Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5407 Calling on your own initiative

The Judgment Temple has many branches in the void, which is the same as the Bailing Hall.

Because both forces have to act in many places in the void.

Bailing Hall is engaged in business, so they have to distribute countless shops in the void, while the Judgment Temple is for false justice in the void.

In order to collect faith, they also need a large number of people to cover the entire void.

Of course, although there are many branches of the Judgment Temple, the strength of each branch is different.

For example, some weak places may only open some stations on some roads, while some special places need some big people to support them.

A branch of the Judgment Temple in the east of the void is very large and has its own continent.

There is no way, the place where this branch is located is very special in the void, and there are many giants around it.

Apart from anything else, a ghost island alone has countless giant-level strongmen. If the people placed by the Judgment Temple are too weak, it will be easily broken, and there is no deterrent power at all.

At this time, the black shadow in the branch of the Judgment Temple frowned.

Somewhat confused.

Why did he suddenly feel like he was being scolded?

However, just as the black shadow was confused.


Suddenly, someone rushed into the hall.

As soon as this person entered the hall, he immediately said: "Deputy Hall of Tianlong, something happened!"

There are countless deputy halls in the Judgment Temple, and each branch may have a deputy hall, so each deputy hall will have a title, but there is only one hall master.

Tianlong frowned slightly: "What happened?"

The person below said in a deep voice: "Just now, Chen Zhifa and his men were all dead."

Tianlong was stunned: "Dead? Chen Zhifa's combat power is comparable to that of a first-level giant, and he has several second-level giants under his command. Who can kill them? Where did they go?"

The man said: "They went to Ghost Island. Not long ago, Ghost Island suddenly began to move, smashing the surrounding void. Chen Zhifa took people to investigate and stop it, but as soon as they got there, the soul tablets were suddenly destroyed."

Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Ghost Island moved? The ghost master has always been timid, and he has never dared to show his true appearance. Why did he suddenly move Ghost Island?"

This matter is very illogical.

The Judgment Temple dares to call itself the messenger of nothingness. They are not just eating dry food.

They have a huge intelligence network in nothingness, and they also know many unknown secrets in nothingness.

A long time ago, there was a rumor in the Void that if you want to get information, the first place is the Hundred Spirits Hall, and the second is the Judgment Temple. If these two places don’t know, then no one in the Void will know about this.

The Judgment Temple even knows that the Ghost Lord has always used puppets, and also knows that the Ghost Lord is very timid.

The Ghost Lord’s courage...

Actually, it is really not big.

At that time, when Chu Yan asked the Ghost Lord what he would do after his death... The Ghost Lord didn’t even think about attacking the universe, and was lured into the trap by Chu Yan little by little.

Such a timid person, if there is no special thing, how could he move the Ghost Island?

Even if it moves, with the Ghost Lord’s personality, he might come to the Judgment Temple to report it.

You know, the Ghost Island has not moved an inch since it was established.

Many giants, because of the huge consumption problem, stay in one place for a long time, and the resources are easily depleted, so they will consider moving to another place.

And if such people report, the Judgment Temple generally does not want to offend them and will allow it.

But the Ghost Lord... has never done that.

Now it suddenly started to move.

Tianlong said: "Does the Ghost Lord feel that the resources in the place where he is are too poor, so he wants to move to another place?"

The person below said in a deep voice: "No... The person who took action does not seem to be the Ghost Lord."

"Not the Ghost Lord?" Tianlong was stunned: "What do you mean?"

The man said: "Not long ago, news came from above that the Ghost Island has changed its owner."

"What?" Tianlong's face changed slightly: "Are you saying that someone killed the Ghost Lord?"

The man nodded: "It should be."

Tianlong narrowed his eyes: "Interesting... The Ghost Lord is not weak, do you know who did it?"

The man checked and said: "Replying to the adults, the headquarters sent a message saying that the Ghost Lord's death seems to be related to the universe."

"The universe again?" Tianlong was stunned.

As for why this word is used...

Because there have been a lot of big news in the void recently...and all of this is related to the universe.

The Wandao Domain was destroyed by the universe.

Tianlong asked: "But that Chu Yan?"

The people below checked and nodded: "Yes!"

Tianlong chuckled: "He is very brave. Now the whole void is staring at him, but he actually ran out on his own initiative?"

At this time, the man said in a deep voice: "Deputy Hall, the law enforcement officers cannot be killed in vain. We must avenge this hatred."

Tianlong nodded: "Of course, my Judgment Temple has not suffered such a great humiliation in the void."

After speaking, he suddenly waved his arm and ordered: "Pass my order to summon the Judgment God Army. I want to see how capable this Chu Yan is."

The people below nodded slightly: "Yes!"

After speaking, the man prepared to withdraw.

At this time, Tianlong thought for a while and suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

The disciple paused: "Deputy Hall, is there anything else?"

Tianlong said: "In addition to summoning the Judgment God Army, you go to the Tianji Pavilion, open the Sky Eye Tracking Array, and keep locking the location of the Ghost Island. Don't let Chu Yan run away."

The disciple was stunned, then nodded slightly: "I will do it right away."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Prepared to stare at Chu Yan.

After Tianlong was left alone, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

With a smile on his face.

"I didn't want to wade into the muddy water of the universe this time, but I didn't expect you to deliver it to my mouth, so don't blame me." Tianlong thought.

Suddenly, the people below just retreated, and suddenly ran back in a hurry: "My lord."

Tianlong looked at this person and frowned: "Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on Guidao? Why are you back? What's going on?"

The man was silent for a while, and suddenly said strangely: "My lord... Well, we may not have to keep an eye on it."

Tianlong was stunned and frowned: "What do you mean? Guidao has run away?"

The people below said helplessly: "It didn't run away."

Tianlong: "What does that mean?"

The people below had strange eyes and suddenly said: "Just now... Guidao suddenly hit us."

Tianlong: "..."


The next second, this branch of the Judgment Temple was suddenly attacked by some force and began to shake violently.

Tianlong looked up suddenly, and then saw a figure appear above the branch. This person looked arrogant, holding a sword in one hand, and roared: "Judgment Temple, give me back my money!!!"

Tianlong: "???"

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