Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5391 Mysterious Woman

As soon as the mysterious woman's voice came out, the whole space became quiet.

In the barrier, countless gods looked at each other, and then a smile appeared in their eyes.

A mocking smile.

Suddenly, a god grinned: "Little sister... are you kidding us?"

Not allowed to go out?

Who do you think you are?

Do you know who we are?

To be honest, if these gods had not been waiting for the catastrophe, if they had gone out before, not to mention unifying the current nothingness, at least they would be overlords.

They are all relics of the last era, and those who can survive from the last era are not simple people, okay?

The mysterious woman looked up at the barrier and said lightly: "Don't accept it? Come out and try it."

The gods in the barrier were startled, and one of them laughed: "Interesting, interesting, it's so interesting! How can there be such an ignorant person like you in the world."


The next second, the barrier suddenly shook, and then a ball of light really began to condense.

A god really walked out of it.

Soon, the god turned into a middle-aged man. Although he was a man, he seemed different from the people nowadays...

If there was any difference, it was that he was taller and had a special totem in his brow!

The god of the last era!

The man appeared, looking down at the mysterious woman from a high position, and chuckled: "You are just a mortal, why don't you kneel down when you see a god?"

The mysterious woman glanced at him and sneered: "God? Don't make a fuss, it's just a race from the last era. In every era, because of the differences in space, time, and elements, there will be some differences in races. You... are also worthy of being called gods?"

The man narrowed his eyes and snorted: "Looking for..."

However, he hadn't uttered the word death yet.

His eyes widened.

Swish-the mysterious woman grabbed the 40-meter-long sword on her shoulder, and then she swung it forward with force.


In an instant, the space in front of him cracked directly.

The godly man's face changed, and he quickly put his hands together and roared: "Control!"

The voice fell, and with a rumble, the space in front of the man was compressed, and then a ten-thousand-foot mountain was born from it. The mountain peak blocked the man and turned into a copper wall.

However, as soon as the copper wall appeared, the terrible big knife hit the giant mountain directly. With a click, the mountain peak was directly shattered into countless powders, but the knife energy was not hindered at all.

Swish-a knife directly passed through the man's throat.

The man's head and body were separated.

The man's eyes widened instantly.

Full of disbelief.

What kind of knife energy is this?

I...was killed in seconds?

The man stared at the mysterious woman: "You..."


The mysterious woman's jade hand slapped forward again, and with a snap, she directly smashed the man's residual soul.

The world was quiet.

The mysterious woman clapped her hands: "I have already reminded you, why do you have to seek death?"

In the barrier, the eyes of the remaining gods shrank.

Instant kill!

Although the person who went out was not the strongest among them, anyone who could survive the last era was not simple.

Even the disaster of the last era could not kill them.

As a result...

They died just like that?

At this time, a god growled: "Who are you? I don't think my god clan has ever offended you? Why do you have to go against us?"

The mysterious woman laughed when she heard it: "Your question is interesting. Then let me ask you, do you have a grudge against the universe?"

All the gods in the barrier were silent.

The mysterious woman smiled and said, "Look, there is none, right? But don't you still want to destroy the universe? There is not so much hatred in this world. Hatred... is often not the most terrible. Isn't it always interests that drive people's hearts?"

The gods in the barrier were quiet for a while, and one god chuckled: "What the girl said makes sense. Sometimes, hatred is really nothing in front of interests. Many people can compromise with the enemy who killed their father for the sake of interests."

The mysterious woman said lightly: "That's it."

At this time, the god said again: "So, you must go against us to the end?"

The mysterious woman flicked her wrist and once again put the big knife on her shoulder, sneering: "Yes, what's the matter."

Inside the barrier, the god chuckled: "It's really impossible, then let's see the real thing with your hands."

The mysterious woman narrowed her eyes and then smiled: "Okay, then let's see how much you pay to kill me."

The gods in the barrier stopped talking.


And a moment later, the barrier once again condensed with light.

After a while, another man came out of it.

As soon as the man appeared, the surrounding void trembled violently.


The man stepped down, and the surrounding space was directly shattered, as if it could not bear the power of this man, which shows how powerful this man is.

The man was very tall. He looked at the mysterious woman and sneered: "Let me introduce myself. I am..."

Tsk-However, before he finished speaking, a 40-meter-long sword chopped directly at him.

The man's eyes shrank, and he shouted angrily: "How dare you!"

Then he slapped forward fiercely.

And when he slapped down, the surrounding space was directly distorted.

True meaning!

This palm contains the true meaning of the great way!

However, just as he landed his palm, the broadsword on the opposite side had already chopped down. With a crack, the surrounding void was shattered, and the whole world began to tremble.


The next second, a figure flew out directly.

This flight was tens of thousands of meters.

As soon as he stopped, with a crack, his body turned directly into countless powders.

As soon as the soul of this person stopped, he was stunned.



The mysterious woman waved her jade hand again, and then a terrible force vibrated out, and the soul of that person suddenly widened.


Another instant kill.

The mysterious woman clapped her hands: "What's the point of introducing yourself? Trash doesn't deserve a name."

After saying that, this time she took the initiative to look up and look into the barrier, shouting: "Come on, come on, keep coming, see how many of you I can kill today."

The mystery in the barrier: "..."

At this time, the eyes of these gods suddenly became solemn.

No longer careless.

Because they also found that the woman in front of them was not simple, and the other party had a certain capital to say such cruel words.

But they had to go out. They were all the remnants of the last era. Now the great catastrophe of this era was about to come. They had to go out to survive the catastrophe...

What the hell...

Suddenly, a very old voice came from the barrier: "Sir, my God Clan is a remnant from the last era. Are you really not afraid of retaliation for doing this?"

The mysterious woman pointed the long knife in her hand and said, "Come on, stop talking nonsense. Come out. If I can't kill you with one knife, I will think I am incompetent."

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