Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5405: Judgment of the Holy Array

Chu Yan nodded vigorously: "Yes, if you don't come, I won't be able to practice."

The strong man from the Judgment Temple frowned and said, "What does our coming have to do with your cultivation?"

The corners of Chu Yan's mouth raised slightly: "Because I am poor."

The strong man in the Judgment Temple was startled, and then he realized it and smiled: "Boy, do you want to rob us?"

Chu Yan nodded: "Yes!"

The strong man from the Judgment Temple smiled: "Interesting, it seems you are very confident?"

Chu Yan looked up at the strong man who spoke.


The next second, Chu Yan disappeared from the place.

When he reappeared, he had already rushed in front of the powerful man from the Temple of Judgment, and he had covered tens of thousands of meters in one step.

As soon as he appeared, he aimed the Heaven-Refining Divine Sword in his hand at the throat of the person who spoke and lightly slashed it.

All the powerful men in the Judgment Temple were shocked.

No one expected Chu Yan to be so direct.

The next second, the person who spoke in the Temple of Judgment raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile: "Are you looking for death?"

In his opinion, Chu Yan's behavior was sending him to death.

He is the one who judges the temple.

Looking at nothingness, it is the supreme existence.

This is a kind of heart.

When people from the Ten Thousand Dao Domain first came to the universe, they had the same mentality when facing other giants, because for ordinary giants, the Ten Thousand Dao Domain was a legendary existence. Many giants, like the Lord of the Dream Suspension Domain, had It’s something that you squeeze your head out of trying to get in but can’t.

So they have their own capital to be proud of.

The Judgment Temple is a more powerful existence than the Ten Thousand Dao Realm.

Although the Judgment Temple has not had its identity and impartiality recognized in the Nihility, in the eyes of the Judgment Temple itself, they are the law enforcers of the Nihility!

He is acting on behalf of heaven and earth.

Now Chu Yan actually dares to take action against them?

The speaker sneered: "For how many years, even countless first-level giants have not dared to take action against our Judgment Temple."

After saying this, the person who spoke opened his palm, and an extremely sharp long sword suddenly appeared, and immediately stabbed Chu Yan between the eyebrows.

However, Chu Yan was startled when he saw the weapon used by the person who spoke, and then he smiled...

Immediately, he didn't even dodge, and the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword continued to move downwards.

The strong man in the Judgment Temple was startled when he saw this, and then he almost laughed out loud: "Don't hide?"


Although Chu Yan was the first to draw his sword, the move he used was to slash, while his own was to thrust.

So in terms of speed alone, he would definitely take priority over Chu Yan.

The strong man from the Judgment Temple sneered: "Change your tactics? Are you worthy?"

After saying this, the man accelerated again.


In an instant, the long sword shot out of the air, even using a little space power. In the blink of an eye, the sword approached Chu Yan's eyebrows.

But at this moment, an astonishing scene appeared. The long sword suddenly stopped just as it was about to pierce Chu Yan's eyebrows!

The next second, the long sword drew an arc in the void and stabbed crookedly?

The strong man in the Judgment Temple shrank his pupils: "It's crooked? How is that possible?"

This kind of low-level mistake would never happen even to a mortal.

However, before he could react...


His eyes suddenly widened.

The Heavenly Refining Divine Sword had already been wiped from his throat.

The strong man from the Temple of Judgment grabbed his throat with both hands. He opened his mouth vigorously and wanted to speak, but nothing came out.


The next second, this strong man fell on the spot.

Chu Yan's eyes were cold, even with a hint of contempt: "You compare me with a first-class giant? Sorry, I don't know how many I have killed."

Chu Yan himself was a little speechless.

What do you think?

Playing with a sword in front of yourself?

He didn't dare to talk about other ways, but if we just talked about swordsmanship, there were really not many people who could hurt him now.

The most important thing is that he still has the Heaven Refining Divine Sword in his hand.

Although the body of the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword may be a needle... But now that I am using it as a sword, and with the aura of the Heavenly Refining Lord, it is a deterrent to any sword.

Similar to... bloodline suppression?

"law enforcement!"

At this time, the expressions of all the powerful men around the Judgment Temple changed.


At this time, Chu Yan turned to look at the rest of the people and sneered: "Okay, it's your turn now."

The remaining strong men in the Judgment Temple were startled, and then their expressions suddenly became heavy.

They all understand now that they underestimated Chu Yan's strength.


At this moment, Chu Yan's figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's sight.

There was still one deputy law enforcement officer left in the Temple of Judgment. At this time, the strong deputy law enforcement officer immediately shouted angrily: "Gather towards me and defend!"

In an instant, everyone remaining in the Judgment Temple came to their senses and quickly gathered towards the deputy law enforcement officers.


At the same time, it gets dark!

Chu Yan jumped into the air, and then slashed with the long sword in his hand.


The deputy law enforcement officer's eyes widened: "Open the formation!"


Everyone else in the Judgment Temple stamped their feet together, and then with a bang, a special star pattern was formed with the deputy law enforcement as the center.

As soon as this pattern appeared, a huge formation disk was born, and as the formation disk rotated rapidly, a beam of light suddenly burst out.


The next second, the beam collided with the sword energy.

There was a loud bang, and the surrounding space collapsed.

But then, Chu Yan's eyes shrank.

Because he discovered...

Was his sword energy blocked?

This is a bit evil.

You know, what I use is the Heaven Refining Divine Sword.

Again, even if strength is not taken into account, there are not many people who can be strong in nothingness with just one blow from the Heavenly Refining Divine Sword.

Chu Yan stared at the star map array below.

This formation is not simple!

"It's the Judgment Holy Array!" At this time, Cao Jianjia suddenly shouted.

Chu Yan frowned: "What is that?"

Cao Jianjia said in a deep voice: "The Temple of Judgment is walking in nothingness. It has always had three most famous things, namely the Divine Sword of Judgment, the Holy Array of Judgment, and the Thunderous Thunder Strike of Heaven's Punishment!"

Cao Jianjia continued: "These three items have always been representatives of the Temple of Judgment. It is rumored that these three treasures were inherited from the previous era and came from the hands of the Judgment Angel, one of the twelve main gods."

"The Judgment Holy Array is a formation. This formation is specifically designed to target evil monsters and has strong power of rules. Once hit by this formation, some rules will be forcibly assigned to it."

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

Another thing from the previous era.

Still from the hands of the Twelve Lord Gods.

Same as Death Scythe.

Speaking of the Death Scythe...Chu Yan looked for it when he killed Luo Chen before.

But found that the knife disappeared out of thin air.

At this time, Cao Jianjia said again: "This formation is not the main formation, but is copied by the disciples of the Judgment Temple, so it will be less powerful, but even so it is very powerful."

Chu Yan nodded.

He saw this.

In the distance, the deputy law enforcement officer who led the people from the Judgment Temple blocked the sword energy and sneered: "Boy, I have to say that you are indeed very bold. It's a pity that you dare to go against my Judgment Temple. You will definitely die today."

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