Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5426 You use puppets

Chu Yan flew thousands of meters away, and when he stopped, the space around him cracked.

His expression changed: "I was hit? Is this the real body?"

Chu Yan frowned.

And the next second, Feng Tian rushed over again.

Chu Yan shouted coldly, holding the sword with both hands and slashing hard.


But when his sword fell, it clearly passed through Fengtian's head, but Fengtian was completely fine.

Chu Yan's sword was not blocked by anything, it just hit the air. But when his sword fell, Feng Tian kicked Chu Yan.

This kick is so real.


Chu Yan flew out again with his sword.

When he stabilized, he was stunned. He discovered something.

"When I attacked, he was fake, but when he attacked me, he was his true self? What kind of ability is this?"

Chu Yan discovered that this Fengtian could constantly switch between reality and reality. .

When he attacked Fengtian, Fengtian was illusory.

When Fengtian attacked him, it was his true form.

Xiao Jiu said: "Be careful, he is practicing the way of virtuality and reality!"

Chu Yan was startled: "What is that?"

Xiao Jiu said: "It is also a closed loop. He can constantly switch between the virtual and the real. This kind of avenue is very special."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Learned a lot.

At this time, Feng Tian sneered: "The new emperor of the universe? It seems like nothing more than that."

Chu Yan looked at Feng Tian and sneered: "It's just a trick, do you think you will win?"

Feng Tian smiled and said, "You should attack me first and then talk."


The next second, Fengtian took action.

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly condensed.

But he didn't dare to attack rashly.

Because it was useless for him to take action, Fengtian remained in a shadow state.

But this is passive.

Feng Tian has been surrounding Chu Yan and launching attacks continuously.

Bang bang bang!

For a while, Chu Yan could only be beaten passively.

He fought back several times, but all were in vain.

Feng Tian smiled evilly: "It seems that you are nothing more than that."

Chu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing.

Continue to dodge.

At this moment, Feng Tian dodged, caught Chu Yan's gap, and prepared to punch him.

But Feng Tian didn't expect that as soon as he took action, Chu Yan not only didn't hide, but actually stabbed him with his sword.

Feng Tian was slightly startled, but because he wanted to attack Chu Yan, he was already in the physical state, and it was too late to switch.


He successfully hit Chu Yan with one punch, but the result was... Chu Yan's sword also hit him.


There was a loud bang.

The next second, the two figures retreated simultaneously.


When the two stopped, the entire space collapsed.

But the point is, when Chu Yan changed his moves, his leg moved back a thousand meters, but Feng Tian was slashed tens of thousands of meters away by this sword.


Feng Tian kept vomiting blood after he stopped, but before he could recover, the space in front of him was distorted, and Chu Yan suddenly appeared from the middle again, stabbing Feng Tian with a sword.

Feng Tian's expression changed, he gritted his teeth, and his figure quickly became illusory.

Tsk - the sword failed.

But Chu Yan didn't pay attention. He kept looking at Feng Tian and sneered: "The way of virtual reality... has something, but your way seems to have a big drawback."

Feng Tian narrowed his eyes: "What?"

Chu Yan smiled and said: "Although you have control over reality and reality, if you want to attack me, you must become physical. So as long as you attack me, I can hit you."

Fengtian's eyelids twitched.


This is also a flaw in the virtual reality.

He can remain a shadow without being attacked.

But doing so also means that he will never be able to attack others.

The long sword in Chu Yan's hand waved a sword flower, and he kept staring at Feng Tian and sneered: "Come on, do it. Let me see if you dare to do it."

Fengtian was silent.

In the distance, the masters of the three major forces also discovered something.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall said calmly: "It seems that the people in your Forbidden Heaven Territory are not doing much better."

The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord's face changed slightly: "Say it again."

The Lord of the Judgment Palace said calmly: "Did I say something wrong?"

The Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord still wanted to speak.

Tai Gu Ming suddenly said: "Okay, now is not the time for us to have internal strife. How to solve this Chu Yan is the key point."

The Lord of the Forbidden Sky Territory said: "Fengtian's flaw has been discovered. He alone cannot defeat Chu Yan."

Taikoo meditated for a while and suddenly said: "I, the Taikoo clan, come here."

After saying this, he turned around and said to a young man: "Taikoo Luo, go and cooperate with Feng Tian."

The young man nodded slightly: "It's the patriarch!"

In an instant, the young man flew out.

The moment the young man took action, the surrounding space shook again.

Taikoo Luo, the second-tier powerhouse in the restricted area!

Same as Fengtian.

The point is, Fengtian is not famous for his combat prowess because he is a Taoist.

But Taikoo Luo... is a true combat powerhouse.

Every step he takes makes the world shake.

At this time, Chu Yan was still staring at Feng Tian.

But suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and there was a strong crisis behind him.

He turned around suddenly, Taikoo Luo appeared above him and stepped down.

Chu Yan was startled and quickly raised his sword to block it.


There was a loud bang.

The next second, Chu Yan's whole body sank directly.


He hit the ghost island, and a huge pit opened up on the ghost island.

Chu Yan steadied himself and looked gloomy.

But almost at the same time, Feng Tian seized the opportunity.

He was constantly being watched by Chu Yan, so he was unable to take action.

But now, Chu Yan was knocked away by Taikoo Luo, and Feng Tian dodged and quickly appeared behind Chu Yan.

One punch.

Chu Yan was startled, but it was already too late when he wanted to take action.


He was knocked away by Fengtian again.

Feng Tian sneered: "Boy, what if you see through my flaws? I have two people now, and you only have one. You can't stop me."

Chu Yan's face darkened.

Countless people in the universe looked worried.

One against one, they were not worried about Chu Yan.

But two against one, coupled with the special nature of Fengtian, it is a bit difficult for Chu Yan.

"Damn it... we are too weak and can't help at all." The emperor cursed.

The owner said: "Just watch, now we can only hope that he can turn things around."

At this time, Chu Yan was forced back by the two men.

Suddenly, Chu Yan stopped and stopped hiding. He looked up at Feng Tian and sneered: "You just said that I am just a person?"

Feng Tian was startled and said sarcastically: "Is there a problem? Or do you expect these trash in the universe to fight against us?"

Fengtian was very disdainful.

The universe's recent progress is not slow, but to him, except for Chu Yan, the rest are not worth mentioning.

Chu Yan sneered: "Idiot, who told you that I'm just for one person? Tianlong was almost beaten to death by me before, didn't he even tell you?"

Feng Tian was startled, and the next second he remembered the information the Judgment Temple gave them, and suddenly sneered: "Boy, are you talking about your puppets? Come on, you summon them, you summon them. "

Chu Yan: "..."

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