Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5421 Who opened the universe

The universe begins to prepare for war.

They only had two days left, but they didn't want to give up.

Chu Yan also tried his best to take out all the gains from this trip. Some magic weapons and elixirs may be useless to Chu Yan himself, but to the rest of the universe, that It is a peerless treasure.


At this time, a figure flew out, directly selected a sharp long sword from countless magic weapons, and then flipped a sword flower in his hand.

This sword is very cold, and its entire body is transparent, as if it is made of a piece of ice.

Just such a sword flower froze the surrounding space, and said lightly: "Good sword, this sword belongs to me."

Zhu Yu!

As a cosmic swordsman, he has never had a good sword, and now he is ready to choose one.

Cao Jianjia said: "This sword is not bad. This sword is the Ice Soul Sword of the last era. Although it is not as good as some of the Lord God's Swords, it was also very famous in the last era."

Chu Yan nodded: "It's time for Dean Zhu to have a sword of his own."

After saying that, he turned around and said to the others: "Everyone, let's pick out our own weapons and choose the one that's handy."

No one was polite.

Mahadeva chose a sharp long hair.

King Dayu took out a sword with nine long rings tied on it.

Nine-turn serial knife!

This knife was also a famous weapon in the last era.

The old Taoist and the master all chose a weapon of their own.

However, weapons are only external forces.

A breakthrough is needed.

Chu Yan looked at Cao Jianjia: "Jianjia, you have been in the void for many years, but you have found some techniques in the void that are suitable for them?"

Cao Jianjia nodded: "I will teach them."

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "Okay, the last two days will be our life and death."

From now on, the universe has not left, and everyone is working hard.

Chu Yan himself was not idle either.

Because he knows very well that he is the key to everything.

The outcome of this battle has never been related to the rest of the universe, only him.

The improvement of the cosmic people only determines the upper limit of this battle, and the lower limit... If you want to win, it depends on Chu Yan.

If Chu Yan doesn't get stronger and loses, no matter how much the universe improves, he will lose.

If Chu Yan becomes stronger and wins, the strength of the cosmic people will determine the mortality rate in this battle.

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "I'm going out."

He did not stay here.

There's no use staying here.


The next second, Chu Yan flashed and returned to the universe again.

When the crisis came, he knew very clearly that it was useless to go to nothingness by himself. The one who could save him must still be in the universe.

After he returned to the universe, he looked up at the sky for a while. Suddenly, he flashed and leaped to the top of the sky.

All the way into that mysterious space.

The Universal Spirit is always here.

She opened her eyes and looked at Chu Yan with a smile: "Are you here?"

Chu Yan had a dark face: "Senior, there must be a way to break this battle, right?"

The spirit of the universe smiled and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Chu Yan took a deep breath: "My destiny must not be here. Although I don't know what my mother is thinking, the Judgment Temple is definitely not my ending, so there must be a way to break this battle, right?"

The spirit of the universe was silent for a while, then chuckled: "Yes."

Chu Yan said solemnly: "Please give me some quotes from senior."

The spirit of the universe smiled and said: "You can leave. The forbidden area has not called yet. You just need to leave the universe. With your current strength, it is very simple to avoid them. You only need to hide for two or three years. With your talent, you can surpass them soon, and then you can take revenge on them. "

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed.


Just one word.

That's easy to say.

Chu Yan thought for a moment and suddenly said: "Senior, if I leave, can you seal the universe again?"

If the spirit of the universe is willing to seal the universe again, then he can really leave.

With him gone, as long as one person is transformed from the whole to zero, there is really nothing the restricted area can do against him.

On the contrary, when that time comes, it is the forbidden area that you should be careful about.

Chu Yan may not be as strong as the Lord of the Judgment Palace and Taigu Ming, but he is a first-level giant with no worries and no constraints. He also brings a powerful puppet. Then he has been lurking in the forbidden area, which is definitely the forbidden area. The bad news.

Apart from anything else, from now on, the three superpower masters will never leave the restricted area.

As long as they dare to leave, Chu Yan alone can make them all regret it.


The premise for all this is that the spirit of the universe is willing to help.

However, the spirit of the universe shook his head slightly: "I can't do it."

Chu Yan was startled and growled: "It can't be done? How could it not be done? Hasn't the senior already sealed the universe for hundreds of millions of years? Why can't it be done?"

Chu Yan is a little angry!

If the spirit of the universe hadn't suddenly opened up the universe, why would he be as passive as he is now?

The spirit of the universe glanced at Chu Yan, his eyes were very calm, and he suddenly said: "Do you really think I opened the universe?"

Chu Yan was startled when he heard this and said in a deep voice: "Isn't it true?"

The Spirit of the Universe said calmly: "You are overthinking. Let me ask you, will it do you any good if I open the universe?"

Chu Yan said with a dark face: "To target me?"

The Spirit of the Universe was stunned, and suddenly laughed: "Targeting you? Little guy, you think too much. Do you think it would be so troublesome for me to kill you with my strength?"

Chu Yan was stunned, and it seemed so, but he quickly shook his head and said: "It's different. As the Spirit of the Universe, you are restricted by rules, and you can't attack me."

The Spirit of the Universe nodded: "Yes, but that was before, after you went to the void. You see, when I beat you before, were there any rules and restrictions? Also, don't forget, little guy, you opened the universe. I can't attack the rest of the universe, but I can attack you, because you are the one who breaks the rules."

Chu Yan was stunned, and then thought about it and it seemed to be true.

The Spirit of the Universe cannot kill others, but there are no rules and restrictions for himself.

Chu Yan said in a low voice: "Why is that? Why did the universe suddenly open?"

The Spirit of the Universe didn't speak, but just kept looking at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan didn't notice it at first, but then he was stared at, and his face suddenly changed: "Could it be... because of me?"

The Spirit of the Universe chuckled: "What do you think?"

Chu Yan frowned: "How could it be because of me?"

The Spirit of the Universe said indifferently: "Because you went to the void, you are the second universe, you went to the void, which is equivalent to opening the barrier of the universe. If you didn't go to the void, I could still seal the universe for tens of millions of years, but you went to the void, and everything changed. Boy, you opened the universe, and all the disasters in the universe today were caused by you yourself."

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