Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5434: The Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower Opens

Lord of power...

It can be regarded as a special realm between the giants and the solipsistic realm.

But the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord always knew something.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall himself has not reached the level of the Lord of Power.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall is different from himself. The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord uses the seal source, which is the power that truly belongs to him.

But the Lord of the Judgment Palace is not.

The power of judgment currently used by the Lord of the Judgment Hall is with the help of the ability of the Judgment Angel and the God of Judgment, and is not his own. Otherwise, the Lord of the Judgment Hall himself would not have mastered the source of power.

But the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord also knows another point.

In these years, the Lord of the Judgment Hall has had countless opportunities to break through the Lord of Power.

He, the Lord of the Judgment Hall, and Tai Gu Ming have always been the strongest people in the forbidden area.

So the three of them know each other too well.

Over the years, several special things have happened in the restricted area.

Suddenly, a certain source of power was born and flew into the Temple of Judgment, hoping to be mastered by the Lord of the Temple of Judgment.

But every time he was tried, the palace master refused.

Because of this matter, the Lord of Forbidden Heaven still remembers a time when the Lord of Judgment Hall had a fight with a source of power...

The source of power... is actually a kind of spirit.

They will choose the person they like.

And the Lord of the Judgment Hall... his talent is really strong.

Has been selected by countless sources of power.

But he refused.

Always pursuing faith.

However...he has never succeeded.

Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord and Taikoo Ming didn't understand that there was no need to pursue it all the time.

As long as you become the master of power, a qualitative change will occur. Even if you are not a very powerful force, you can still dominate the giants.


The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord somewhat understood.

The origin of faith...

Really strong.

No wonder the Lord of the Judgment Hall is so angry.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly shouted: "Jin Tian, ​​let's take action together and kill him."

The Lord of Forbidden Heaven narrowed his eyes and smiled inwardly.

The trial is urgent.

This guy was not in a hurry at first.

Of course, he didn't refuse.

Because killing Chu Yan is also his goal.

The Lord of the Forbidden Sky Territory said: "I will seal it, you go and attack."

The Lord of the Judgment Palace nodded and did not refuse.


Suddenly, the Lord of Forbidden Heaven put his hands together, and a special space appeared above his head.

Countless red blood lights were born all around, and these blood lights intertwined with each other, eventually forming a very special blood world, which enveloped Chu Yan.

Chu Yan fell into it and his eyes changed slightly.

And almost instantly, the Lord of the Judgment Hall came out.

This time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall held a weapon in each hand.

The Divine Sword of Judgment and the Thunder Staff of Heavenly Punishment.

The Lord of the Judgment Palace stabbed forward first, and the Judgment Divine Sword hung upside down, pointing directly at Chu Yan's eyebrows.

Chu Yan quickly dodged back, but as soon as he dodged, the Lord of the Judgment Hall raised the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Staff again and summoned a bolt of thunder out of thin air to strike down.

It was too late for Chu Yan to dodge again.


The whole person was sent flying a thousand meters.

The physical body is a little burnt.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall sneered: "Boy, I'm scared that I have to become a monster like you. You have only come out of the universe a few years ago and you have reached this level. If we give you a year or two, we may not be you." The opponent..."

After saying that, the Lord of the Judgment Hall said calmly: "It's a pity that you don't have this chance."

Chu Yan's face was heavy. He was already very strong. After understanding the faith, he was no weaker than the Lord of the Judgment Palace or the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven.

You can fight one against two, but it's still too difficult.

He can't beat it.

Below, the owner and others all looked worried.

Just a little bit.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall raised his hands high and suddenly said: "Forbidden Heaven, bless me."


In an instant, in the blood formation, the power of the Lord of the Judgment Palace became stronger.

The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord's abilities are more auxiliary, with seals and blessings.

As the Lord of the Judgment Hall became stronger, Chu Yan's strength began to be weakened.

But Chu Yan did not give up. He glanced at the Lord of the Judgment Hall and rushed out again.


The war is about to break out.

In an instant, the two of them fought hundreds of times. The speed of both of them was so fast that people couldn't see their traces at all, and could only hear bursts of roaring sounds.


After a collision, Chu Yan flew out again.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall sneered: "Boy, you can't do it."

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold.


At this moment, Chu Yan's body suddenly flickered, and suddenly a small tower flew out.

Jiutian Xuan Tower!

Chu Yan was also stunned when he saw this. There was nothing surprising about the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda. He was using it as a stick just now, but the problem was... he didn't summon it this time.

The next second, a shocking scene appeared.

When the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda came out, the space on the first floor suddenly flickered.

Chu Yan was startled. Jiutian Xuan Pagoda didn't respond for a long time. He kept getting sticks to use. To be honest... apart from the strength, it felt a bit tasteless and was a pity to throw away.

Now...are you reacting?

Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "This tower seems to be attracting you. Inject the power of faith into it and give it a try."

Chu Yan hesitated, then nodded suddenly, clapped his palm, and integrated his faith into it.

Squeak——Suddenly, the first floor of Jiutian Xuan Tower opened!

Unlike before, after the first floor was opened, a very ancient scroll was born inside?

Chu Yan was confused when he saw the scroll.

Xiao Jiu said in a low voice: "It seems to be a kind of fighting method. Boy, what is originally in this tower?"

Chu Yan shook his head: "I don't know..."

Xiao Jiu said: "Open it and take a look."

Chu Yan nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to take out the scroll, and then he opened it. There was a line of small words written on it: Nine Heavens Destroying the World!

Chu Yan was stunned when he saw it.

This name... is a bit domineering.

Xiao Jiu said: "I know, this is the skill that comes with the tower, but it can only be seen after certain specific conditions are met, maybe because of your faith source."

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and then he suddenly looked up at the Lord of the Judgment Hall opposite, grinning: "You are finished, you are finished!"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall saw this and his eyelids twitched slightly.


He suddenly wanted to curse.

Is it over yet?

First it was the Giant God Body.

Then it was the faith source.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall suddenly found that once Chu Yan encountered a crisis, some strange things would immediately pop up.

But he didn't dare to talk nonsense, he had just seen the power of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower.

Even the Judgment Sword felt the crisis.

Now, an ancient scroll appeared inside.

Everyone knew that this thing must be extraordinary.

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Judgment Hall took a deep breath, and suddenly a disc appeared in his hand.

He took out the disc and threw it into the sky.


The disc expanded infinitely and eventually turned into a golden formation.

The Judgment Holy Formation!

The real Judgment Holy Formation.

One of the divine objects left by the Judgment Angel.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was serious, and all three divine objects were summoned by him.

Then, he pressed his palm lightly towards Chu Yan: "Destroy!"

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