Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5439 Touched

When the Lord of the Judgment Hall heard this, his mouth opened wide!

He was confused. Is there such a logic?

The problem is... after listening to it, he felt that what Chu Yan said was correct!

If it were him, if he really took the mystery of the universe, would he kill Chu Yan?

There is a high probability that he will not be killed!

Because by killing Chu Yan, everyone in Quanxianwu will know that he killed Chu Yan and that the mystery of the universe is in his hands.

On the contrary, if like now, he has taken the mystery of the universe, but Chu Yan is not dead, everyone will still doubt him.

I bother!

I didn’t take the mystery of the universe at all!

The face of the Lord of the Judgment Hall turned dark.

He stared at Chu Yan: "You are truly the most shameless person I have ever seen, bar none."

Chu Yan: "..."

But at this time, he would never admit it.

Because he suddenly panicked.

Damn it!

He discovered one thing. The appearance of Buddhism was nothing. Just for a moment, he discovered that there were countless terrifying auras around him.

These people haven't shown up yet, but none of them are simple.

Mad, I'm a little scared.

I just said it casually.

Thinking of framing the two masters of the trial hall.

I didn’t expect that so many people would be attracted at once!

Each one is more terrifying than the last!

Chu Yan is really not weak now. Even if Xuetanzi is closed, he is still a second-tier giant.

Besides, he also has a giant body. He is not afraid of even some first-level giants and can still fight them.

But are these forces around us now?

The weakest are all level zero!

At this time, Fahe looked around. He also sensed those dark auras and sneered in his heart.

Chu Yan didn’t know him.

Fahe did recognize some people.

They are all old monsters in nothingness.

Normally, it might not appear once every tens of millions of years, but now everyone is attracted by the mystery of the universe.

But Fahe ignored him. This group of people didn't show up, and he didn't bother to look for them. They shouted out, which was also a trouble. Since he wanted to hide, he should hide. When he got the mystery of the universe, this group of people really If you want to grab it, it's not an easy task.

Fahe lowered his head and looked at the two masters of the Judgment Hall: "Two of you, do you have any explanations now?"

The Lord of the Judgment Palace's eyelids twitched slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Master, don't you think this is too coincidental?"

Fahe said calmly: "Where is the coincidence?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall said: "If I really took the mystery of the universe, and the Forbidden Sky Territory Lord and I killed Taikoo Ming, why didn't I kill the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord as well? Do you want to leave one to share with me? "

Fahe smiled and said: "Maybe... you have thought about it, but you haven't had time to do it yet?"

The face of the Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly turned dark. He turned to look at the Lord of the Forbidden Sky Territory and said, "You're the one who should say something! I'm going crazy!"

The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord thought for a moment and was about to speak.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall sighed: "Forget it, you'd better shut up, don't make it more confusing."

Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord: "..."

The next second, the Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly laughed. He turned to look at Chu Yan and said: "Chu Yan, you keep saying that the mystery of the universe is in my hands? Okay, then I want to ask you, the mystery of the universe. What is it? Tell me, if it is really on me, I will give it up. If you don’t believe it, I can let Master Fahe search me with his mind.”

As soon as these words came out, Fahe's heart moved slightly.


Until now, he didn't even know what the mystery of the universe was.

He looked at Chu Yan again.

Chu Yan's mouth twitched.

Because he found that Fahe was not the only one looking at him.

The hidden powers in the void were looking at him.

He was suddenly very scared.

But now he doesn't dare to show it.

I have to keep pretending today.

Otherwise something will really happen!


The Lord of the Judgment Palace discovered the flaw and sneered: "Boy, you are right."

Chu Yan clenched his fist slightly.

Unable to speak.

At this time, Xiaojiu suddenly said: "You tell me."

Chu Yan had a dark face: "What the hell! I'm still not sure what the mystery of the universe is."

Xiao Jiu said: "You lied, you deceived! Aren't you very good at this?"

Chu Yan: "..."

For a moment, his eyes lit up.

Suddenly an idea came to mind.

He snorted coldly: "Okay, I'll just say it, then I'll tell you now, the mystery of the universe is actually..."

For a moment, the world was quiet.

You can hear the needle drop.

Everyone held their breath.

I was afraid that if I gasped too loudly, I would miss something important.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was also staring at Chu Yan. He also wanted to see what Chu Yan could do this time...

Saying that the mystery of the universe lies within him, Chu Yan must at least tell one thing that he has, right?

This thing cannot be too common.

Otherwise no one would believe it.

But the next second, the eyelids of the Lord of the Judgment Hall twitched slightly.

Others felt numb all of a sudden.

Chu Yan was about to speak, but just as he was about to spit out a word, suddenly...



Chu Yan screamed, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Not only did he vomit blood, but after spurting out blood, his body cracked and exploded. The giant sacred body shattered and turned into powder all over the sky.

Everyone's eyes changed.

"what happened?"

Everyone was stunned.

Fahe's eyes shrank, he raised his palm forward, and a golden light flew out, quickly covering Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was enveloped by the golden light, and then he stabilized a little and stopped vomiting blood, but his face was still pale.

Fahe said in a deep voice: "Master Chu, what is going on?"

Chu Yan was terrified: "Master, someone attacked me, yes, it was him, it was him, he wanted to kill people!"

After speaking, Chu Yan pointed at the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall's eyes widened.

He was stunned.


How can you do this?

What did I do?

I didn't move...

Fahe's face also changed slightly.

And this time, he didn't believe it.

Because he has always been there, he still knows whether the Lord of the Judgment Hall attacked or not.

Unless...the Lord of the Judgment Hall is so powerful that he can't even detect the attack.

If this is true, it would be too terrible.

At least only me!

Not even level zero!

But this is obviously impossible.

If the Lord of the Judgment Hall is really so strong, he won't be here to linger with me.

Just punch me and I'll die, why are you still talking nonsense here.

Fahe said calmly: "Donor Chu, there's no need to do this kind of trick. I've been watching Donor Judgment. He didn't even move from beginning to end, let alone attack Donor Chu. It must not be him who did it just now."

Upon hearing this, the Lord of the Judgment Hall's eyes turned red. He was not angry, but moved. He suddenly wanted to cry: "My God... Finally someone said a fair word for me! Heaven is fair! Heaven is fair! It's not easy!"

Fahe: "..."

Chu Yan: "..."

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