Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5416: Judgment Temple

Wait until everything is done.

Chu Yancai returned to the universe alone.

Then, he returned to his mansion alone.

Now, a Chu Palace was built for him in the universe, but after he came back, it was empty.

He was distracted for a while and couldn't help but think of those two girls again.

Liu Qingcheng!

Tsing Yi!

Since entering the real world, he has actually neglected the two people a lot. He has always protected the two people by his side, so he never thought that one day they would be separated.

Now it suddenly disappeared.

He always felt empty inside.

The point is, he still doesn't know where the two people have gone.

It can be said.

These two people are the most important people in his life.

For Chu Yan, he has many identities in this life, including the emperor of the human race and the new master of the universe, but these are not what he wants most.

What he really wants is the husband of two women!

He tried his best to create a paradise for the two women.

But now...he has lost the two women who are most important to him.

Suddenly, Chu Yan clenched his fist.

At this time, Xiao Jiu's voice suddenly sounded: "Instead of worrying about them, it is better to strengthen yourself. You have always known this."

Chu Yan was startled.

Suddenly, he laughed at himself: "You are right, if I don't get stronger, no matter how hard I try, I still won't be able to save them."

Xiaojiu didn't say much.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, and then he didn't hesitate.

Start retreating.

This time I went out just to get a piece of the continent back, but unexpectedly I killed the Ghost Lord and improved his overall strength a lot.

He also gained some new insights, which were just right for a breakthrough.

He says others are vain, but he himself is too.

And one more thing……

Blood pool.

The Lord of the Judgment Hall said before that it is not a good thing to leave this thing on all the time.

Although Chu Yan hasn't discovered the drawbacks yet, he still has to be on guard.

Soon, he retreated.

at the same time.

A very hidden place in the void.

There is a vast and huge world here.

This world is divided into three parts.

The first part is a long sword hanging upside down.

The sword of judgment.

The second part is a large formation covering all directions.

Judgment Holy Array.

The third part is a space shrouded by thunderclouds, and above the thunderclouds is a long staff that continuously absorbs lightning.

Thunder Rod of Heaven’s Punishment!

This is the headquarters of the Temple of Judgment.

At this time, a huge palace was built in the center of the three-part Temple of Heaven's Punishment. In the palace sat a man wearing a golden mask.

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes.

This person is the Lord of the Judgment Hall.

At the same time, a teleportation array in the distance was activated, and countless figures appeared from it.

It was Tianlong and others.

Tianlong returned, he lowered his head and looked at the Lord of the Judgment Hall: "The Lord of the Hall... His subordinates are not doing their job well."

The Lord of the Judgment Palace shook his head slightly: "I don't blame you. His luck is something you cannot shake."

Tianlong frowned: "Palace Master, I don't understand, who is he?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was silent for a while and said: "I don't know his specific situation...but there has always been a huge cause and effect on him. Even I can't see the root cause of that cause and effect."

Tianlong was shocked: "Even if it's the palace master?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall nodded slightly: "Can't see."

Tianlong clenched his fist: "But Palace Master, is this the end of the matter?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall was startled, then laughed and said: "Of course I won't just let it go. To be honest, I didn't care about the universe at first, but now we have been linked to cause and effect. If he doesn't die, he will be unlucky in the end. That’s us.”

Tianlong said in a deep voice: "Palace Master, my subordinates are willing to ask for orders to personally go to the universe to kill this person."

The Lord of the Judgment Palace thought for a moment and smiled: "Universe, we must go there, but we can't be the only ones."

Tianlong was startled: "Palace Master, what do you mean?"

The Lord of the Judgment Palace did not respond to Tianlong, but suddenly said calmly: "You two, since you are already here, why not show up to see us?"

Tianlong was startled when he heard this, but then his expression changed.


In the main hall, the space suddenly distorted.

After a moment, two figures walked out of the void.

Tianlong was shocked when he saw their faces clearly, and then he immediately said respectfully: "Junior, see you two adults."

In the void, there are also some areas.

For example, the place where the Temple of Judgment is located is called the Forbidden Zone in the void!

In this forbidden area, there are three super forces, and these three forces just cover the entire forbidden area.

One of them is the Temple of Judgment.

The other two are: Taikoo Clan and Forbidden Heaven Territory!

The Taikoo tribe is a very ancient heritage race. It is rumored that the Taikoo tribe has the bloodline of half of the gods from the previous era, especially some direct descendants, who have the ability to activate bloodlines, and the patriarch is a super strong man.

The Forbidden Heaven Realm is easy to understand.

This was originally a giant area.

So name it with domain.

It's just that now, the strength of the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord has far exceeded the category of giants, but at his level, he has never thought of changing his name in the past, and has always been called the Forbidden Heaven Territory.

One of the two people coming now is the patriarch of the Taigu Clan: Taigu Ming.

The other one is the Forbidden Heaven Territory Lord!

In addition to the Lord of the Judgment Hall...

If any of these three people stamped their feet, the void would tremble. As a result, they all gathered together today.

At this time, the Lord of the Judgment Hall chuckled: "My two Taoist friends, long time no see."

Tai Gu Ming chuckled: "Judgment, it's been a long time since we last met."

The Lord of the Judgment Hall smiled and said, "I wonder why you two came to my Judgment Temple this time?"

At this time, the Lord of the Forbidden Sky Domain was obviously more domineering and said directly: "Judgment, let's get straight to the point. Not long ago, I noticed that there was a cause and effect between your Judgment Temple and the universe? Have you seen people from the universe?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall looked at the Lord of the Forbidden Sky Domain and smiled: "You two are so interested in the universe, why don't you go and see it yourself?"

Tai Gu Ming smiled and said: "Judgment, the universe is not simple, let's not talk about that first This is the legacy of the Lord of Refining Heaven. You should also know what happened in the universe not long ago. "

The Lord of the Judgment Hall smiled and said, "Why are you two here this time?"

Taikoo Ming said directly, "Judgment, let's be direct. We are interested in the universe and want to bring you in. What do you think?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall narrowed his eyes and chuckled, "The universe is not easy to mess with..."

The Lord of the Forbidden Heaven Domain said directly, "Judgment, be direct. What do you want?"

The Lord of the Judgment Hall raised his mouth: "I like Brother Jintian's straightforward attitude! Well, then I will mention it directly! Attacking the universe is fine, but I want the faith of everyone in the universe!"

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