Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5432 Lord of Power!

The Lord of the Judgment Palace narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Kill me? Is it up to you?"

Chu Yan looked at the Lord of the Judgment Hall.


In an instant, he disappeared.

The next second, he appeared in front of the Lord of the Judgment Hall, and then he spread his palms and flew out the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword.

Tsk - a sword that shocked the heavens.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was not worried when faced with the sword. Instead, he suddenly dodged at the last moment and staggered the sword. Then he put his hands together, and a special mark was born on his chest, which exploded towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan frowned and quickly blocked it with his sword.


There was a loud noise, and Chu Yan took a few steps back.

But although the others were retreating, the sword in their hands was not.

He stepped back for a moment, and instead used a force to hit the hilt of the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword. The space in front of him suddenly shattered. Then, the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword appeared from a thousand meters away, aiming right at the Lord of the Judgment Hall. between the eyebrows.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was slightly startled, but after just a moment, he calmed down and an equally bright long sword appeared in his hand.

And compared to the Divine Sword of Refining Heaven, the one in his hand is more like a sword.

As soon as this sword came out, the sky trembled slightly.

There are thunderclouds.

It seemed like thunder was about to strike.

Judgment Excalibur.

The next second, the Lord of the Judgment Hall slashed forward.


The two swords collided, and almost instantly, two figures flew out at the same time.

It was Chu Yan and the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

Chu Yan's eyes changed slightly.

He was knocked back by the sword!

To be honest, this is the first time.

He has always known that although he believed in the Tao, swordsmanship was his core path.

Therefore, he has always had natural confidence when facing sword cultivators.

Coupled with the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword, it naturally has suppressive power over some swords.

But not this time.

Xiao Jiu said: "Because of the Divine Sword of Judgment, although the Divine Sword of Refining Heaven is strong, its true form is a needle after all, and this sword is the sword of the Lord God of the previous era."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.


When he used the Heaven-Refining Divine Sword before, he couldn't break the Death God's sickle.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall smiled and said: "Boy, your sword...it seems like it's nothing more than that."

Chu Yan glanced at the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The next second, he suddenly put away the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword, and then took out a small iron tower from his arms...

Immediately, he took the tower and smashed it towards the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

The Lord of the Judgment Palace frowned, and then swiped the Judgment Divine Sword forward.

But the moment the Divine Sword of Judgment was about to come into contact with the Jiutian Xuan Tower, his expression changed drastically.

Because he discovered that the Judgment Temple was... breaking away?

Yes, just breaking free!

This made him understand at once that the Judgment Temple was afraid.

At the level of a divine weapon, even if there is no sword spirit, there is still some self-awareness.

The Judgment Temple is afraid of the Jiutian Xuan Tower, and this sword feels the crisis on the Jiutian Xuan Tower.

Of course, this is also because it is used to judge the master of the palace.

If it wasn't the Lord of the Judgment Hall who was using it, but the God of Judgment from the previous era, maybe the sword wouldn't have escaped, but would have been willing to fight to the death together.

But now, after all, the Lord of the Judgment Hall is not the real owner of this sword, so it is normal for this sword to choose to run away.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall immediately sheathed his sword and retreated a thousand meters.


When the Jiutian Xuan Pagoda hit, the space exploded and shattered.

The face of the Lord of the Judgment Hall changed: "You... what kind of prank is this?"

Chu Yan said nothing.

Because he didn’t know what the Nine Heavens Mysterious Tower was.

He doesn't even know how to use it!

When he created the world, he knew that clones could be built in this tower, but this must not be the true purpose of the tower.

This tower is so powerful that it will definitely come with some moves.

But Chu Yan can’t...

Now Chu Yan can only use this tower as a stick to hit people.

But that's enough.

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth rose: "I can't kill you."


In an instant, Chu Yan rushed out again.

The Lord of the Judgment Palace's eyes turned cold, but he really didn't dare to confront Jiutian Xuan Pagoda, and immediately shouted: "Jintian, I have taken action, who are you!"

The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord had been watching the excitement from a distance, and then he came back to his senses.


In an instant, the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord rushed out.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall shouted: "Seal this piece of heaven!"

The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord nodded, and then he suddenly put his hands together: "Seal!"

Suddenly, the world became dark.

A huge circle of light rushed out, covering half of the ghost island.

Chu Yan fell into it and his expression changed.

He suddenly discovered that a kind of avenue seemed to be missing in his body!

God's way!

Xiaojiu reminded: "Be careful! The way of heaven has been sealed. This person's name is Jintian. It's not for nothing. He can seal the sky."

Chu Yan frowned: "Fengtian? What is the use of this game?"

And the next second, he knew...


The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord punched out. Without the way of heaven, the world seemed incomplete, and all forces began to become unbalanced.

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes.

He was familiar with this power.

The power of imbalance!

Wan Dao has its benefits, but once Wan Dao is out of balance, its power will be doubled.

Almost instantly, the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord's fist hit Chu Yan's face.

Chu Yan was shocked and immediately used Jiutian Xuan Pagoda to block it.


The next second, Jiutian Xuan Tower was fine, but he flew out directly.

Crazy vomiting blood.


The Lord of the Judgment Hall sneered: "Boy, you underestimate us too much. Do you think that at this point, you are the only one who has the inheritance of the Lord God?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall chuckled, and then he raised his hands high: "God is coming!"


Suddenly, a light flashed on the body of the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

It made him look brilliant.

The power of judgment!

The next second, the Lord of the Judgment Hall slashed with a sword.

Chu Yan's eyes turned cold and he quickly blocked it.

But on the other side, the Lord of the Forbidden Sky Territory chuckled: "It seems that I have been despised."

Then, he smiled and said: "I don't have any inheritance from the gods, but... I am not easy to mess with!"


The Lord of the Forbidden Sky Territory shouted again, and a hexagram formation was born on his chest.

The next second, the hexagram formation flew out and landed directly above Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's body suddenly sank and his face changed slightly.

He had an illusion that he seemed to be put on countless shackles.

The power of sealing!

Suddenly, Chu Yan had a feeling that these people... were the real masters of power.

They controlled a certain kind of power between heaven and earth.

Chu Yan had always thought that the source realm was the master of power.

But now he vaguely discovered that it didn't seem to be the case.

Chu Yan clenched his fist, but under the attack of the two, he could only passively take the beating for a while.

At this moment, Xiao Jiu suddenly said: "Boy, they are all using pure power, you must also reach the master of power, otherwise you are not their opponent at all."

Chu Yan helplessly: "It's easy to say... But the master of power, what should I do."

Xiao Jiu said in a deep voice: "Faith! That's your real thing, whether it's a sword or a star, these are other people's paths, only faith is your own!"

Chu Yan was stunned.


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