Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5424 Is there anyone else?

Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly: "Flame Daoist Master? You are the original controller of the Flame Fruit of Wandao Domain? You are not dead?"

Chu Yan destroyed Wandao Domain, and this matter is now known to everyone in the Void.

The human master and several others were also shocked.

They thought that helpers had come, but it turned out to be from Wandao Domain?

Are they not here to seek revenge?

At this time, the Flame Daoist Master nodded: "It's just a coincidence. Emperor Chu didn't kill me at that time."

Tianlong was stunned: "So?"

The Flame Daoist Master chuckled: "So? So I promised Emperor Chu that if he defeated the Lord of Wandao Domain, I would come to him, and now I am here."

Tianlong was stunned, and then he grinned: "Fleeing to the universe? Looking for death? Don't say that you are just a Daoist Master of Wandao Domain. Even if the Lord of Wandao Domain comes back to life, he is not my opponent."

The truth!

Wandao Domain is not weak to the other giants of the Void, but it is really nothing to the Judgment Temple.

The Judgment Temple has long been an existence above the giants.

Even the former Lord of the Ten Thousand Dao Domain had to be polite to him when he saw him.

At this time, the Lord of Flame chuckled: "How do you know if you don't try?"


After saying that, he suddenly disappeared in a flash.

Tianlong snorted coldly and punched out.

At the same time, the Lord of Flame appeared, his palm burning with raging fire, and slapped it down.


The fists and palms collided, and the surrounding space collapsed instantly.


The next second, a scream sounded.

A figure exploded and retreated.

And this person... was Tianlong.

Tianlong retreated thousands of meters away, and as soon as he stopped and looked down, he saw that one of his fists was burned to charcoal.

This made Tianlong's eyes cold: "How is it possible? Who are you?"

The Flame Lord chuckled: "I said, I am the Flame Lord of Wandao Domain."

Tianlong said in a deep voice: "Impossible! Even the Wandao Lord does not have this strength. How can you, a mere Dao Lord, be so strong?"

Tianlong and the Wandao Lord had fought each other before. At that time, the Wandao Lord was no match for him.

As the Lord of the branch hall of the Judgment Temple, Tianlong is stronger than many first-level giants.

But now, a Flame Lord of the Wandao Lord knocked him away?

The Flame Lord chuckled: "It turned out that I was indeed inferior, but I met Emperor Chu not long ago and had the honor to understand the true meaning of flames, and then I broke through. Isn't it possible?"

Tianlong's eyelids jumped slightly.

And now it's too late for him to say anything.

But suddenly, Tianlong calmed down.

Good thing!

The Judgment Hall Lord told him not to rush too far in this battle before Chu Yan died.

Now he was blocked by the Flame Lord, just right.

Suddenly, Tianlong shouted behind him: "Leave this man to me, you go deal with the rest."

The strong men of the Taigu Clan and the Forbidden Heaven Domain looked at each other, and one of them nodded slightly.

Instantly, two more people stepped out.


These two people are extremely powerful, not inferior to Tianlong.

The human master and the old Taoist and others were immediately facing a great enemy.

The appearance of the Flame Taoist Master was already a surprise.

But now, there are two level one on the opposite side, and they can't beat them at all.


And just at this time, a beautiful figure suddenly flew over from a distance.

It looked like a child.

After the beautiful figure flew over, she complained: "Flame, you didn't wait for me!"

The Flame Taoist Master looked at the beautiful figure and laughed: "Master Daoling, I am not the Lord of Wandao Domain now, you can't order me."

Yes, the person who came was the Daoling of the Lord of Wandao Domain!

That is, the little girl at the root of the Dao.

It's just that the little girl had been sealed by the Lord of Wandao Domain at the beginning, but now, it's okay.

After the little girl flew over, she immediately saw the strong men from the Taigu Clan and the Forbidden Sky Domain. She was startled and said, "Oh, you are fighting, then... I will come back later."

The little girl turned around and was about to leave.

The strong man from the Taigu Clan was startled when he saw this, but then sneered: "Although I don't know who you are, since you are here, don't leave."

After that, he took a step forward, rushed to the back of the little girl and slapped her.

The little girl was startled and hurriedly said, "Don't hit me, I don't fight!"

However, the people from the Taigu Clan didn't listen at all.

We are here to rob, so why do we care whether you fight or not?


The next second, the strong man from the Taigu Clan slapped him with a palm.


But then, the strong man from the Taigu Clan widened his eyes, and suddenly suffered a backlash, and the whole person flew backwards.

This flight... is even farther than Tianlong just flew.


As soon as he stopped, the strong man from the Taigu Clan began to spit blood crazily.

His face was dull.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What happened?

The Taigu clan strongman was stunned.

Was he knocked away?

The little girl said innocently: "I said, I don't fight, I don't fight, who let you bully me! Ah! I will beat you to death."

Suddenly, the little girl rushed out again.

She came to the side of the Taigu clan strongman and slapped her chubby jade palm forward.


The Taigu clan strongman was directly whipped away.

As soon as he stopped, there was a bang, and his body was shattered, leaving only a wisp of soul floating there.

The Taigu clan was stunned.

What kind of monster is this...?


Taigu Ming's eyes narrowed: "Is this... the Ten Thousand Dao Tree Spirit?"

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain nodded: "It's that tree spirit. I didn't expect that it would also come to the universe, and chose to stand with Chu Yan."

The three were surprised.

But soon, the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter, they are just some small characters."

After speaking, he winked at the person in front of him.

The strong men of Tianlong and Taigu clan were dragged, but the people of the Forbidden Heaven Domain were not.

The man understood and stepped thousands of steps.

He looked down at the Lord and the Emperor, and sneered: "Is there anyone else?"

The Lord of the Human World showed a hint of helplessness.

Is there anyone?

No more!

To be precise, they didn't know there was anyone from the beginning.

The Lord of Flame and the Ten Thousand Dao Tree Spirits were both an accident.

The strong man of the Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain sneered: "You are gone, but we are still there. What are you going to rely on to stop me now?"

After speaking, he took a step forward.


With this step, the void was crushed directly.

Too strong.

The space near the universe seemed unable to withstand this force.

The Lord and the Emperor were immediately as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

But just when they were ready to fight to the death.


Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from the universe, followed by a hearty laugh: "Oh, so lively? How do you know I'm poor? Are you all here to give me money?"

The voice sounded, and everyone's face changed.

The Lord and the Emperor turned around quickly, and then they were all ecstatic.

The person who came was Chu Yan!

But at this time, Chu Yan was different from before, and he was emitting a faint golden light.

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Territory was startled when he saw Chu Yan, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are Chu Yan..."

However, before he finished speaking, Chu Yan suddenly locked onto him, and then whooshed, and instantly disappeared from the original place. When he reappeared, he slashed with a sword directly in front of the strong man of the Forbidden Heaven Territory.

The strong man of the Forbidden Heaven Territory was startled, but just as he was about to punch, his eyes widened.

Swish - a bloody head flew out directly.

Chu Yan put away his sword and sneered, "What kind of rubbish are you? You are worthy of calling me by my name?"

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