Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5386 Self-immolation attack

As soon as Chu Yan stood firm, his expression changed drastically.

So strong!

But it shouldn't be.

Luo Chen's physical body was obviously destroyed and only a ray of soul was left. Why did he suddenly become so powerful?

At this time, Xiao Jiu's voice came in again: "Boy, be careful, this place is different. He has some special blessings here. This is his puppet land, so it is the same here whether he has a physical body or not."

Chu Yan's face darkened.

Luo Chen laughed ferociously: "Boy, do you really think I became famous by controlling puppets? I was able to occupy a place in nothingness back then because of my ability to create puppets! When I first joined the giant, I defeated a person who was stronger than me. Several times the powerful man was refined into a puppet, and he has been relying on him to walk in the void!"

"My real strength has always been making puppets."

Chu Yan was silent.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly laughed: "You said this is a place of puppets?"

Luo Chen frowned: "What do you mean?"

Chu Yan chuckled: "There has never been any private realm in this world. If I'm not mistaken, this... is actually your avenue, right?"

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed, but then he smiled and said: "As expected of coming out of the universe, that's right! This is my way, but what can you do if you see it? I have long been one with this avenue."

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Chen took action instantly.

He pointed.

Tsk—a flash of blood flew out.

Chu Yan was instantly knocked away.

A bloody opening opened on his chest.

At this time, Xiao Jiu couldn't help but worry: "Boy, be careful! Here, he can control some special powers."

Chu Yan was silent.

I ignored it.

there is no time.

He is also a little helpless now.

This is the top powerhouse in the void. It is indeed difficult to deal with him. He has clearly defeated the opponent's physical body and is about to gain the upper hand, but suddenly, he is reversed again.

There are too many means.

And this puppet land is like Luo Chen's domain.

Here, he can control everything, and his speed and strength are also blessed.

The point is...

This is a battle of consciousness, and Chu Yan here only has consciousness and no body.

Disadvantages soon emerged.

Luo Chen smiled ferociously while attacking: "Chu Yan, since you have destroyed all my puppets, then you can be my new puppet!"

"Soul control!"

Suddenly, Luo Chen put his hands together.

A special force was born in the land of puppets and quickly enveloped Chu Yan.

Chu Yan glanced at it and couldn't help being surprised, but when he tried to dodge, it was already too late.

That force soon spread throughout the entire puppet land, and Chu Yan wanted to break through this place. He punched out, but found that this place was extremely solid.

He couldn't break it open at all.


In an instant, Chu Yan was swallowed up by the power, with a look of pain on his face.

After a while, Chu Yan's facial features became ferocious, and he found that the power poured into his mind and began to attack his consciousness crazily.

It seemed as if it wanted to swallow up his consciousness.

Chu Yan's face darkened.

Xiao Jiu said again: "Boy, think of a way! He is controlling you. Once your consciousness wears off, you will really be turned into a puppet."

Chu Yan had a dark face, but suddenly, he shouted angrily and made a move that shocked everyone.


Suddenly, Chu Yan rushed back towards Luo Chen. He volunteered his consciousness and then merged into Luo Chen.


In an instant, Chu Yan and Luo Chen were connected.

"Ah!!!" Luo Chen screamed as soon as his consciousness was connected.

Because when he and Chu Yan share consciousness, the pain will be transmitted to his body.

This means that both people have been swallowed up by this puppet power.

Luo Chen roared: "Boy, are you crazy? Do you think this will be useful to me?"

Chu Yan said nothing.

But he has already seen that the avenue here is the avenue, not only attacking himself, but also attacking Luo Chen.

When he thought of this, the corners of Chu Yan's mouth suddenly rose: "You want to play, right? Then let's play a bigger one."


Suddenly, a force surged out of Chu Yan's body.


What is the function of blood gas?

Blood itself does not have any offensive power.

Blood energy and the power of destruction are still the same. The power of destruction can be practiced alone, but blood energy cannot.

Vitality... is somewhat similar to a state. For example, if you know the way of sword, you can make your sword sharper, and if you know the way of fire, you can make your flames stronger.

And when you know nothing...

Blood Qi has no effect on you.

At this time, Chu Yan released his blood energy all at once, and the moment the blood energy and the power of the puppet merged.


In an instant, this puppet power seemed to be ignited, and at this time, Chu Yan also understood that this so-called puppet power was actually a kind of soul fire.

This soul fire has the function of burning consciousness.

And Luo Chen relies on burning other people's will and implanting some of his own will to refine the puppet.

But he didn't expect that Chu Yan would be even more ruthless!

At this moment, the two people's wills were directly connected!

Chu Yan smiled evilly: "Control me? Let's see who is destroyed by this soul fire first!"

Luo Chen roared angrily: "Asshole, you madman..."

Chu Yan sarcastically said: "The art of puppetry is all about consciousness, so let's give it a try."

Luo Chen roared: "Damn it, I'm a puppet master. What I'm best at is manipulation. If your mental power is not as strong as mine, you will definitely be the first to die."

Chu Yan sarcastically said: "Then try it!"


In an instant, the blood energy was released again.

The soul fire continues to expand.

"Ah!!!" Luo Chen suddenly screamed. He had never thought that there would be such a madman!

When others encounter soul fire, their first thought is to put out the fire!

But...Chu Yan was not the one, but added fire with his backhand.

Let this soul fire become more intense.

At this moment, Luo Chen suddenly felt a little scared. He only had his soul. Once it was burned out, he would really be dead, so he wanted to take back the power of the soul fire.

But just as he was about to take it back... his expression changed.

Because he found that he couldn't take it back.

After these soul fires were blessed by blood, they all became extremely violent and began to be out of his control.

Chu Yan kept smiling.

There's a little bit of madness in the smile.

"Come on, do you want to compete? I've never lost before!"

Chu Yan laughed excitedly.

Luo Chen roared angrily: "Madman, madman... you are a complete madman!"

But then, he suddenly calmed down and stared at Chu Yan: "Boy, do you want to compare your mental strength? Then give it a try!"

You may not lose.

He... is a real level one, but Chu Yan is not. He is still a puppet master, and is better at controlling it than Chu Yan!

The next second, Luo Chen stopped screaming. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the spot and tried his best to resist.

outside world.

Cao Jianjia kept looking at Chu Yan, silently worrying about him.

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