Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5436 Return the Mystery of the Universe to Me

Chu Yan steadied himself and remained silent.

Kind thoughts...

Is he wrong?

He shook his head.

He didn't think he did anything wrong.

The road of cultivation is full of loneliness and temptation. If he can't even protect his most basic bottom line, he will become the next person to destroy the world.

He remembered that he had said in the creation of the world that he would not be the next emperor.

When the world was created, the Nine Emperors told him that the Nine Emperors had been kind people, including the four ancient emperors in the universe.

They had opened the way for heaven and earth and established their lives, but in the end they did not keep their bottom line and embarked on a wrong path.

Chu Yan told himself at that time.

The reason why he practiced desperately was to have some things he didn't do!

In fact, Chu Yan always knew that if he wanted to be stronger, he had many ways to choose, such as swallowing the universe, or doing some evil things, but he never did so.

Instead, he chose another more painful path.

Just to live up to the justice in his heart.

He is not a saint. He has killed as many people as anyone else. The number of undead under his command may not be enough to fill several worlds.

But he dared to say that he had never taken the initiative to kill an innocent person.


At this time, the Lord of Judgment came at him again.

Chu Yan drew his sword.

But the next second, the Lord of Judgment was immediately protected by golden light.

Chu Yan was forced to put away his sword.

However, Chu Yan cared about the lives of those innocent people, but the Lord of Judgment did not. He took the initiative to meet him.


The Lord of Judgment used his body to crash into Chu Yan's sword.


In the distant void, a star exploded.

Chu Yan's face sank.

The Lord of Judgment grinned: "Idiot, kindness? These will only hinder you."

Chu Yan's eyes became colder and colder.

He stared at the Lord of Judgment, and he had never hated anyone.

This was not the faith he understood.

Suddenly, he took a deep breath, and his eyes became firm: "To be honest, I originally thought that whether you live or die has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to meddle in other people's business. But I have changed my mind now."

The Lord of the Judgment Hall frowned: "You...what do you mean?"

Chu Yan said word by word: "From today on, I will take it as my responsibility to destroy you, at least there will be no more Judgment Temple in this world."

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was stunned and laughed sarcastically: "Just you?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes, just me."


In an instant, Chu Yan rushed out, and as soon as he stopped, he punched hard.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall didn't even dodge, just stood there, his body emitting golden light.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall said sarcastically: "Come on! These around me are the lives of countless continents, let me see how many you can destroy with this punch."

Suddenly, Chu Yan's fist stopped again.

He is not a saint, but he really can't ignore the lives of innocent people.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly shouted: "Attack!"

Chu Yan's face changed.

Xiao Jiu said: "Use the power of faith! Accept the faith of these people and make them wake up."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Is this possible?"

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "Of course, since ancient times, unveiling the veil of the hypocritical god is what the righteous should do."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he suddenly understood.


In an instant, a golden light burst out from his fist.



He punched out and hit the chest of the Lord of the Trial Hall directly.

The Lord of the Trial Hall looked disdainful, but suddenly his face changed drastically, because he found that after Chu Yan punched him, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew out.

The golden light on his chest...did not resist the attack for him.

After the Lord of the Trial Hall stood firm, his face sank: "How is it possible?"

Chu Yan sneered: "The hypocritical god will eventually be slaughtered by mortals."

The Lord of the Trial Hall narrowed his eyes, and then he checked the situation of the golden light on his chest.

His face changed drastically.

He found that after Chu Yan's punch, a new force of faith was injected, which made the people who originally believed in him suddenly sober up.

After Chu Yan's force of faith was injected, he told those people the meaning of life, and asked them to look at their loved ones, relatives, and friends while they were alive.

He told them that no god would let them die.

That's why those people were unwilling to die for the Judgment Temple.


The next second, the golden light ball suddenly cracked.


The Lord of the Judgment Temple immediately spit out another mouthful of blood.


He stared at Chu Yan: "Damn it, are you trying to take my Taoism?"

Chu Yan's eyes were like ice: "You... are you worthy of being called Taoism?"

The Lord of the Judgment Temple clenched his fist slightly.


The next second, Chu Yan took a step forward and rushed towards the Lord of the Judgment Temple again.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Temple was anxious.

He didn't dare to confront Chu Yan head-on.

Because every attack of Chu Yan would not only hurt him, but also make him lose his faith.

If this goes on, his strength will become weaker and weaker.

In an instant, the situation began to reverse.

Above, the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain's face darkened.

He was restrained.

Although he did not cultivate faith, he also understood one thing, that the Lord of the Judgment Hall's faith was not as good as Chu Yan's.

Chu Yan's faith may not have so many mysteries, but just one point is enough.


If this continues, the Lord of the Judgment Hall will definitely lose.

But he couldn't let the Lord of the Judgment Hall lose. It wasn't that the two of them had a good relationship, but once the Lord of the Judgment Hall lost...he would be the only one left here.

He was no match for Chu Yan either.


Suddenly, the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain said in a low voice: "Judgment, it's time to go."

The Lord of the Judgment Hall's face changed.


In this battle, he hadn't seen the spirit of the universe, nor had he seized the faith of the universe. It can be said that he had gained nothing so far.

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain said in a deep voice: "Leave first. If we don't leave, we will all die. As long as people are alive, we still have a chance."

The Lord of the Judgment Hall clenched his fist slightly.

He was unwilling.

But he also understood that the ban was right. He had to leave, otherwise the loss would be great this time.

Suddenly, the Lord of the Judgment Hall let out a long breath, turned around and looked at Chu Yan: "Boy, everything is not over yet, I will come back again."


The Lord of the Judgment Hall gave the order.

The people of the two major forces heard the words and quickly retreated.

However, they wanted to retreat, but Chu Yan would not allow it.

Take his life while he is sick!

There is another point. Chu Yan discovered something amazing.

Now he can take away part of the faith by punching the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

Let his strength become stronger and stronger.


Where is the enemy, this is a leveling artifact.


Chu Yan roared, and led people to chase.

At this time, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Don't chase."

Chu Yan was stunned: "Why?"

Xiao Jiu said lightly: "The universe has always been a thorn in the eyes of nothingness. The stronger you are, the more people will be afraid. Do you want to attract more enemies?"

Chu Yan's face changed, and then he suddenly slapped his chest.


Chu Yan vomited blood and flew backwards.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall and the Lord of the Forbidden Sky Domain were both stunned when they saw this.

A little confused.

They were still worried that Chu Yan would chase them, so why did he suddenly hit them?

But the next second, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

Chu Yan suddenly roared in the back: "Two bastards! Give me back the mystery of the universe!"

Lord of the Judgment Hall: "..."

Lord of the Forbidden Sky Domain: "..."

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