air.

"Boom!" The collision of two transcendent and terrible forces stunned everyone, staring at it, and the yellow sand filled the sky. However, after a long time, when everything calmed down, everyone's eyes stagnated, and they saw that the indestructible golden sword actually stopped, and the sword body was blocked by a giant hammer.

Chu Yan's thin figure stood there, with the breeze blowing on his face. He looked at Beiming Shatian, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a mocking smile.

"Emperor Road, the first person?"

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